
UNMEI : Whispers of The Curse and Blessing

In a world on the brink of collapse, four individuals with conflicting motives are inexplicably drawn together by a shared mission: to save humanity for their own gains. As they navigate their own agendas and personal struggles, they must grudgingly unite their skills to confront a global threat. Betrayal, danger, and self-interest clash as they race against time to secure their own futures while saving the world from destruction. In a world teeming with diverse creatures, from gods and humans to angels and devils, the balance of power is defined by Neba and Zeten. Neba, a divine blessing, imbues individuals with mystical energy, while Zeten, a sinister curse, manifests as an elemental aura. Neba: A divine blessing that grants individuals mystical energy. Users can enhance their abilities through rigorous training and consistent usage. Mastery of Neba empowers individuals to reach their full potential, with 100% representing peak efficiency. Zeten: A sinister curse that envelops individuals in an elemental aura. Mastery requires heeding cryptic whispers and completing their tasks to enhance Zeten power and ability mastery. Overuse of Zeten can lead to loss of control, transforming individuals into powerful yet uncontrollable entities. In this world, mastering Neba and Zeten is the key to unlocking untold power and facing the challenges of an ever-shifting landscape filled with danger and opportunity.

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58 Chs

chapter 12: The Academy

Adeu and Arthur strolled through the bustling city in a grand carriage, immersing themselves in the picturesque streets. Adeu was no stranger to this place, he was well known and beloved by many.

His amiable nature had earned him popularity, and he had captured the hearts of numerous young women.

However, Adeu had no time for such distractions. His curiosity drove him forward, eager to witness the fabled Blessing ceremony.

As they approached the Academy, an imposing white castle-like structure, they passed by smaller houses, gardens, and training grounds where students honed their combat skills and strength. The Academy itself resembled a vibrant town, teeming with life.

Just as they reached the entrance of the grand Academy, a sudden burst of energy startled Adeu as someone leaped onto him from behind. It was a girl with golden locks cascading down her shoulders and mesmerizing blue eyes.

She clung to him tightly, exclaiming, "Adeuuuu! You made it! I'm so proud of you!" Adeu chuckled, "Hello, Lisa. It's good to see you too," he replied warmly.

A faint blush colored Lisa's cheeks as she said, "I must admit, I'm scared, and you? aren't you scared ? . I never wanted to come here, but curiosity and fear have intertwined within me.

What if humans pose a threat? What if they transform into monstrous beings and wreak havoc on the city?

Adeu, you'll protect me, won't you?" Observing the situation with a mix of amusement and embarrassment, Arthur covered his face and let out a sigh. Adeu laughed, reassuring Lisa,

"Why worry about humans? Do you think they could ever match the strength of our true gods? Why would they worship us Gods if humans were so formidable? Sometimes, Lisa, you should use that little brain of yours ."

Arthur chuckled at Adeu's response, while Lisa blushed, feeling slightly embarrassed. "You never know, Arthur," she persisted. "Remember Z.. that guy? He defied all odds.

He managed to fight the gods alone."

Adeu fell silent, unable to dispute Lisa's claim. Zet had indeed accomplished the unimaginable by challenging the gods single-handedly.

As an awkward silence settled among them, a familiar voice broke the stillness, "Adeuu," a voice called out.

Arthur, Adeu, and Lisa turned their heads to see the source of the familiar greeting. Adeu's face lit up with a smile, while Lisa wore a disappointed expression.

"Here comes this idiot," she sighed. Standing before them was a tall and strikingly handsome young man with jet-black hair and golden eyes. His name was Echo, and in the academy, he was only second to Adeu.

Though they were fierce rivals, Adeu consistently emerged as the victor in their battles. Despite their rivalry, Echo and Adeu shared a strong bond of friendship.

Echo approached them, bowing respectfully to Arthur before playfully slapping Adeu's head. "You somehow surpassed me.

You lucky bastard," he teased. Adeu laughed and retorted, "Hey, that hurts!" He playfully pushed Echo's shoulder in response.

Echo grinned and turned the conversation towards the highly anticipated Blessing ceremony.

"So, are you guys excited to see the ceremony? My father told me that it will be the best this year." It seems that some incredibly strong individuals have been chosen this time!"

Echo's father, residing in Circle One, had access to valuable information regarding such events. Adeu eagerly expressed his anticipation, saying, "I can't wait any longer. I'm really looking forward to the ceremony."

Echo proudly smiled and shared an intriguing tidbit he had heard about humans. "Haha, I've heard that humans sometimes struggle against ordinary animals. Can you imagine that? It seems rather foolish.

Also it seems like Humans come in all shapes and sizes they are all different from each other, but i didn't understood what dad exactly meant by different?."

Adeu and Lisa listened intently, their faces reflecting surprise and curiosity. Lisa couldn't help but inquire, "What do you mean by different from each other?"

However, Arthur interjected, "We gods are considered perfect. On the other hand, humans are flawed creatures and possess a multitude of variations.

Difference in families lands and races, they all live in different times, all 5 Continent is advanced differently, people from different continents usually dont come into contact with each other, that's why they have so many differences.

Some humans are stronger than others, and they exhibit a wide array of eye and hair colors. Some are born weak, destined to die early.

They are all different, yet there is something that connects them all. Do you know what it is, kids?"

Echo playfully blurted out, "The eyes, no maybe brains.. No what powers?"

The disappointment on everyone's faces was evident, except for Adeu, who burst into laughter.

"Dummy," he chuckled. Lisa pondered for a moment and suggested, "Is it the heart?" Arthur shook his head, denying her guess. "No, it's not the heart," he replied. Adeu, after some contemplation, ventured, "Soul."

Arthur smiled and nodded approvingly. "Yes, it is the soul. Every human possesses a soul, something that we gods cannot comprehend. How could we?

We are devoid of souls. It is this very reason why we cannot ascend to Heaven and experience our dreamlike existence.

Only humans have the ability to reach that realm, solely through the power of their souls. But what exactly is the soul or Heaven? This remains a mystery to us."

The children wore expressions of surprise, captivated by the concept of the soul. "Soul? How intriguing," they thought in unison.

After taking their Blessings Ceremony invitation Shards from the academy, Arthur took Lisa, Adeu, and Echo to their transport.

It wasn't a machine or a horse, but an enormous animal. It was a 50-meter-tall white creature with a tiger-like face, a long tail, and wings.

The kids looked at it with wide eyes and surprised faces. "We will go to Circle Zero with this?" Lisa asked in disbelief. Arthur nodded.

Echo ran first, "I'm taking the front seat, heh !" Adeu chased after Echo, not willing to let him take the lead.

Lisa joined them too, and they all ran together and sat on the massive creature. Arthur floated into the air and sat on the creature's neck, ready to guide it to Circle Zero.

As they flew into the sky, surrounded by giant clouds and a warm atmosphere, big smiles could be seen on their faces. They marveled at the breathtaking view from the creature's back.

Suddenly, Lisa turned to Adeu and pulled something out from her small bag, Lisa's bag was a magical artifact that could store many things despite its size.

She pulled out a cake with "Happy birthday Adeu" written on it. It's December 25 Adeu, Happy birthday"

Adeu's heart warmed at the gesture. Lisa hadn't forgotten his birthday, and he felt grateful for her thoughtfulness.

Echo, feeling a bit embarrassed, started talking nonsense, trying to cover up his forgetfulness.

"Uh, uh, birthday? Why didn't you tell me, Adeu? I didn't bring anything." Adeu and Lisa laughed, understanding Echo's playful nature. Adeu reassured Echo, "You two being here is enough for me."

Echo looked away, feeling a mix of embarrassment and gratitude, while Lisa blushed at Adeu's words. Echo then pulled out a beautiful golden sword, and handed it to Adeu.

Adeu pushed the sword back, concerned. "Are you crazy? Didn't your father give you this sword? What about you?"

But Echo pushed the sword to Adeu again, insisting, "My father can make a new one for me anytime. Unlike your butler, he is good at making swords and many othee cool weapons."

Arthur, hearing this, made an angry face, silently expressing his disapproval of Echo's comment.

The trio laughed together, and Adeu took Echo's sword, inspecting its beauty. Echo showed a proud smile, "it's beautiful right? Be grateful."

Lisa chimed in, "Adeu, it's your time to make a wish." Adeu looked at his two friends and after thinking for a minute, he said, "I want to visit the human world." The two friends looked at him puzzled.

Echo shouted, "What kind of wish is that? Are you stupid?" Lisa had a similar reaction. But Adeu just smiled "Well, you see, I really want to see how the world is down there.

I want to meet humans, experience new things. Maybe there's something I've been missing out on.

Who knows?" His friends looked at him with thoughtful faces, understanding his curiosity and desire for new experiences.

The wind blew through their hair as they approached a giant castle, their excitement growing.

Echo spoke up, determined to follow Adeu's lead, "Then I will follow you there. Whatever happens, I will beat you there too.

I will probably regret it if some random human defeats you before me." Adeu laughed, appreciating his friend's competitive spirit, and then Lisa chimed in again , "I'm coming too! Don't leave me out.

You two are too stupid to do anything on your own." Trio laughed together, The wind blew through their hair as they approached a giant castle, their excitement growing. Ki