

Tal was carried into the main room by Jiv and Nuva. They placed him down on a pallet of cloth next to the fire.

"What happened out there?" The Elder demanded.

Jiv and Nuva were out of breath. Carrying the huge man took a toll on them. Jiv managed to speak between breaths.

"We were out patrolling... And we noticed one of Nuva's formations was down...When we examined it three Ghouls jumped out from bellow the wall... They attacked Nuva first, but Tal pushed himself between them. We managed to kill them, but Tal got bitten dozens of times."

Nuva stood by Tal's side motionless. "It's all my fault. My formation died. I didn't recharge it. It fell because of me." Nuva was completely at a loss. He blamed himself for this. If he would have recharged it Tal wouldn't be in this situation if he had done his job!

Mike was slightly confused by this. Tal's wounds didn't look good, but neither Nemia or Elder Karthus moved to tend to his wounds. The Elder focused on both Nuva's and Jiv's wounds. Nemia on the other hand had held out her hand and created a ball of fire in it. She held it over Tal's body.

"What are you doing!" Mike had lunged out and grabbed Nemia's hand pulling it away from Tal.

"What are you doing?!" Nemia yelled back! "He's been infected! We have to burn him so he won't rise back as an undead!"

Mike just looked at her puzzlingly. "What do you mean?! I can just heal him and he'll be fine!"

This caused everyone to stop what they were doing and look at Mike with shock. "What are you talking about?" The Elder had spoken. "It's impossible to cure the undead curse. There is no Cleric or Paladin that can stop the curse. Look at him!"

The Elder pointed to Tal. The bit marks had turned a dark purple color. Veins appeared across his body as the undead curse started to spread through hit body. Tal was grunting as he was barley conscious. He was trying his best to fight the curse, but was slowly succumbing to it.

"We have to kill him" Nemia spoke sternly, but watching her volume. She didn't want to wake the others.

Mike looked at them with a serious look on his face. "I have no idea what this undead curse is. I've been bitten and stabbed and slashed by the undead. I cured myself. I can do this!"

Mike ignored the skeptical looks on their faces and stood over Tal's body. He kneeled down besides him. Tal was losing his fight against the curse and slowly loosing himself to it. Mike used al his strength to hold down Tal's convulsing body. A golden white hue started to form around Mike. The light blinded everyone as they shielded their eye's. The hue got brighter as it engulfed both Mike and Tal. Mike had unknowingly learned a new skill.

[Holy Magic: Curse Cure Lv 1] By utilizing one's vitality to cure a minor curse on the body.

He had used his new skill and his [Holy Magic: Lesser Healing Lv 1] skill.

He never unlocked this when he was bitten as he was naturally resistant to the curse. He also healed himself within a minute of being bitten. Tal was bitten multiple times and it has been longer then a minute since he was bitten. The curse was able to spread through multiple wounds.

After a few seconds the golden white hue faded and everyone could see again. To their amazement Tal's wounds were gone! It was as though he was never injured. He was unconscious, but was completely healed!

Nuva instantly fell to his knee's! He was sobbing. He had thought a brother in arms was going to die because of him, but was over come with joy. He thanked Mike while crying.

Everyone else in the room with them stared at Mike in awe. The undead curse wasn't curable! No matter how powerful the Cleric or Paladin was, they couldn't break this curse. Then they remembered Mike's words. He was sent here by the Goddess of Reincarnation. Was he really here to save them they all thought.

Nemia had extinguished her flame and stared at Mike. Even Elder Karthus was stunned at the sight. If Mike can truly cure the curse then they could eventually stop the Lich!

Elder Karthus padded both Nuva and Jiv on the backs. "You two should go get some rest. I will stand watch with Nemia and Mike. We can stand watch."

Nuva and Jiv wanted to rebuke, but just nodded and listened to his orders. They knew Elder Karthus had potions that can keep him awake for days if needed. They thanked Mike before they left.

The 3 sat in silence around the fire. Tal's breathing relaxed as he was fast asleep. Elder Karthus sat close to Tal making sure his curse was actually gone.

Nemia sat in silence thinking over her actions. How quickly she was to kill a friend. She felt like a monster.

Mike on the other hand ignored everything and focused on trying to learn fire magic. He sat in the same crossed legged pose with his palms facing the ceiling. He focused again on his mana trying to create fire.

After hours went by as Mike tried to lean fire magic. He only managed to create a dark puff of smoke. Nemia was highly impressed. She had managed to see tiny sparks of fire in the smoke.

The sun had just started to rise as light broke through the windows. Shortly after the first of the survivors woke up to make breakfast for the group. They paused for a moment as they saw Tal. He wasn't hurt, but they thought it was weird he was sleeping out of his room. The Elder asked them to remain silent. He would inform the entire group of their next objective.

Elder Karthus was secretly over joyed with Mike's ability! Thy have been stuck in this castle for a few months and they were barely getting by. They would randomly find more and more survivors entering the city. He wanted to rebuild the city and use it to push back the undead invasion. Mike would be the key to doing this.

As more time passed and more people began to wake up. They all quickly noticed Tal sleeping in the main room and the excited look on the Elders face. They all quickly trickled in and sat down on their seats. A handful of survivors had already made food and started serving everyone in the room. Nemia had grabbed Mike to move to the back of the room. Elder Karthus had taken his spot at the front of the room, grabbing everyone's attention.


The Elder clapped to make sure he had everyone's attention.

"Everyone I wanted to start today's meeting with a discussion for the future. As you can all see Tal'Va has been sleeping in this room. He, Jiv and Nuva was out patrolling the castle walls. One of the formations was under power and three Ghouls had attacked. The group managed to kill the Ghouls, but not without a price. Tal' Va had managed to protect his comrade, but he was bitten dozens of times by the Ghouls!"

This startled the audience and those closest to Tal scrambled to get away from him.

The Elder chuckled and raised his hands. "Now don't worry. He is cured of his Undead Curse. Our newest arrive Mike Durpin, he is a General Crusader."

The room gasped at this bombshell! They had all turned to look at Mike like he was a god that descended to the mortal plane. Although, just like the Elder, they never heard of the class he has.

"Now now. I don't want everyone bothering him. We have much work to do. I believe more and more survivors are appearing in the city. They must think that there must be someone here to help them. THERE IS! We are few, but we have a chance to turn the tide. If Mike here is able to truly save us from the curse then we can make it off this planet!"

Everyone's hopes started to rise to incredible heights! Mike noticed Elder Karthus could really work a crowd.

"With Mike's power we can save all those we can and fight our way off the planet! We will have to work together to survive this!"

The crowd cheered and woke up the sleeping Tal! He groggily woke up. He looked around and saw the hopefully looks on everyone's face. He had been in a coma like state and heard everything. He knew his life was saved by Mike. He got up off the ground and made his way through the crowd. They all gave way as he walked towards Mike.

Mike was startled as he didn't know why Tal was walking towards him. Tal towered over Mike as he got closer. As soon as he was a foot away Tal knelt down on one knee.

"Sir Mike. You have done the impossible and cured me from the Undead curse." Tal was speaking like a knight to their lord. "Not only that, but you have the power to truly save us and get us off this planet. I would wish to make an oath to you. As the man to save me from certain doom and one with the power to turn the tide of the undead. I pledge myself to you. I will be your sword and shield on the battle field."

The room was dead silent. For a Demonkin to make an Oath of Service was a very important event! Only those that truly worshiped the King or a General in the military would make Oaths of Service to them. For a Warrior like Tal' Va to swear this oath to a person he literally just met was a big deal! Those that didn't believe the Elder quickly changed their tune!

Mike wasn't sure what to do. He was extremely embarrassed. His biggest issue was hearing his name. Sir Mike. He didn't like that. He planned to change his name since he is in a new world. It was surreal to hear his name like that. He definitely wanted to change it!

As soon as he was about to speak a screen appeared before him.

[Crusader Transformation] skill activated

[Would you like to make Tal' Va a Crusader? Yes/No]

[Crusader is a title you may grant as a General. The will have the same curse immunity as you and be granted greater bonuses from you. You also gain a bonus based on the amount of Crusaders under your command. 0/5]

Seeing as he had to preform Mike had raised his hand and placed it over Tal' Va's head.

"I accept your Oath Tal' Va! I shall accept your service, but must ask a question of my own!" His voice boomed through out the room. He inwardly felt uncomfortable trying his best to sound like a noble. "Will you accept my power and become one of my Crusaders?!"

The room was silent waiting for Tal to answer.

"I swear to become your Crusader!"

With those words the deal was struck and the skill finally activated! Tal was cloaked in a blinding white and blue light. The crowd had to cover their eyes from witnessing this! Tal' Va felt as though he was getting stronger and healthier! Never in his wildest dreams would Tal believe he could feel this good! After a couple seconds the light faded as Tal rose from the ground.

As people began to be able to see again they all noticed Tal' Va looked slightly different. His physique was more toned, his skin seemed to look younger, but also must more durable. He had a look in his eyes as though he went through a new rebirth into a higher being. Elder Karthus knew what this was! He wasn't entirely sure what Mike did, but he saw something very similar before!

High ranking Paladins and Clerics could bestow boons of their power to others. They would gain similar powers to the one's they blessed them, but also became tied to the person. If the Paladin or Cleric that bestowed the boon died so would all those blessed by their power. It was a high risk high reward power. He was very wary of it.