

Diana, with a deep breath, gathered the strength to make Max look at her. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent agreement that transcended words. Yet, Max, interpreting her silence as a green light, continued his tender gestures.

"Not tonight, Diana," Max's words carried a magnetic force, and for a moment, she felt the pull of his charisma weakening her resolve.

However, Diana, though ensnared by the chemistry that crackled in the air, remained steadfast in her decision.

She maintained a stoic silence, a silent battle waging within her. Max, interpreting her silence as a reluctant affirmation, leaned in to place a devoted kiss on her neck.

His lips met the tender skin, and for a fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still. Diana's hand instinctively stroked through Max's hair, entangled in the fervor of the moment. But soon, a realization struck her—Max was not moving.

"Not tonight, Max."

She mumbled, a sigh escaped her lips.

Diana carefully shifted Max beside her as he succumbed to the effects of the sleeping pills. His troubled slumber provided a moment of respite for her, allowing her to steal a gentle touch of his features. She ran her fingers over his long eyelashes, a silent apology lingering in the air.

"I am sorry," she whispered, her words a soft murmur intended only for the sleeping Max.

"I won't agree unless you accept my conditions."

Diana administered some sleeping pills in water which she gave him to drink.

"You can let your anger out tomorrow," she murmured softly, as if the sleeping Max could hear her reassurance.

Diana, sensing that Max was now in a deep sleep, mustered the strength to pull away. She pressed a tender kiss on his forehead, a moment of vulnerability shared in the stillness of the room. As she stood up, buttoning her half-opened shirt, she closed the door behind her, leaving the room enveloped in a hushed tranquility.

However, her departure was met with an unexpected encounter. Francisco's voice echoed in the corridor, calling out her name with a hint of surprise.


Caught off guard, she stammered in response, struggling to find the right words to explain her presence outside Max's room.

"How come you are here?" Francisco inquired, his tone calm but inquisitive.

Diana, her nerves betraying her, attempted to provide an explanation, "I... I just..."

But the words eluded her as she grappled with the aftermath of the intimate moment shared with Max.

"You? What?" Francisco pressed for details, his eyes narrowing with suspicion.

In a nervous tone, Diana hastily crafted a story, "Actually, Max was... I went to give him his medicine. He got his hand injured."

"Really? When?" Francisco questioned, his eyes scrutinizing her response.

Francisco's cold gaze bore into Diana, an unspoken tension lingering in the air.

Nervously, she stammered out an explanation, "He... he just struck his hand with something."

Francisco arched an eyebrow, his expression unreadable.


"Is it serious?"

Her response was succinct, "No, just a tiny cut."

However, Francisco's surprise surfaced as he processed the details.

"A small injury? And he is resting?"

His tone carried a note of disbelief.

Lifting his chin and drawing a deep breath, Francisco addressed Diana directly, his voice carrying a sense of urgency, "Diana!"

Caught in the intensity of his gaze, Diana met his eyes with trepidation.

"Is everything all right? Max doesn't give a damn about minor injuries," Francisco remarked, probing for the truth.

"Is this something else?"

Diana, her lips slightly moistened, stammered her response, the weight of her confession hung in the air as she continued, "Actually, I gave him some sleeping pills because he was so worked up."

Francisco, raising his eyebrows, shifted his gaze between Max's door and Diana.

"Okay," he uttered, taking a sip of his coffee before heading to his bedroom.

Diana, feeling a wave of relief, exhaled audibly as if she had narrowly escaped a precarious situation.

"Oh god, I hope he had no doubts," she muttered to herself.

The next morning, Max slowly opened his eyes, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Ah!" he groaned, rubbing his neck, still feeling the lingering effects of the sleeping pills.

In a dreamy voice, he murmured, "Diana!"

"Diana!" he called out, the sound echoing through the room.

The name lingered on his lips as he tried to shake off the remnants of drowsiness.

Max's groggy eyes scanned the room, but Diana was nowhere in sight. As he sat on the bed, a gloomy expression clouded his face. The events of the previous night played back in his mind, and Max couldn't shake the feeling that Diana had orchestrated something significant.

"Was that really necessary, Diana?"

He muttered aloud, the question hanging heavy in the air. Max grappled with the aftermath of the sleeping pills, realizing that Diana must have done it.

In his mind, Max had believed that Diana loved him just as much as he loved her. However, her actions contradicted this assumption. He couldn't fathom why she would prioritize her obligations over him.

Max clenched his jaw, frustration and confusion mounting within him.

Rising from the bed with an undercurrent of anger, Max decided to confront Diana.

Diana and Francisco were engrossed in their respective worlds during breakfast. Francisco delved into his laptop, monitoring stock rates and analyzing data. On the other hand, Diana appeared lost in her thoughts, occasionally glancing towards the door leading to Max's room.

Observing Diana's behavior, Francisco couldn't help but tap his finger on his lips, a habit he had when deep in contemplation. Francisco was astute; he had eyes everywhere, and nothing escaped his attention. Every detail of Diana's demeanor did not go unnoticed.

Breaking the silence, Francisco redirected his attention from the laptop to Diana.

"Did you check on your patient this morning?" he inquired, his tone deliberate and probing.

Diana, taken aback by the abrupt question, raised her eyebrows in surprise.

"What?" she responded, seeking clarification.

Francisco, still focused on his laptop, clarified, "I'm talking about Max."
