
Universe Engine

Lu is born with a dream and passion to create, but died without accomplishing it. watch Lu as he executes his dream and passion after death.

Sitouo · Fantasy
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9 Chs


He went inside and looked at the button panel and could only see one button, so he pushed it.

He felt the elevator go up at an amazing speed that he arrived in no time, and when he entered the top, the lights turned on automatically. He looked around, and saw a very big screen on the wall and a couch in front of it at his right, and at his left there stands another screen that wasn't on the wall instead it's in the air.

"A hologram huh" Lu recognized it as he saw it in movies many times.

He approached it and saw many galaxies and stars displayed on it, and when he touched a window appeared on the screen.

[Do you wish to create a blank?]

With two buttons one said 'Yes' and the other 'No', he didn't know what a blank meant so he looked around and all he found on the floor was what every house would have, there was a device that looked advanced he learned how to use it just by touching it.


His stomach made a loud sound, so he turned on the device and it displayed a list with endless kinds of food both unseen and seen.

He looked through the list but still hadn't reached the end, then his stomach made a sound again so he rushed and picked a random one that has a name 'Sushi' beside it.

And the device didn't even need to move an inch, and the food was ready, but before he could eat he looked at himself because he seemed to forget something.

"I nearly forgot that I just hatched naked.." he looked around to see if he could see any clothes and he saw another device that looked like a clothing chamber but futuristic and more sci-fi.

When he got close to the chamber it open up and when he entered, scans went all over him and another list popped up, and again he found weird clothes like the ones that space officers wear, he picked up a dark blue suit and the scans worked again, but not to scan this time but to create the suit.

He came out of the chamber with a suit on, not even having to wear it himself everything in here is automatic.

He went back to get his food and went to a nearby table and sat on the couch, when he sat the big screen lit up and many channels with weird names like 'Khokha' or 'Zanga' and some of them having weird characters that he could not understand one bit and in front of each name is a circle that looked more like a planet appeared on the screen and a controller on the table that can be used by touch.

"What is this? Looks weird" Lu pressed on the controller table and chose the first selected name 'Za ha' with a blue planet like earth in front of it.

And the whole planet appeared in the screen rotating, and around the planet is a space station with many ship going in and out, while eating he pressed on the controller again and zoomed in and inside of the planet cleared up, cyberpunk buildings, creature that look like humans but with green skin and four arms doing their daily works.

He looked at the controller again, and found a button that's called inject, he pressed it and a bang sound hit his mind, and when he came back out of it.

"Damn that hurt, now i know what this is" Lu looked at the controller again but there was no Inject button again, it disappeared.

When he put his hand to grab food again he found out that he ate all of it, surprised because he doesn't remember eating all of it, he stood up and return to the device and took out grilled meat this time, he sat and changed the channel, he looked at all the worlds available for him, he looked at the controller again and pressed search and then entered 'Earth' digits and what appeared shocked him senseless.

Many planets called earth, he went through them, they all have humans but different from the other, one earth is ruined and the other has what you would call superpowers then others magic and so on, he reached the one he came from, he zoomed into his home and saw his grandsons playing outside and his son looking sad, Lu also stopped eating and looked a bit sad to leave them, he loved both his son and daughter very much, while only his son and grandsons lived with him, his daughter was far away so you could see where this is going, rarely did he see her.

He shutdown the screen, not having the mode to dive into sad stories again, he took the meat left for him and placed it near the device that made it and disappeared, it was the trash but instead of becoming trash it was erased.

He went to the hologram and looked at it, he clicked Yes to see what blank was. Then it appeared a very wide software of some kind called 'Universe Engine' with only a button below it 'Learn' he pressed it and the information of how to use it flowed again to his mind at once.

The 'Learn' button changed to 'Begin' and he then pressed it but this time nothing happened but he knew what happened.

'My dream at last is about to come into existence' he thought as a side of the floor opens up like stitches showing no longer the starry sky but a pure black sky with the land where Lu now resides in.

He went forward to what looked now like a balcon and stepped into the air fearless, and floated instead of dropping to the ground, he went forward fast and looked at the land he was in.

'This looks more like...what was it again..yes that's it 'Asgard' cool' a smile appeared on his face, and went down to the grass and thought 'this place needs some lights' then waved his palm on his surroundings and poles of lights appeared out of thin air.

He smiled again, and went to the edge of his land and looked below to that dark void, stepped forward and flew a bit far away from the land and put his hands forward and closed his eyes.

'I need a star, a sun, yellow, young, a baby star yes that..' he imagined while also a tiny baby star started martilizing in the void in front of his hand that it became bigger than Lu.

Opened his eyes and looked at his second creation since his first was poles of light, he touched the young star and blabbered once again 'this one will rotate my land creating day and night'

He let go of the star to move around his land, then he snapped his finger and disappeared, and appeared back outside his land, because his land is covered by a dimensional cover, no one can get in except Lu.

"So where do I start...a star first then a few rocks around it, i mean planets and one of them will sustain life…but how do i create life that universe engine gave me the information of creating celestial objects but didn't give things about life"

"Hmm..i think i forgot to look more at the engine software, well i can go back any moment now i'll just build some worlds as a start"

He put his hand forward again, and materialized a young yellow star and made a few asteroids come into being and made them collide with each other to create a planet.

Things were slower than expected, he didn't want to create a planet on a whim and wanted to create it the natural way so he left more rocks around the star so more planets will be created and place a little bit of power around so everything will go the way he wanted '6' planets in this star system.

He returned to his 'Holy land' and sat at his tower looking at the holographic screen, and now that he looked more at it there were many tabs at the side such as the ones his currently at is called 'Celestial Objects' and there were other ones called 'Life' or 'Rules' and more tabs, there was even something as 'Create a new Tab' and 'Generate a star system or galaxy' but there was no generating life.