
Ch. 6

Like now. How we ended up on the bed and he was just caressing me. Feeling my heartbeat as he meditated on his gains. I felt sore but in a good way. Not like someone tried to rip open my vagina thinking all women like having non consensual sex with just anybody. He finally lift his head as he yawned. I think that was his trademark thing. He would yawn to let you know he was either frustrated and bored or actually tired. "Good news is I got through the hardest part of the journey. Bad news is. I am no longer like fire. It seems my element is water. My excessive yin energies unbalance myself from pursuing my best subject." He sounded disappointed but i could hear the tinge of excitement in his voice. He loves challenges. He gave me that goofy ass smiled that look way too attractive with his girly looks. "What do you like to eat?" I rolled my eyes at his attempt at being gentlemen now. "I am not picky at all." I spoke in calm voice to try and keep his excitement down. Newly turned shifters tend to be more instincts than brain. He tilted his head before run a finger over wounds he inflicted. I felt a slight sting before nothing else. I turned to look and saw the wounds closing. The blood vanished. He lick his finger before moaning. His eyes flashed before he lean in closed. "Let me make up for the abuse I caused." His eyes turned gentle as his lips brushed mine. "Let me spoil my queen for a day. I am sure there things you would like to experience." I rolled my eyes to let him know that corny shit only works on naive girls and people who haven't experience man tendencies before. He laughed as he rolled back onto his feet. His hands started to glow blue as he began rubbing my feet. I had to admit it felt amazing. His voice was a bit too mesmerizing as he spoke about anything and everything. I could honestly understand why women fell in love with men like with these type of skills. A little abuse was nothing compare to the pleasure.

I would have forgotten the time if Alena didn't come in and let us know that Ross and group of other people were at the gate. Perfect time to escape before I got suck into this comfort zone.

Jayden Pov

I sighed as I crawled out of bed. Alena eyes lower to my waist. I raised an eyebrow as she blushed. Without thinking about it, scales covered my privates. I turned to see Alice disappearing into the bathroom and I growled. I hated visitors. Guess I have to truly put fear of god into people. I walk to the balcony and jumped down. Unlike before I didn't land softly. My body sunk into the grass to my ankles. I sighed before stepping out the hole. I was just grade one beast and if I wanted to get stronger. I had to eat stronger beast. Or that at least what I used to see in games and on forums.

I sent chi into the enchantment and the gate slide open. My breath caught in my throat as such a delicious smell hit me. It reminded me of that time I tried these home cook ribs from mutated creature in a game. It was so amazing that I couldn't stop thinking about it for days after. I even kidnap the man so he could cook more for me. It was one of my more unsavory games but viewers loved it.

I look for it but all i saw and smelled was humans. Which meant that it was beast alive, somewhere close. I lick my lips as I walk out the gate. My eyes landed on Olivia who look a little bruised up. Behind them were about fifty to forty trucks, vans, and cars. Ross even look a little battered. I bent down to place my hand on the ground. Listening to the vibrations as Ross and Olivia walks towards me with haste. I held up my hand to stop their babbling. There was about sixty beast. I couldn't tell their grades but I bet there were few who could boost me to the next level. I turned around to see Tamarix standing behind me with four other golems. She held up a black and blue tang sword. I was about to reach for it before stopping myself. I didn't practice using it with this body. With these claws. I would just harm myself more or less. I stood up and turned to Olivia. I touched her cheek as I tried to heal her with what knowledge I had of healing magic. Her bruised disappeared slowly before speeding up as I got comfortable with it.

Olivia thank me before Ross stepped forward to speak. "We have a lot of wounded…" I cut him off as I didn't care about him or his people. Just things I could control or like. I walk past both of them as I squatted in front of a little girl with blood coming from her scalp. Her father arms flex as I touched the girl cheek. She look up at me with those big beautiful brown eyes. Eyes so full of curiosity and pain she tried to hide like a big girl. I release the healing wave and watch as the tension in her jaw eased as she stop fighting the pain. I winked and she blushed and look down. I stood up and face her dad who look like he wanted to say something not constructive. "You can go in. One of my helpers will show you to place you can relax for few days. Make sure she eats something to help replenish the blood she lost." The man thank me as he grabbed his bag and rushed him and his daughter in. I noticed Ross kept looking to the south as if he was in a hurry. His mouth kept opening but he could tell I was ignoring him on purpose. I peek in few cars and vans as I walk down the line. My team of golems following me closely. I stopped at a van which had a bunch of girls huddle in the back. Two guys sat up front. One of them look slimy. While the other had row of gang tats. I open the slide door and both men hop out the truck looking nervous and upset. It only took one look to see that the girls were not only afraid but badly dress in outfits that showcase the best of their bodies. I look at the man who seemed in charge before smiling.

"Nice set you have here." He opened his mouth but I closed the van door and moved on. I can't be a hypocrite when I done such things myself before. However, it was to make money. Both my clients and women were bound by set of rules. I like clean environment and happy woman make you a lot more money than an abused women. The guy didn't know what to say. Ross wanted to say something as well but when he saw me move on he kept his mouth closed. What I was looking for was children who have yet to be tainted by other lecherous. That way I could raise an army of grateful people for my appetite later on. I passed by car with a couple. They were relatively clean and the girl in the back had depressed look. She was about fifteen to seventeen. What made me stop and look at her was because the man in the front seat left his smell on the girl. It was stronger on the mother but it was obvious for someone with sensitive nose that he either raped the girl or nutted on her. Considering how the girl was sitting away from him and he occasionally glance at her. I would say this wasn't the first time.

I stopped at the window and look at the mother who was kind of average looking. Had decent size chest and birthing hips. I rubbed my chin before speaking at the confused lady. "What would you do if you knew he was having non-requested sex with your daughter?" The woman eyes widen and I was curious what she would do myself. She turned and look at the man who didn't even bother to act surprise or like I was accusing him of something. The lady look at the girl who had a touch of fear in her eyes. "Did he touch you?" The girl look at me and then the golems before gaining a touch of confidences. She nodded and the man roared that she was lying. First steps of denial. I like it. The mother did something I did not expect. She plastered the dude brains all over the car. She was a lot faster than I was. That was for sure.

She pointed gun at me next and I tilted my head before stepping back. "It would be wise not to fire that. There is a guy up there who has circle of girls. I don't think he would not mind having two more well trained slaves." Olivia rushed up and pushed the woman hand down. "Mrs. Walker please don't end your life. Think about your daughter." Mrs. Walker stepped out the car and tended to her daughter. I rubbed my neck before laughing. "To be honest, I kind of expected you to act like a victim or something. It is good to see he was actually a coward and not another abusive overconfident coward." I look at Ross as I spoke the last bit before yawning. "You can go inside the gate. My people will offer you a room. Of course, you both have to contribute but work not that hard and it is safer for her being in environment with less men around."

Mrs. Walker look at me confused before looking at Olivia. Who expressly told her to go. I glance up into the sky as the sun was winding down. I sighed as I realized the beast horde would not be coming this way. I walk through the rest of the lines before stopping at lady who was deprive of best traits of a female body. I couldn't help but feel pity for her as I move on past. I finally walk up to Ross suv. I open the door and look at the woman he took for mate. She was a beauty. Tall, tan skin, nice curvy breast, and small hump in the back. However, she did not look as if she had it made. Her nice blonde hair covered the left side of her face. She had sweatshirt on even though it was a bit hot today. Top it off, she didn't look Ross in the eyes but I could feel the defiance still left in her. The will to survive was strong. I grabbed her hand and look at Ross who had his chopped off for touching me. His most loyal subjects pulled out guns only to find balls of fire so hot that sweat evaporated. By their faces. They all lower their weapons and I smirk. "A leader should never lower himself to place his hands on someone weaker than him. Sadly, we are in times and place of chaos. Where the law of the jungle is more prevalent than personally upbringing." My voice was loud and clear as I healed the woman wounds. I look into the backseat to see two kids. The boy look too naive while the girl look like a child who lost the fight. I kind of felt bad for her.

"You and your daughter may seek shelter inside." I stepped back and look at Olivia. "I hope you brought tents as you and your people are sleeping outside the mansion. You only have ten slots so pick carefully." She hesitated as she look at Ross before running. I look at Ross before waving at the open field near the forest. "Feel free to set up camp there." He was seething with anger but he didn't let his anger get the best of him. He was mutated like many of those survivors were. He could feel the differences between us even while I was this weak. Of course, he could not possible know I was weaken. Which meant it was perfect time to go hunting. However, I needed more control over myself and powers. I needed to explore all the limits and open myself up to element completely. I headed to the room to find Alice out. I felt nothing about it until a piece of paper lying on the bed caught my attention. I read it before sighing. I wish she was tough enough to talk to me face to face but it is what it is.


Over next few months, I only trained and hunted down low level beast because none of the stronger kind would come near me. I killed a lot of goblins and orcs but that was boring fights. Only strong orcs and they were about as well trained as regular soldiers. Only semi decent thing was that Zoe took over Alice place. She force herself into my room and wouldn't leave. I thought it was just animal instinct or her being young but she somehow comfort me. Sadly, as the months flew by and I crawled up the ranks of beast cultivation. I started to experiment more. Take more notes and my asinine behavior slowly drifted away until I was more the old me than new.


Fortunately, it was time to head back to my real home. Olivia could not be any happier than I was to walk through that portal. My pride of women right there behind me. Oh, well Dave. Lena committed suicide but I had no feelings about that. She didn't have her family or friends. Some people can handle pressure when it's in the moment than peace comes. They falter. Survivor guilt eats away at their very soul. Considering that I am truly almost ninety years of age. I only felt pity.

However, everything about the damn serum that was a joke. When I stepped back through the portal into the lab. My form changed again. I look more like my old self. When I was twenty. Except the horns, light blue skin tone, the black three centimeter lines going from my face to chin, and damn crystal clear purple eyes. Still human looking besides that. Dark blue dreads with highlights looks semi decent. The most super annoying thing is that all those transformations I had before combine to form perfect body that made me most comfortable. The water powers was most dominated due to my new mindset. Top it off, I felt like this was the very last change possible. However, there was another form but I felt more like it was similar to Alice or Zoe shifting into lycan forms. I could only sigh as Zoe look me over like a piece of meat. Alice and Alena tried to be more reserved. Naomi had a bit of hatred for me but that was only because I turned her down numerous times. I just didn't like her body. It was too perfect for seduction.

My mind snapped out of its confusion as the bossman walk up with annoyed look. He glance at Olivia who was dirty looking. She couldn't help that as we had to travel back to the original portal site. Her original body guards were still alive but some of the others pass but we brought a bit more survivors than was expected. "Lt. Olivia, please standby for de-briefing. As for you, Agent Brown." He turned to me with a look of frustration. "Your agency request you back immediately. No pit stops." I ignored his tone and look at the beautiful little lady in tight black women attire. The whole skirt to the calves and button up shirt with matching overcoat. Hairstyles in curly affair. She look like she meant business as she held up the FBI badge. I motioned for my people to follow her. She glance at them all before speaking as she walk to the elevator.

"My name is Genesis Barnes. I am your partner and tour guide. Any questions you may or may not have, I can answer." She spoke in cold manner. Not really benefiting that look she has going on. The elevator door ding open and my crew crowded in. I could smell something weird about her though and I noticed people in the lab were studying us closely. I glance at Alena as she was way more sensitive than me about magic stuff or scientific stuff. She used to be scientist after all. Alena smiled before leaning closer to my ear.

"Low grade magic. Enchanted clothes and the air has very dense fragrance." Alena lean back and I huffed. So they let the project slipped out early or it been more years than I expect. I ran hand through my hair before turning my attention to Agent Barnes. "So why am I reinstated?"

Agent Barnes shrugged as she lead me out the building and towards the garage. She didn't speak a word until we got to her Suv. Being that it was about seven of us and regular Suv had about five seats. I didn't think we would fit. She didn't care as she unlock the door and left the rest to us. Zoe set on my lap and Alena on Kimberly. Fixing the issue. We left the military facility and went down a very long stretch of a road.

"The reason you are reinstated because your daughter who is our director over the whole FBI. Thinks your power would be wasted in military field and that the new crimes could use a different approach. As for the problem, after your team left. Someone leaked information about a serum. People recreated said serum and unleashed it upon humanity as whole. Everything started evolving. From the plants to the animals that eat on them. Humans only had a slight change. Few had weak abilities but it started adding up. One out of hundred would gain some kind of mutation. After a year of trying times, we created several safe havens. Thanks to your reports we were able to out beat the outbreak. This contribution alone is the reason your not sitting in military lab right now. Added on to the fact, you have very powerful daughter who is more scary than one of the DoD best fighters." I tilted my head in confusion. I could see how she would be better fighter as I spoiled her but also trained her. However, I was confused on some points as no government would allow someone to recreate a virus from aliens or leak it. Definitely not enough that they could recreate the fucking thing. That was just bullshit but it does explain why the forest around us is so much taller than I remember. This was three hour trip before. For some reason, I bet it was longer. I look into the rear view mirror to see Alice stretch out in the back. Doze off already.

Agent Barnes turned up music that I thought was more noise than music. She finger tapped the steering wheel to a beat that didn't exist. Maybe I missed something. I sighed and lean my head against Zoe back as I let everything catch up to me. I barely closed my eyes when I felt an intense pounding. My ears twitched as it caught the sounds of wings drumming against the wind. I look up and didn't see anything but I could hear it. Zoe turned around as she felt me moving around. I probably got hard but who wouldn't. Potential violence excited everybody. Just think about all those gamers who go buy shooting games. Zoe knees pressed into my sides as she got comfortable. Her sea green eyes stared into my as she pucker her lips. "They aren't that close. No reason you should be getting hype." I rolled my eyes as I pulled her down into a kiss. My hands slipping into her shirt to squeeze those melons. She grunted and cast her eyes at Agent Barnes who was glancing over here more often than her eyes were on the road. Thank god no other cars were incoming.

I whispered as I could feel all but Dave asleep. Maybe, Naomi but it was hard to tell when she could just sit in one spot for hours on end. "I doubt she mind." Zoe grinned as she unfasten my pants. I lift my hips so she could slide them to my knees. Agent Barnes hissed. "What the hell do you think you are doing?" Zoe look at me and I nodded. She unbuckle her shorts and pulled them down to her thighs. I slouched and turned my head to look at Agent Barnes. Putting my finger on my lips as Zoe eased downward. Zoe grabbed my horns and slowly work her hips. This long ass ride no longer was as boring. I was about to get more proactive when I spotted a shadow over the trees. I rolled down the window and peek out. Zoe quickly fix her clothes as she caught the sound of something big and fast.

I glance at Agent Barnes who was giving us confused looks. "Pull over, please." She look a bit too red. I hop out the car as she pulled off the road. My eyes widen as a fucking dragon size bird dropped onto the road ahead of us. Everybody rolled out the car. The bird had electromagnetic field around it. It stood three stories high. Was a beautiful shade of purple that reminded me of this flower which i forgot its name. The annoying part is I smelled something familiar in its scent. Well, too familiar. I turned around and got into the car. "Don't just stand there! Get in!" That must trigger what I called the next drama show because Jasmine hopped off the fucking bird.

"Get out the fucking car before I blow it up!" The little bossy bird screamed at what felt like the top of her lungs. Everybody look at me as I got into the driver seat. "You have to the count of three, Father!" I sighed and cranked up the car before backing it up. I honk the horn twice. "Come on! Get in! That's just an illusion!" Giant bolt of lightning followed my words. Whirlpool of water devoured it before I withdrew the mana. Which only pissed her off. Much like her mother, she grew up bossy. Unlike her mother, I stayed with her because I thought fatherhood would be an entertaining adventure. Lord knows, I was wrong. I see why people abandon their families. Drama like this. I got out the car as her and the bird sent more chains of lightning. Their usage was crude and disgrace to my presences. As I walk towards her, frozen lilies were left behind each footstep. Each bolt of lightning was devoured. She stop shooting pure power as she glance at my skill and control. Her hands waved into the air as the clouds gathered. I stopped and shook my head as I disperse the clouds. Clouds were made up of water vapor. Her eyes widen as crystallized chain flowed from my finger and wrapped around her body. The chains carried glyph that could channel the captive energy back to the user. So every time she called on her power, she was just feeding me. I figured something more had to be happening if she was considered strong. Her ability was amazing. Lightning could do a lot if you expound on it but the usage she was doing was pathetically simple. Like she had no imagination at all. It's like giving someone control over fire and they only seen fireballs or flame walls at you. Missing out on the fact that fire manipulation exists pass that elementary thought process.

I dragged her over to me before giving her a hug. She buried her head into my chest before pushing me back. I ruffle her hair before turning to my crew. "This is my only daughter so far, Jasmine Brown. She is some kind of big shot where we are going." Jasmine straighten up her hair before speaking. "Director and Duke of Fallwood. One of the six safe havens in America." I raised an eyebrow and waved my hand. Nice and fluffy cloud lift us all into the air. I glance around and noticed mountain peaks. Forest for days. Large lake and sea not that far away. I turn North where we were headed and saw something that gave me goosebumps. City wall so tall that I could see it from miles away. Jasmine and Agent Barnes look excited and scared at the same time. "Why don't you update me on what I miss the most? Is coffee still a thing? How about bacon and pancakes? Not to mention my Friday night fight nights?" Jasmine rolled her eyes as she watch the ground passed by quickly.

"Because of the high mana density other visitors came to earth through portals. To make it worse, is that some mythical creatures were born. Like my storm phoenix here. A lot of land humans used to own was destroyed either in invasions or attacks. When we got our feet under us, we set up safe haven. We can still travel between cities but most of the countries are in our predicament or worse off." She look sad and I ignored that as I studied the topography. I easily spotted another city that most definitely wasn't human due to the style of buildings. "We don't really war with the Elves and sometimes trade with them. The only real intelligent threats are the dwarves and orcs. Well other humans who have made their own little bases. You know how that go after spending most of your life either leading adventures into other worlds or playing survival games." I shrugged and laid down on the cloud. The journey was still few hours away.

"The reason I wanted you to join my FBI group because it is easier to get you to protect our city. Than if you were in the military. A lot of our enchantments came from your and Miss Alena knowledge. Sadly, those of us who can use them are few in between all the physical or exotic ability users." I slapped my forehead as I could hear the stupidity in her voice. Anybody could learn to turn their energy or ability into something to lay down enchantments with. Mental users have it easier. Maybe I am just overthinking it. Maybe there is something preventing others from using it in this world. I was just ready to lay in my bed. Drink some coffee and catch up on the fights I miss. Not have to worry about going through periods. Play with my toys. Find new toys. Those were the things I wanted to do. Not spend time trying to hunt down criminals or figure out the mysteries of the galaxy. I hope my house still stands. It had all the top of the line shit.

As we came up to the wall, I saw this golden hair beast fly up. For some reason, he had tights on and I think he thought wearing underpants on the outside of his clothes was cool. "Halt and state your name!" He actually did a pose. I look at Jasmine and she blush. "It is a theme and this is why we couldn't get many people to become enchanters. Narrow minded heroes." I coughed and formed a giant crystal hand before using it to smack the imbecile out the air. Jasmine snapped at me but I floored it according to the directions of Barnes. The super freak came back and he had scowl on his face. To be honest, he look like he was fourteen or something. Maybe this makes me a villain? I turn around and blasted him with purely micro orbs of cold water. He didn't even know to dodge. All of sudden he was just soak. Before he could take another breathe, he was hit with small charged up lightning. Just enough to shock him. Jasmine screamed and I laughed evilly before turning to Barnes with blushed on my face.

"Are we almost there?" I spoke in giggle voice and she seem like she was scared to death but look down and pointed. "That mansion by the lake is yours." I look by the lake and saw a bunch of houses. I wanted to slapped the hell out of the imbecile but Jasmine help me out. "The one in the far back near the wood line. All high level people in government live in this area. Plus it is my house. Your old house is in red sector if you want to go visit." I growled before bringing us down. I didn't see the want to be hero. Maybe he still twitching on the ground somewhere. I was about to dropped the Suv on the ground when team of imbeciles surrounded us. I flex my arms before taking a separate cloud up.

"Surrender and we won't beat you too badly." I glance at the dumb ass leader. I wasn't no villain but I just had a taste for challenges. Say it was the inner animal in me but when my life was on the line. I just felt alive. Which is why I whipped bright ass stream of lightning at him. The dumb ass floated to the left but Lightning doesn't move in straight line. It branches. I was already launching myself at the next target. A nice body type blue hair chick with some kind of tight skin suit. I couldn't tell her power because she look fuck up as is. However, I found out the moment my crystallize sword swept pass her head. She was seer kind of. To bad for her, I can control the weather. Let it rain!

Her eyes widen and I flipped out the way of guerrilla trying to cave my body in. I grabbed his arm and gave him beautiful kiss with my heel. He did not expect the empowered kick and his body jerk back. I followed up with three palm strikes to solar plexus and as he bent over. A knee to the chin. I saw his eyes roll back and noticed someone was mumbling under his breath. A spell? I transformed into mist and spread out through the rain. I could tell their surprised until someone sent a bolt of lightning through the rain. I reform as my body absorb the energy. I look at Jasmine before sighing. With a wave of my hand, team dumb ass froze in place. Jasmine mouth open and closed as the rain clouds dissipated. I just shrugged before putting the Suv down and walking inside.