
11 A Special Treat to Celebrate

Cindy's eyes starting sparkling. "He's the father of the baby!? Oh! The baby is going to be so freaking adorable!!!! I mean, I know any baby you would have would be cute, but with the two of your genes, the baby is going to be even more stunning! Oh, I'm sorry. It's just that most of us are very excited for the baby." She blushed and handed out the drinks. "If you guys need anything, just wave me down, and I'll be happy to help." She said, then she happily skipped away.

Leo looked down at his girl and saw that Kitty's face was beet red. 'She's so embarrassed I must say I am quite enjoying all her reactions. This is my first step into her life. I guess I can expect more adorable reactions from her in the future.' He grabbed his coffee and took a sip. "That was unexpected. Thanks for introducing us to your friend."

Will watched everything and calculated that he was indeed overthinking things. 'The way that girl gushed was utterly unexpected. Who is Kitty really? She seems to be a big member in town here?' He was thinking to himself and decided to ask. "Kitty, who are you really?"

Kitty looked Will in the eyes at his question. "My family founded this town over a hundred years ago. I grew up here, but my mother and father's work took us to many places worldwide. I'm a descendant of this town, so a lot of the people who live here know me very well." She answered carefully, not missing a beat. "Leo, I will introduce you to everyone eventually, but not right now; since we are just starting date, I don't want to overwhelm you."

Leo looked at his friend and started to worry that he could've figured out something about this place wasn't normal. He himself noticed it when he landed, but Kitty had told him enough to know that there was something big was here. "Will, I think that's enough questions like that. I didn't notice anything strange about this town when I arrived." In a lower voice, he said. "Other than your target." He was covering for Kitty as this was her home, and the baby was going to born here. "You fly back tomorrow morning, correct?" He swiftly changed the topic.

"Well, if you didn't feel anything, maybe it was just my imagination. Yeah, my flight leaves at eight in the morning. I will have to check out of the hotel at six in the morning. I won't be able to say goodbye to you two in the morning, but I'll be seeing you back at home in six days anyway." Will shrugs his shoulders.

Leo sighs inwardly. "Yeah, I have six more days to stay with Kitty, then I will go home, but it's much too dangerous for Kitty to fly with me. So I'm going to leave her in the care of her grandmother and fly back by myself." He frowns as he says that. "I'll be coming back in two and a half months so I can be here for Kitty when our baby is born. Then I hope to bring them both home safely." He finished off his cup of coffee. "Since it'll be my baby, I'll get the time off pretty easily. Also, the higher-ups keep pushing me to take a vacation. I took a week off, and the higher-ups were so shocked they actually called me to ask if I was joking." He chuckles.

Kitty looked over at Leo, covering for her. 'I knew I made the right choice to mark him as mine.' She placed her hand on his arm. "I know that it's not ideal, but it's the best choice. I was asked to come home to do paperwork. I didn't even know I was pregnant at the time I left. Also, I didn't have Leo's number; I didn't want to disturb Sam and yourself. The two of you just got engaged, after all. My grandmother is so excited to meet the baby as well. So we'll probably head back to Leo's home when the baby is two weeks old. I am honestly debating if we should drive back, though." She places her finger on her cheek like she was thinking about it seriously.

Cindy came back with their food at this point. "Kitty, the chef says that there's a new dessert he would like to serve you after the meal. A special treat to celebrate." She says as she hands out the food. "Would you guys like some more coffee?"

"Yes, please." Leo took his food and looked at the meal. 'It looks more amazing than it sounded.' He took his knife and cut into the lamb. He finally tried it. "Oh, this is so good. Kitty, you were right. This is exactly what I needed."

Will took in all the information. "The head guys must have had a freak out for sure. I wish I could've seen their faces." He laughs. "The number of times I've heard them complain about you not taking holidays was getting annoying. Now that you found a partner, you'll take more vacation days, and that'll shut them up. You shouldn't have worried about it, Kitty. Sam loves you like a sister after all but thank you for your consideration." He took his food from Cindy. "Thank you. I would love some more coffee as well."

Kitty let Cindy place her food down. "Let the chef know that I accept the dessert then. I can't argue with logic." She only had drank half of her lemonade at that point, so she didn't request a refill. She took a bite of her food. 'This is made a little different than normal. These guys worry too much. I'm pregnant, not in danger.' She shakes her head a little. "The chef changed the meal for me, didn't he? You guys worry too much."

Cindy looked at Kitty. "I'll let the chef know about the desserts. I don't know what you are talking about." She avoided eye contact with Kitty as she said that. She bolted away and came back with the coffee and another lemonade.

When Cindy left, Kitty shook her head again. "I swear these guys worry too much." She mutters and slowly eats her food while sneaking peeks at Leo while he eats. 'I swear they are going to drive me insane with their over protectiveness. I also can't blame them; after all, this is the next in line for our clan.' She rubs her belly, smiling happily.

“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.”

― Roald Dahl

“Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”

― C.G. Jung

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

― Hippocrates

Shirokitsunecreators' thoughts