
First Steps

Tal' Va rose after he swore an Oath of Service to Mike. He mentally and physically changed. He slowly opened and closed his hands as he noticed he was stronger then before. He flexed his muscles and mentally looked over his body. He noticed he was not only stronger, but was more flexible and felt healthier then he has since the invasion. He also noticed he felt a sense of reverence towards Mike. Almost as though he is a great figure that needs his help.

While everyone stood in awe of Tal' Va's new slightly altered self, Mike looked at his new skill.

[Crusader Command: 1/5]

[Bonus to Crusader Tal' Va: + .1 Str, + .1 Dex, +.2 Con]

[Bonus to General Crusader: 0]

Mike slightly frowned at this. He got no bonus to his stats, but Tal did? He felt the system was unfair. He was hoping that once he got 5 Crusaders under his command he would get a nice bonus.

Elder Karthus had mixed emotions. He didn't want to give up his seat of power as leader of the Demonkin, but his thoughts went to Mike. He was sure Mike didn't want to fight for the throne over the Demonkin. Mike had already told everyone he was there to stop the undead threat in the universe, not simply command the Demonkin. He smiled knowing Mike had enormous potential to actually make a difference on a galactic setting!

The Elder clapped his hands to draw everyone's attention back to him.

"I think what Mike here did truly shows how powerful he is at such a low level. He will truly go far." His eyes darted around the room making sure everyone was listening before he looked back to Mike.

"Now Mike. If you truly want to make a difference we should first clear out the capital city of Evermore and use this city as our main base to slowly push the undead back. We know many Demonkin are making their way here already thinking it's a safe haven. We should make it so. While you focus on the cleansing of the undead, I will focus on the logistics of the people, food and water. What do you say?"

All eye's were on Mike. He stood in silence thinking everything over in his head. With his skills he wanted to learn the logistics and level up his skills for the future.

Mike nodded his head as he made up his mind. "I agree with you Elder Karthus. I do need to get stronger. Tal and myself will do what we can to clear out the capital. It will take us a while, but if Nemia is willing to go with us I think we will have a better chance. I don't want to order her around, but offering for her to come with us if she and you allow."

The Elder looked towards Nemia. He knew she was feeling stuck only being on light scouting duty and couldn't clear the city like she wanted.

"I vow to go with Tal' Va and Mike" a voice from behind the group spoke out. It was Nuva! He had watched the events unfold before and saw the true power of Mike. He made his way through the crowd and knelt before Mike and made the same Oath of Service to him. He spoke how he thought his actions got Tal' Va killed and how he wished to be better. He vowed not only an Oath of Service, but would also teach Mike all his magic.

[Would you like to be make Nuva a Crusader? Yes/No]

Everyone in the room was stunned! Nuva was a well reserved person. No one expected him to also make an Oath to Mike!

As Mike chose to make Nuva his second Crusader, Nuva was coated in a similar blinding blue and white light. After the skill activated Nuva didn't look any different, but did change!

[Crusader Command: 2/5]

[Bonus to Crusader Nuva: + .2 Wis & + .2 Int]

[Bonus to General Crusader: 0]

"Well since those two idiots have sworn an Oath to you, I guess I will as well" Jiv had spoke up. He had walked into the room with Nuva, but slipped into the crowd.

"Fine. I guess I will too. Seems like you have quite a group" Nemia had stood next to Jiv and flashed Mike a smile.

The two made similar Oaths of Service, but Nemia also vowed to teach Mike magic.

[Would you like to make Nemia a Crusader? Yes/No]

[Would you like to make Jiv a Crusader? Yes/No]

Mike obviously chose yes. He wanted to get his bonus as soon as possible!

[Crusader Command: 4/5]

[Bonus to Crusader Nemia: + .2 Int & + .1 Dex]

[Bonus to Crusader Jiv: + .2 Dex & + .1 Con]

[Bonus to General Crusader: 0]

Seeing as all the defenders of the survivors pledged an Oath of Service Elder Karthus needed to get Mike out clearing the city. Elder Karthus needed to get everyone he could to rebuild the Demon Empire!

If any one was able to read the Elders mind they would think he was planning something evil. Planning to kill Mike so no one can threaten his power, but they would be wrong! Elder Karthus was a very caring person. He knows his limits. What he can and can not do. He was already old and past his prime. He wanted to reshape the Demon Empire to care about it's people and help those that it can. He has witnessed the harshen of the main 3 races and how they treat other demi races. He wants to make the Demon Empire the head of an eventual demi coalition.

Elder Karthus had let the survivors keep themselves busy as he rounded up Mike and his new group. He lead them to a balcony over seeing the city. The wind blew carrying the scent of death. The light shined over the walls of the city as the group could see large groups of undead scattered around the city.

"We need the city cleared" the Elder spoke in a somber tone. "There have been survivors showing up every now and then. I suggest splitting up and taking out smaller group." He began to pull out a handful of crystal earpieces. "These were used by the King and the Royal guard. They are magical communicators that allow people to talk to one another over a large distance. These were specially made to allow the wearers to communicate over the entire planet."

The small group collected them and proudly put them on. Mike was the only one thinking it's just a magic item. The rest knew how much of an honor this was! These receiver pieces were only given to those that were the most loyal to the Demon Empire. Not the King. The rest of the group truly felt honored as they placed them on their ears.

"Now you do not need to physically speak to use these" the Elder began to explain the receiver pieces. "All you need to do is mentally think who you wish to communicate with and talk to them in your mind."

The group tested the function of the receiver pieces and quickly talked together.

{Nemia can you hear me?}

{Loud and clear Mike.}

{Good. Jiv, Nuva, Tal. You guys hear me?}

{Yes Sir}


{We all can}

{Glad you can all hear me. I think we should split into groups. I think I should learn magic first so Nemia and I will be one group, and you three in another. Each group should have a mage to support the warriors. Nemia will also teach me more magic.}

{How long will we be out there?} Jiv has asked mentally. {The undead get more viscous at night. Do we come back here?}

Mike shook his head. {No. Well. We should try to clear the city out as fast as possible. I want it cleared in two months. I think we stay outside the castle for a week before coming back. At night we should group up and camp out. It will be incredibly dangerous, but it will help us level up and get stronger.}

Everyone mentally nodded, but were worried. They all gave an Oath of Service to him and would listen to his orders. Especially since they got a powerful boon from him.

Mike turned to the Elder and informed them of their game plan. Elder Karthus was worried, but trusted Mike and the others. After having their plan decided Nuva to take on the roll of logistics. He had collected bags of dried foods and water for everyone and sleeping rolls for them all. While the group was preparing their gear, Elder Karthus pulled Mike aside.

"Mike I have a spell to teach you. You might not master it now, but from a Shaman to you I think this will help." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a handful of seeds. He took on from his palm and held it in his other hand.

"This spell is called [Life Berry]" as soon as he said the name of the phrase the seed started to glow a vibrant green color and grew in a blink of an eye. A small plant grew from the seed with a single fruit the size of a grape. It was a deep blue color fruit.

"This is the [Life Berry]. It is an advance spell for Shamans. It has saved many lives. Its effect won't last too long, five minutes at most, but will bring you back to full strength."

Mike's eyes widened! This is such a useful spell! If he can learn it that is. Elder Karthus smiled and handed over a dozen seeds to him. "It doesn't really matter what seeds you use, but the rarer the planet and seed the longer the effect will last."

"What happens after the five minutes?"

The Elder smiled embarrassingly. "Well. After those five minutes are up the person that eats it will go into a weakened stat. You won't go back to the state you were before you eat the seed, but will be much more vulnerable."

Mike nodded his hand. If he can learn this spell it will be very helpful, but a large weakness after. He thanked the Elder and placed the seeds in his bag.

Once Mike and his Crusaders double checked their gear they were wished off by the survivors and Elder Karthus. They waved to them and said they would be back in a week, or whenever they find a survivor.

The group of Crusaders walked down the stairs of the castle to the main gate. Once there they stopped and separated into their groups. Nemia and Mike in one group while Jiv, Tal and Nuva were in the other.

"I know we plan to split up, but I think we should say together as we find a place we can use a as base to sleep in at night. Any recommendations?"

Nuva chimed in. "In the Northern part of the city is, was, the Imperial Mage Training Academy. All the students and teachers were drafted and in the second army to retake the Spaceport, but they are all dead. The only ones that remained were the cleaning staff of the academy. It should be a well fortified place we can make our base."

No one else had anything to add.

"Let's go with that then" Mike had ordered. "I would also like to work on our group combat. We should get to a point that we won't need to talk in battle. I've noticed some undead have slightly more brain function. Is that normal?"

"Only stronger undead are like that" Nemia said. "If they were powerful in life they would make greater undead. Although if they had a very strong sense of will there is a possibility if they were raised by a spellcaster they could turn against said spell caster."

Mike took the information in, but moved it to the back of his mind. That was the future and they needed to make a safe place as they explore the city. He drew his sword as everyone else readied themselves and followed him down the stairs and into the undead infested city.