

The hall for Mrs. Dorothy Donald's birthday bash was filled up with the invited guests but without music since it was a surprise party. All James' friends were there with their wifes. Glamorous people displaying their husbands' wealth with their diamond necklaces and bracelets. It was a rare occasion to be present aa complete friends with their spouses like this. So the women used the opportunity to show the world their husbands' successes. But people like the Banks were just at one side of the hall because they knew that they didn't belong to such class. Initially, Cherry felt intimidated by the glamour they all represented but, her husband was quick to remind her that they were not there to rub shoulders with anyone.

It was not surprising that the young ones there knew them because all their children moved in the same circle with Stuart. They were all chatting and drinking when Gary and his fiance Alistair came in. He went straight to the MC and whispered to him.

'Ladies and gentlemen, the celebrant is on her way can everyone please stay as we arranged as the light will soon be turned off? Thank you all for your cooperation.'

There were some little noises while everyone took their positions.

'James, why are we here? This looks like a deserted place.' Mrs. Donald observed.

'Mum take it easy, I want to show you a new place I want to acquire.' James said as he held his mother's hand and moved towards the building. 'I want your opinion on it.'

'Why would you want my opinion? Are you buying it in my husband's name?' She asked suspiciously.

'I'm thinking on buying it in the twins' names maybe it would bring them back home.'

'That's a very good thought. How I miss them. Stuart is trying to make up for the three of them though, but it's not like seeing the twins at least once in a while.'

'You're right mum.' By then, they got to the door and James gently opened it. He had warned them against shouting 'Happy Birthday' because of her age. They met the twins by the door who hugged their grandmother. 'Happy birthday grandma.'

'Oh mine! Oh mine! Damien and Dennis!' She said excitedly as she clung tightly to them. The others that were hiding now came out to welvome her.

'Oh James I didn't expect this.' She said joyfully putting her hands on her chest.

'You deserve it mum.'

'Thank you so much.' She said patting him on the cheeks.

'Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to this great occasion, the celebrant we have been waiting for. Mrs. Justina Donald!' The MC announced into the mic and the tune for the song 'Happy birthday' was supplied by the pianist which everybody joined.

The party then started in big swing according to the lined up events by the party planner with low volume music so that it would not discomfort the elderly like George Isaac II and his friends.

The celebrant cut the big cake and all men at the party danced with her.

While that one was going on, Stuart who was not at the party walked in with a very beautiful girl on his hand. He looked round to see what was going on and went straight to his grandmother after he took the girl to a seat.

'Happy birthday grandma.' He gave her a big hug.

'Stuart sweetheart, I didn't see you when I came in.'

'Yes grandma, I wanted you to have your moment with Dennis and Damien.'

'Thanks to you and James for the twins.'

'You deserve to be happy Grannie. By the way, I've not seen them.'

'They are around somewhere.'

'Are you having a great time Grannie?'

'Yes sweetheart. How are wish your father were alive today.'

'Grandma, uncle James and I are enough for you so forget about my dad and let him be in peace whereever he is now.'

'I still miss him though.'

'I know but today is your day so no need for such thoughts.'

'I saw you with a beautiful lady, is she the one?'

'No grandma. She's just a friend I invited.'

'When would you settle down like George?'

'When I find the right woman as George did.' He kissed his grandma's cheeks. 'Don't worry grandma, you will witness my marriage.'

'I hope so Stuart sweetheart.'

'I promise you Grannie.' He hugged her and left her to continue her dance .

He knew Anna was somewhere she was monitoring the events but he did not want to see her throughout the party. He felt someone tugged at his suit and looked to see Sean. He squatted to greet him.

'Hello Sean, how are you?'

'I'm fine uncle Stuart. Your grandmother is very beautiful.'

'Thanks Sean. You're looking great and are you enjoying yourself?'

'The party is great but it's for just the adults.'

'Who says? There are children in the other hall.'


'Didn't your mum tell you about it?' Stuart asked annoyed.

'No. Maybe she doesn't want me to misbehave.'

'Will you rather be here and miss the fun the other children are having?'


'Trust me Sean, you'll feel at home over there than here.' He stretched his hand to Sean and the boy took it. 'Let's go buddy.'

'Stuart!' Gary called.

'Hey Gary, where is Alistair?'

'She's with Sheila and who is the cute young man?'

'His name is Sean, Anna's son.'

'Anna is married?'

'No she is not.'

'Oh. So where are you both heading?'

'Children's wing of the party.'

'Please be fast about it because I'll really want us to talk Stuart.'

'Gary give me a break, this is my grandmother's birthday party and I don't want to discuss business.'

'Got it bro but it's very urgent.'

'How urgent that I can't even have the opportunity to be free from work?'

'Stuart I saw Annabella or Christabel or whatever she calls herself.'

'Who the hell is that?'

'You don't remember the girl that said she was pregnant for George?'

'Oh that one? And what about her?'

'Stuart, it's true, she is very pregnant.'

'What! Have spoken to George?'

'Not yet but, take Sean to his party first.' He squatted to be the same eye level with Sean. 'By the way Sean, my name is Gary.'

'Hello uncle Gary.' Sean greeted him boldly.

'Hi big boy. You look handsome and I know you gonna give some girls some heart breaks in future.' He ruffled Sean's hair.

'What is heartbreak?' Sean asked looking expectantly at him.

'Never mind Sean, it's a word for the adult. So go enjoy yourself.' He stood up and straightened his clothes. 'Stuart, we will be waiting for you outside the hall.'

'Okay bro. Sean, let's go.' He led him to the other children before he joined his friends.

Meanwhile, George and his wife, Sheila were busy rocking the dance floor to the enjoyment of people around. 'I've thought you well how to dance.' He whispered to her ear mockingly.

'Don't bet on that Isaac, I have always been a good dancer. I only told you I didn't know how to dance to boost your ego.'

'Really Mrs. Isaac?'

'I'm ready to go for dancing competition and I guarantee you of winning.' George tipped his head back and laughed.

'When you sign up for that I will vote for you just because you're my wife but, I can't guarantee you of our friends' support.'

'You're a kill joy.' At that time Bernard walked up to them.

'Can I have this dance with Sheila?'

'Why would you break my time with my wife?' He glared at him as he let go of Sheila. 'Bloody intruder.' He hissed as he was about to go.

'While you're at your sulking, Gary has been looking for you.' He threw the words at George's back.

George found Gary with Felix outside the hall. 'Where did you leave my fiance?' Gary asked him.

'She's having a good time with a guy over there and it would be too uncivilized of me to stop her from enjoying herself.' He teased his best friend which earned him a deadly glare. 'Relax buddy, Dennis is not going to steal your girl.'

'If my girl falls out of love from me, I'll kill you.' Gary threatened jokingly.

'Why are you looking for me?'

'After I got here, uncle James sent me to get grandma Donald's walking stick, on my way, I saw Annabella or is it Christabel seriously pregnant.'

There was silence as George digested the information.

'Could the pregnancy be yours George?' Felix asked.

'I'm not sure.' He answered slowly.

'After that incidence, has she privately got in touch with you?' Gary asked George.

'No.' He shook his head. 'I haven't set my eyes on her since I threatened her that I would carry out DNA of the pregnancy.'

'Do you think her silence is based on that?' Gary continued his questioning. 'If she was actually sure it's not yours, she would stay clear and on the other side, she might be waiting for the elections time to strike which would not be good for us.'

'I think Gary has a point there.'

George ran his hand through hair. 'I'm really confused now.'

'Relax buddy, I will send my guys to find out about the paternity of the baby.' Stuart said walking up to them.

'I don't want Sheila to hear about this guys.'

'That's why I sent Bernard to distract her.' Gary said.

'Thanks Gary.' George patted his back.

'We need to meet soonest after the party.' Stuart informed them and they all nodded in agreement.

They all went inside the hall but George could not bring himself to enjoy the party again.

'Are you alright little George?' His grandfather asked him.

'Yes grandpa I just feel a bit uneasy.'

'You have been overworking yourself this past week.'

'I guess you are right, I'll just step it down a bit.'

'I believe Sheila is looking for you.'

'Sure.' He raised his hand to signal to her which she saw and walked towards him.

'I think I want some snacks Georgy. Can we walk down there?' She hooked her hand with his and dragged him along. 'Did anything happen?'

'Nothing happened, why did you ask?'

'Bernard said Gary was looking for you.'

'Yeah, I have seen him.' He replied flippantly and that got him an intense look from his wife.

'Are you sure nothing happened? Your mood has changed.'

'I'm okay, maybe I'm overwhelmed with the party plus all the stress of planning it within a very short time.'

'I thought you all left the planning to Anna and I never saw you being stressed over the party.'

'What are you saying?' He asked sharply.

'Never mind. If there's something that bothers you and you're not ready to share with me, be rest assured that as your dutiful wife, I'm here for you when you are ready.'

'Oh Sheila, you're just impossible. I think I'll take some snacks too.'

Stuart after their brief meeting went in search of his date for the party and found her enjoying herself in the midst of his cousins and some guys. He walked close to her and demanded her attention. He knew that where Anna was, she would be seeing everything going on in the hall. He squeezed the girl's ass and they both moved to the dance floor.

'You look beautiful Ashley.' He complimented her.

'Please don't start Stuart, you know I'm only here to pretend as your girlfriend. So don't go beyond your boundary.' She warned.

'I'm sorry I just wanted it to look real.'

'Let it stay as I said.'

'Alright Ashley, observation noted.'

'Where is the girl in question?'

'She's is party planner so, she is not visible but can see us.'

'Are you that serious about her?'

'I've never felt like this with any girl before.'

'She is a lucky girl.'

'You think so?'

'I've never seen you make sacrifice for any girl's attention, maybe I can talk to her on your behalf.'

'No, that won't be necessary. Don't forget, I'm a bad boy.'

'Why was it difficult for you to fall in love with me then?'

'Ashley, don't go there.'

'You know I'm over you and i'm in love with someone. Was it because we were so close friends?'

'I told you, I'd always seen you as my sister.'

'And you never allowed guys to pursue me because they thought you were my high school boyfriend. Come to think of it, Damien and Dennis are now so identical to you that it's a bit difficult to differentiate you.'

'Yes, we were the inseparable triplets.'

'Do you know I once mistook you for one of them? I was so embarrassed when he told me that he was Damien.'

'But I'm more handsome more than them!'

'Stop flattering yourself Donald, you're the ugliest.'

Stuart laughed knowing she was pulling his legs.