
Unending Enigma

A young man awakens from a long slumber He embarks on a journey to expand his horizons but every man has a place he calls home 15 years after a mysterious youth is left on a wealthy couples doorstep, Vincent steps forth into the world. Equipped with items and abilitys that the people of Earth can only imagine. Who will he meet along his journey? What are his powers exactly? Where did he come from? Find all this out aaannd morrree on the next episode of Drago- oh wait wrong thing. just go read it instead of this stupid synopsis

Greenback · Fantasy
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3 Chs

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<p>POV: Vincent<br/><br/>Vincent opened his eyes and took a breath of cold air into his lungs<br/>He was on his back staring up at a dark sky, snow slowly falling around him<br/>Where are the stars? He thought to himself<br/>He watched a Snow flake big and heavy fall towards his face and hit his cheek<br/>AHHH!! he screamed as it felt like his face was hit by lightning<br/>His eyes teared up as he held his face before looking around<br/>... silence as all around Vincent lay what seemed to be corpse's in various degree's of decay<br/>he watched as the snowflake hit a corpse, the skin that it hit seem to turn gray and begin to show signs of wrinkles<br/>His eyes widened as he jumped up also noticing that he seemed to have formed a perfect circle where he was laying down <br/>There was no snow, corpse's or even grass where he had been but no time for that, <br/>he ran. Dodging snowflakes as he went, which was made easier cuz they were big slow flakes <br/>He quickly left the snowy field of death behind <br/>Vincent stopped only when he couldnt feel that miasma of death behind him<br/>Gasping for breath while leaning against a tree he took another look around and it seemed to only be normal looking woodland around here<br/>Alice? He asked aloud...<br/>Alice are you here?....<br/>hm? menu?<br/><br/>* Vincent<br/>Strength: 5<br/>Dexterity: 5<br/>Constitution: 5<br/>Wisdom: 15<br/>Intelligence: 15<br/>Charisma: 20 Note kid buff is in effect value may change after you reach adulthood<br/>Luck: ???<br/>Lucky Draw ×1 per day<br/>Beginners Bag ?!?error!?!!<br/><br/>Skill: <br/>Creation. beyond world tier be careful<br/><br/>Items: <br/>Small World level 1 <br/><br/>Ailments:<br/>Time scar in the shape of a snowflake on your cheek gives passive time proficiency... *<br/><br/>Vincent looked at the beginner bag which seems to have changed <br/>Beginners Bag ?!?error!?!!<br/>Is this even usable anymore? he wondered<br/>He thought use beginners Bag and it started glowing before it poofed into dust and a ring and a necklace appeared <br/>The ring slipped onto Vincent's ring finger and the necklace lay next to his heart<br/>When he looked inside he was dumbfounded to see what looked like rocks or more like pebbles filling the ring while the necklace he could not figure out what it was for it seemed to have a space inside but it held nothing<br/>AH! the lucky Draw since Vincent didn't know what time it was, it was better to do it now just in case it hadn't past midnight yet<br/>Use lucky Draw he thought<br/>A wheel started spinning so fast it was hard to keep track of in the menu page, before it came to a stop on Charisma ×10<br/>Ahh! for the second time that night Vincent grasped his face as it felt like fire ants were crawling under his skin before it spread to the rest of his body<br/>He screamed again as he felt like fainting on the spot but just barely kept it together <br/>...<br/>A short time later when he could see straight Vincent heard a notification go off in his head<br/><br/>* you have the highest Charisma at the age of 6 reward granted for your holy deeds. <br/>Wings of wax ×1<br/>Mirror of the first witch <br/>Cloak of Aphrodite *<br/><br/>With a grumble Vincent stood up and looked at his rewards before another ding went off<br/><br/>* lucky roll has been refreshed don't miss out *<br/><br/>Vincent gave the evil eye to the message but still decided to take the roll<br/>Use lucky spin<br/><br/>* Ding Bloodline upgrade ×5 *<br/><br/>Hm what's this bloodline upgrade about <br/><br/>* Bloodline upgrade let's you upgrade your current bloodline no matter the limit of growth, it can even create a whole new bloodline with enough upgrades * <br/><br/>Well that seems interesting and it gave me another idea<br/>Can I make a new bloodline with my creation skill?<br/>Menu?<br/><br/>*Vincent<br/>Str: 5<br/>Dex: 5<br/>Con: 5<br/>Wis: 15<br/>Int: 15<br/>Cha: 200... Godly bearing is in effect<br/>Luck: system recalculating update in progress<br/>New interface unlocked <br/>Bloodline: none<br/>Evaluation: Cannon fodder...*<br/><br/>-_-<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>