
Unexpected Imprint 2

When Leah Clearwater thought she couldn't imprint until she had a run0in with a newborn (Bree Tanner)

JayJ127 · Films
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7 Chs

Chapter 4 - Alpha to Chief

"Jake! What happened?" Leah called, eyes tearing as she saw Billy laying on the bed barely breathing.

"Leah glad you could make it, you too Bree," Jake said appreciatively, he managed a slight smile. 

"Jake! We're all here for you," Sam told him, with Quil and Embry nodding on either side of him.

Billy continued to struggle breathing; he took one deep breath and turned to his son, "Jacob! The tribe is yours now, keep everyone safe," Billy told him, slurring his words at the end. He gave them all one final smile before he closed his eyes for the last time.

"Jake!" Paul walked up and gripped his shoulder.  "We are right behind you, we're your pack and we stick together no matter what," Paul spoke.

"What do you want us to do, Chief Jake?" Quil joked, trying to ease the tension.

"Well, now that you mention it Quil, just do a quick lap around the perimeter and collect some firewood on your way back. That would help," Jake asked, half jokingly, half serious, keeping his expressions neutral.

"Wait, are you serious? … Fine! Come on Embry, give me a hand," Quil asked.

"Jake only asked you,"  Embry smirked.

"You can handle it on your own, can't you?" Jake stared intently.

As Quil made a slow start before phasing, everyone else began to laugh. Jake phased and went for a long run himself, this was his way of clearing his head. By the time he came back it was late and everyone had left. 

The following morning, they gathered together to discuss funeral arrangements. It didn't go unnoticed that Leah seemed distracted, Bree wanted to comfort her, but she knew by now that sometimes Leah just needed time to her thoughts. Bree sat silently listening to the guys taunting each other, occasionally she would laugh with them. After a while she noticed Paul's laughter had changed slightly before he snuck off into the forest. She wanted to say something, but what would or could she say?. She was still new to the pack.

"You alright Bree?" Jake asked, as he walked out seeing Bree sat alone.

"Oh hi Jake. I'm fine… I noticed Paul sneak off, is he ok?" Bree asked, stuttering her words.

"You did huh, well he's… let's just say you and Leah have something in common with Paul and James," Jake explained.

"James? Why do I feel like I've heard that name before?" Bree asked curiously.

"James is a vampire who was Victoria's other half, but Paul during one of his runs he …" 

"Imprinted?" Bree finished.

"Yeah, Paul imprinted on James, though now Paul is a type of hybrid. He can still phase, but he is also part vampire, bound with James' venom," Jake explained.

"I didn't think that could happen. There's still a lot I don't know about being a vampire," Bree said.

"Well we didn't know either, but my dad suspected it could happen. I think I remember him telling me a story when I was younger of a young shifter, being mated to and then bitten by a vampire.  At the time, I didn't really believe it. I just thought it was an old wives tale or scary story," Jake explained.

"Jake? Bree? What have you two been talking about?" Leah insisted.

"It's ok Leah, we were only talking, mainly about Paul and James," Bree told her. 

"There you three are. I heard you mention that bloosucker James. Leah, don't you get yourself all vamped up like Paul did!" Quil teased jokingly. 

"Quil! That's enough! Just go,"  Jake ordered then turned to Leah who looked nervous. "You'll be alright Leah, I will see you both later," Jake said sympathetically, as he left them.

Leah took Quil's words to heart and felt anxious and worried, Bree tried to comfort her with a hug.