

"Oh, Max."

Diana, caught off guard by the directness of the conversation, responded, "No, I haven't gone to his room."

"Give him the utmost attention. He must come round as soon as possible."

The weight of Francisco's words hung in the air, and Diana replied with a simple, "Yes."

Her stunned manner reflected the unexpected nature of the conversation.

"Just who do you want to come round?"

The atmosphere in the mansion shifted as Max's voice reverberated through the room. Buttoning his shirt, he descended the stairs with a nonchalant demeanor. Diana instinctively averted her gaze, but as Max approached, he turned to face her with a frigid gaze that seemed to lack any sentiment.

Francisco, engrossed in his laptop, seemed unfazed by Max's entrance.

"We were speaking of you, Max. How are you feeling now?" he inquired, maintaining a composed tone.


Max feigned ignorance, adding, "What has happened to me?"

With a casual glance towards Diana, Francisco said, "I've heard you're not feeling well."

Diana, taken aback by Max's direct approach, questioned, "Who told you this?"

Francisco, without missing a beat, turned to Diana, "Diana!"

Realization dawned on Diana as Max's smirk deepened.

"Francis, your sister loves playing gags," Max remarked casually as he bit into an apple, seemingly dismissing the notion of Diana's concern.

Francisco, however, maintained his composure.

"Actually, I asked for a back massage from a maid last night. But when I opened my eyes, I spotted her standing next to me," Max revealed with a chuckle, his eyes twinkling with mischief.


Francisco's calm tone concealed the storm brewing beneath the surface.

"Yes, did she not tell you?"

Max continued, reveling in the revelation. The tension in the room escalated as Francisco processed the information. Diana, caught in the crossfire, observed the exchange with an apprehension.

"Francisco, it's just," Diana began, attempting to offer an explanation, but Max swiftly interjected, his tone mocking.

"Oh Diana, come on. Say the truth. Why are you stuttering?"

Diana shot him an annoyed look, not anticipating that Max would play with the situation. She had wished for Max to be honest with Francisco, yet he chose to toy with her predicament.

The prospect of revealing everything to Francisco and the potential misinterpretations that could follow made Diana hesitant.

As she contemplated the consequences, Max's laughter filled the room. He found amusement in Diana's discomfort, laughing openly at her predicament.

"Francisco, Diana seems really anxious. Forget her, I am telling you," Max said with a mischievous grin.

"Last night, I just messed up her plans."

Diana, feeling the weight of Max's jest, lowered her gaze.

Max, taking another bite, continued, "Right, Diana, I just ruined her plan with her colleague. I hope I haven't offended you," he added, the intensity in his tone masking the fact that he was merely joking.

Diana shifted her attention away, briefly thinking that Max might finally reveal the truth to Francisco. A sense of worry lingered as she prepared to support Max in whatever unfolded.

However, her anticipation was misplaced; Max's words were meant in jest, not sincerity. As Max continued to playfully engage with Francisco, the tension in the room persisted, leaving Diana caught between her desire for honesty and Max's inclination for playful banter.

"Diana, I don't like your colleague. I sincerely hope you understand what I am trying to say," Francisco muttered, turning to face Diana.

"Francis, he is a great guy, and rest assured that I won't blend my personal and professional lives," Diana responded, tightening her gaze and maintaining a calm demeanor.


Francisco sprang up from his chair, his tone turning aggressive.

"Your work life is also your personal one. Enjoy your life, but don't consider getting married to him."

Max, listening intently with narrowed eyes, remained silent. He harbored a desire to teach Diana a lesson after she deceived him and left him alone the previous night.

After Francisco left them alone, Max spoke up, "I want you to keep his words in mind, Diana."

"Naturally, how come I don't pay attention. I will heed his orders exactly," Diana responded brashly, catching Max's gaze.

"And if somebody tries to use him against my relationship, I just don't give a damn," she continued with confidence.

Max, taken aback by her boldness, lowered his gaze and murmured, "Diana, you..."

"Max, did you not hear what Francisco said? He told me to have fun with him," Diana said, giving Max a provocative look before turning to leave.

Max, seething with anger, banged his hand against the table, frustrated and infuriated by the turn of events. The tension between Max and Diana escalated, with Francisco's words adding fuel to the fire.


Scenario changed to Hilton's company.

Hazel was engrossed in her works as it was her three day of the job. Her dedication and efficiency had left a strong impression on Francisco. She had seamlessly integrated into the company within just two days.

Her ability to build strong relationships with colleagues and quickly grasp the intricacies of her role had not gone unnoticed. Francisco observed her from a distance, impressed by her dedication and efficiency.

Francisco had meticulously scrutinized Hazel's background, delving into her educational history, from primary to secondary school, and the colleges she had graduated from.

In the dual worlds of legitimate business and organized crime, Francisco knew that appearances were crucial. The authority was aware of his dual identity, but no one dared to confront him without concrete evidence.

Despite being a tycoon, he had another identity as the king of the mafia. Balancing these two roles was no easy feat, and he couldn't afford to have just any personal assistant.

Francisco's attention was consumed by the contents of a file when the sudden buzz of his phone disrupted the meeting. The room cleared swiftly, the other attendees understanding his unspoken command. As everyone exited, Hazel began organizing the scattered files with efficiency, preparing to leave as well.

However, Francisco lifted his phone, he maintained silence, engrossed in the conversation on the other end of the line. Hazel, in the midst of tidying up, sensed the urgency in his demeanor.

Just as she poised to exit, Francisco's resonant voice cut through the air, "I will arrive on time."

Hazel couldn't help but catch his gaze as she lingered by the door.
