


The moment Lu closed his eyes to rest, he opened them but when he did, he found himself somewhere dark but could swear he touched a slippery wall.

'What's the deal with this wall, why is it so slippery' Lu thought, because everytime he tried to talk, he swallowed some kind of fluid and couldn't spit out a word.

He kept touching the wall, then he tried to hit it as hard as he could and when he did so.


A piece of the wall he hit broke, and when he pushed it out he couldn't see anything so he kept hitting the wall until he broke all of it, and now he could see clearly the sky, it's dark but there were too many stars, like he was in a mountain high enough he nearly reached space.

He put his hands on the edges of the broken walls and pulled himself out, now that he stood up he saw where he pulled himself out of.

An egg, he then looked at his surroundings and could see a tree nearby and where he is all green with grass but there is a lake and a big one at that, he stepped out from the egg and laid on the grass.

'Ahh, oh hitting that wall was easy but when i pulled myself that was like carrying a big rock on shoulders..is it because i was just born?' Lu thought of why smashing the egg walls down was easier but when he pulled himself out of the egg was harder, but let that go because he's fine and doesn't know where he is.

He stood up and went towards the big lake, he put his hands in water and cleaned himself up from the egg's fluid, and now that all that sticky thing was gone he sat and put his ears up in the air a little bit.

"Nothing….am i the only one here or what?" he wondered since he couldn't hear anything, not even wind just pure quiet.

He stood up once again and looked around more clearly and picked up a black tall tower touching the sky, not that there is one, but more importantly there is a tower in the middle of nowhere and in a quiet place, isn't that a bit weird?

He went towards it, say it was an instinct that drove him to go towards the tower, and when he reach it he didn't find a door at all even though he walked around it to look for an entrance, he found nothing but he didn't give up and went ahead to touch the wall of the tower or skyscraper anything you want to call it.

When his hand touched the wall, the tower wall opened up like removing stitches of a wound, he went through the open wall and he could see nothing but a door with light inside and the first thing that came to his mind was.
