

Sheila opened the door to their room and dropped her purse on the bedside table with a sigh and sat on the bed. Now that the honeymoon had come to an end what next? She could not afford to be a housewife until the end of the marriage. She knew George would be busy making money but would she keep on relying on him? She would have to face reality and have a serious talk with her husband. She knew George was a stubborn man who, would not want her to work considering, how he stopped her from accepting a good job that was offered to her.

She removed her phone from her bag to tell her parents that she was back from her honeymoon.

Her mother picked at the first ring.

'Sheila?' Her mother spoke softly into the phone.

'Yes mum, we are back mum.' She said smiling.

'Sweetie, how was the honeymoon?'

'It was fine mum. It was a beautiful experience.'

'Cherry who is on the phone?' She heard her father's voice.

'It's Sheila love, they are back from the honeymoon.'

'Oh, let me talk to my Princess. I've missed her voice so much.' Pause. 'Hello Princess.'

'Dad, I've missed you too.'

'I would have called to know how you were but, your mother said I was going to disturb you.'

'I would have called too but I was very busy.'

'Hmm I understand, during our honeymoon, I never gave your mum a minute rest and she's still talking about the experience till date.' He said humorously.

'Dad! You're must ave been a naughty man.'

'Ask your mum, that's why she can't afford not to love me.' Sheila laughed as she was used to her father's joke.

'I know you mean the world to her.' She heard some footsteps. 'Dad, I'll call you back. Give mum a kiss for me.'

'Sure Princess'

She removed her shoes and stood up to remove her jewelries in order to take a shower.

'Honey, are you there?' George called from the small sitting room attached to their room.

'Yes, I'm about to take a shower.' She replied him as he walked into the room. He held her from the back and kissed her neck.

'Ella, you're like a drug in my system which I can't get rid of. I can't live without you honey. I love you so much.'

She held his head from the back and smiled. 'Bunny boy, I don't know what I would do if you leave me, my heart beats for you alone.'

'No matter what happens, I will not leave you. It's only death that can seperate us.'

She turned to face him. 'Sugar, now that honeymoon is over, what next for me?'

'How do you mean?' He asked confused.

'Do I continue the work I was doing at your office before the marriage?'

'Do you really want to work?'

'Yes George, it's what you know that I can't stay idle.' She pouted her mouth and George chuckled.

'But what about the baby?' He whispered.

'What baby?'

He touched her tommy. 'Honey, I know the effort I put in here and definitely you're expected to be pregnant.'

She playfully hit his hand. 'George be serious for once.'

'I'm serious honey.' He said with a straight face.

She turned his face right and left and looked intensely into his eyes which made George unable to hold his laughter.

'George Allen Isaac, do you want to sleep on the couch tonight?'

'Is that a threat Mrs. Sheila Isaac?'

'No, but my next step of action.'

'Okay if you want to work, can you be the human resource manager of one of my hotels?'

'But I don't have enough experience to be a manager, I'll rather be a trainee for some months so that I would not make mistakes.'

'Is that what you want?'


'Then you will resume work on Monday.'

'But my letter of employment?'

'It will be waiting for you at the office on Monday.'

'Oh my love! What would I do without you?'

'Nothing. Absolutely nothing.'

'Don't be too sure of yourself.' She warned gently.

'Are we still taking the shower together?'

'George, the last time we took a shower together in the hotel, I am yet to recover from it, so I as Sheila Isaac will go in there alone to take a shower.'

'Don't be stingy Ella, it's almost twenty four hours we showered together and it was a very sweet experience I want to try again.'

'You're such a naughty boy, George.'

'A naughty boy to my sweetheart? I'll take it as a compliment.' He scooped her up in a bridal style and proceeded to the bathroom.

'George put me down or else!'

'Or else what honey?' He pecked her lips.

'Or el... Hmmm.' She moaned as he claimed her mouth.

'I don't remember the last time I went on a weekend vacation.' Alistair said as she stretched herself on the blanket at the beach.

'I will have to talk to George to give you some holiday.' Gary said laying down beside her.

'George has always been considerate. Left for him, he would have spoilt me with whatever I wanted but, it's me that wanted to bury myself in the work.'

'Why would you want to die on the job? You're a brilliant journalist and well experienced too. What you need is to train people on the job.'

'I can do that now that you're in my life. Sweetie, you don't know how it is to be burdened with your past and not having anyone to share your sorrow, joy and achievement with. George has always been there but I did not want to burden him with my internal tumult.'

'But all of us have been there for you?'

'Yes but how would I tell your friends or you that I was heels in love with you.'

'It's simple, you could have sought me out and I would have responded without hesitation. Do you know how it feels not to tell the woman of your dream that you love her all because of her cousin who happens to be my best friend? Thanks to Stuart who encouraged me.'

'Stuart? He knew how I felt?'

'He knew and made me know how you felt towards me.'

'Oh gosh! And I thought I hid it well.'

'I suspected when you were always hitting on me.'

'Then why didn't you approach me?'

'I told you what your cousin said.'

'But we're grown now he would not have beaten you up.'

'I'm never afraid of been beaten up by him but I respect our friendship so much.'

'You mean you could leave me if George says no to our relationship?'

'That's different now. Then we were young and if he knew you went out with some boys then, he would had gone to warn them.'

'George trusted you out of all his friends but he was very protective of me.'

'What of me?'

'You're possessive.'

'It's because you're the love of my life.'

'Hmm so sweet to hear it from you.'

'Since you said we should go on dates before rushing into marriage, have I been able to live up to your expectations?'

'I knew you as a playboy way back when and I saw how you treated your girls, but you treat me like a queen for the past a month, I feel special.'

Gary raised himself on his elbow and loomed over her. 'You're very special my queen.'

'I know and you're my soulmate.'

He kissed her passionately. 'Can we go back to the hotel room to finish this?' He said after he released her mouth.

'I want to enjoy the beach, let's postpone it till later.' She whispered against his lips.

'Kill joy.' He whispered back and reclaimed her mouth.

'Hello Mr. Donald.' Anna said into her phone. 'I want to give you the latest update on the party.'

'Anna my dear, how are you today and Sean?'

'We are cool sir. And how you?'

'It's okay at our end here. So what is the update?'

'I have got a venue closer to your mum's place and I'll like you to see it if it's okay for what you want.'

'Beautiful.' He interrupted her.

'Also, I got in touch with the twins and they were elated to be present at the party. They said they had been thinking of coming here for a break.'

'That's a very good one.' He responded with smile in his voice.

'You must have missed them a lot.'

'Yes my dear. Their mother would be beside herself by the time she sees them. Thank you so much for this.'

'It's a pleasure sir. Can i have the list of guests?'

'Yes my dear, i have forwarded it to yiur mail.'

'I have given the list of delicacies to my caterer and I will forward the bill to you.'

'Money is no problem to me, just give me a bill you know will be okay for you. Stuart said I should spare no expense.' Anna laughed. 'I want professionalism not emotional or sentimental service. This is business.'

'I understand sir.'

'One more thing, I'm specially inviting Sean to the party.'

'But sir he...'

'No but Anna it's either you bring him on that day or we stop where we are now.'

'He will be there sir.'

'That's beautiful. Let me have the total bill so I can pay into your account immediately. Also, tomorrow being Sunday, can we see the venue?'

'Sure sir just let me know when you're free.'

'I'll pick you up by four in the afternoon.'

'Perfect sir.'

'Please get Sean too ready.'


'You heard me Anna.'

'Yes sir.'

'So see you at four.'

'See you then sir.'

Anna looked at her phone and wondered why should James Donald have interest in her son. Could it be that he pitied her? That was the least thing she needed presently; her case had gone better than when she had Sean. If she could go this far from a teenager with a baby then pitying was not what she needed. She believed in reality and not fairy tales. She looked at her time and saw she had not helped Sean with his home work. She went into his room and saw that he had finished his home work and was playing with his toys.

'Honey, can I check your home work?'

'Yes mum, it's simple to do.' He gave his mother his book and she scanned through with satisfaction on his performance on his work. 'Sean is so intelligent, you got everything right so for this, you would be going out with mummy and Mr Donald tomorrow.'

'Really mum?'

'Yes dear. He wants you to go see the venue for his mother's birthday venue with us.'


'That's not all, if you behave yourself, he has invited you to the party next Saturday.'

'I promise mum, I'll behave myself.'

'That's my darling boy.' She kissed the top of his head.'

'I love you mum.'

'I love you more.'