
Unending Enigma

A young man awakens from a long slumber He embarks on a journey to expand his horizons but every man has a place he calls home 15 years after a mysterious youth is left on a wealthy couples doorstep, Vincent steps forth into the world. Equipped with items and abilitys that the people of Earth can only imagine. Who will he meet along his journey? What are his powers exactly? Where did he come from? Find all this out aaannd morrree on the next episode of Drago- oh wait wrong thing. just go read it instead of this stupid synopsis

Greenback · Fantaisie
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3 Chs

Where did Alice go?

Well I guess I should have expected that
But it still stings
I look at my menu and think about my creation skill
What bloodlines do I even know?
A giant creature that's breaths fire comes to my mind
The word is there as if I knew it all along
But no normal dragon will do

A dragon opens it's eyes a piece of dust is in front of its face slowly moving towards the dragon
On the dust mote billions of people are moving and going about life
The dragon takes a breath and billions of life's disappear
The dragon closes it's eyes and goes back into slumber

I open my eyes and floating in my inventory is a new item
Divine Dragon bloodline ×1
A drop of golden blood
The smile on my face grows wider and more ambitious
Something else
Dragons are mighty but where's the mystery
Something darker
Something mysterious and full of...

The dragon opens it's eyes and roars as it stares into the abyss
Uneasy feelings worm into the dragons mind as something stirs in the darkness
It's wings unfurl and suns are extinguished as the dragon attempts to flee
No matter how hard it tries it can feel the eyes of something that was not yet awake
Madness and fear consumed the dragon as it unleashed a torrent of flames into the abyss... All that greeted it was a eye that was as big as the dragon
Slowly opening

I open my eyes again and in my inventory
Cttgyblhgjg (system unable to translate)
A single drop of blood black as a moonless night sat in his inventory
Nice I exclaimed and did a over the head high five with myself woo I am good
Wait a second... I feel like I'm forgetting something?
Or maybe someone?
Well what can you do it'll come back to me eventually