
12 Close Call

Leo watches the exchange between Kitsune and Cindy. 'Everyone seems to be way too concerned over our baby.' He smiles. "Yes, the priceless look on the CEO's faces was one for the books, Will. It is a loss that you missed out on seeing it. I'll let you know when I am back, and that way, you can be there when I request more time off. I'm sure they will be floored when they find out that I am going to be a father." He smirks and looks at Kitsune. His eyes are full of love for her and the baby.

"You better, my friend! I'm holding that to you, Leo." Will enthusiastically says. His eyes watching the exchange between the workers here and Kitty. "Are they always like this, Kitty?"

Kitty looks at Will and replies, "only because my baby is special. As my family founded this town for many generations and I am now the head of my family. This town isn't super-rich, but it's homely." She finishes the last of her meal. "You must understand what it's like being the head of your family? After all, you are the firstborn, are you not? Also, I am expecting that there will be a lot of pressure now that you are getting married."

'She really has a way with words.' Leo shakes his head. "Will now that you're getting married, they'll definitely be bothering you about an heir." Leo finished off his food. 'This place is truly amazing, and my girl is the head of a whole town. If I think about it, she said that she is responsible for her people, and her people will become our people once the baby is born. I really should clarify what exactly will happen to me once the baby is born.' His thoughts were hidden. 'Kitty is starting to look tired. Should I call it a night early or continue?' He leaned over to Kitty and whispered in her ear, "are you okay? You're starting to look a little pale."

As if Cindy was waiting for the right moment to bring dessert out, she showed up. She placed the desserts in front of the guys first and gave Kitty hers last. "Before you ask, yes, yours is different." Cindy cleared the food dishes and left them to look at the elegantly displayed dessert.

Kitty looked at the dome of chocolate and caramel over a hidden surprise inside. She grabbed the small warm sauce in the pouring dish and poured it over the dome. She could smell the scent of mint as she poured the sauce. "This is exactly what I mentioned would be a great feature dessert. It looks like there is a brownie and vanilla ice cream in mine, and the chocolate sauce has mint in it. I'll be willing to bet since mine is different; the ones you guys have is coffee." She picked up the spoon and finally tried some. "Yes, definitely mint. You guys need to try this too." She perked up a little and ate the dessert in front of her. The brownie had a rich fudge taste and mixed with the vanilla ice cream, it was exquisite.

Leo followed Kitty's example and poured the sauce over the dome, and the colour of ice cream was brown like coffee. 'I seriously wonder if she could smell the difference?' He took a bite and enjoyed that it was not as overly sweet like it looked.

Will was taken aback by her guessing but also followed suit and poured the sauce over the dome. "This is truly a special dessert." Will took a bite and tasted to coffee mixing with the sweetness. "This would be a hit with men for sure. It's got a balance of not being too sweet but also a bitter taste from the coffee. I really like it. It's too bad I won't be able to come out this way anymore." Will polished off his dessert.

Leo gave Will a look that could be read as no more business in the restaurant. "It was an amazing dessert. I'm going to take Kitty back to my room. She is looking quite tired." Leo got up and offered Kitty his hand.

Kitty took Leo's hand. "It was excellent to see you again, Will. Have a safe trip back home." Kitty slightly bowed and followed Leo to the counter as he paid for dinner for everyone.

Will followed Leo and Kitty to the counter. "I could've paid Leo. I was the one who requested you two to join me for dinner."

Leo looked over at Will. "It's no problem, Will. Don't worry about it." Leo looked over into Kitty's eyes. 'She's looking more worn out. I need to get her back to my room right away.' He let go of her hand and slid his arm around her waist. "Come Kitty, you are looking exhausted. You need to rest for yours and the baby's sake." He led her to the elevator and pushed the button for his floor. The elevator door closed before Will caught up. "We're almost back to our room, my dear." The elevator doors opened, and Leo led her back to the room then opened the door.

Kitty let Leo lead her to the elevator. 'This is really draining. I thought I could last a lot longer, but my transformation is trying to come undone.' They finally arrived in front of the hotel room. Leo opened the door and let her go in first. After the door was shut, the transformation came undone. "Sorry, Leo. I wasn't able to make it as long as I thought I could." She was inhaling profoundly and leaning against the wall to keep her body steady.

Leo lifted her up into his arms in a princess hold and carried her to the bedroom. He laid her down on the bed and took off her shoes. "Kitsune, you did the best you could. You lasted at least until we made it back to the room." He took off his shoes and tossed them both pairs of shoes at the door. "You need to rest." He sat next to her, stroking her cheek, leaned over and kissed her forehead.

“Like stars are to the sky, so are the children to our world. They deserve to shine!”

--Chinonye J. Chidolue

“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”

― Charles M. Schulz

“Man is not what he thinks he is, he is what he hides.”

― André Malraux

Shirokitsunecreators' thoughts