
Something New

"Please accept!" the girl hold out a pink, a fucking pink lunch box.

Ping was at the roof again, smoking when the girl came out of nowhere and approach her like a meek kitten and said her thanks before holding out that hideous pink thing.

Yan Ping don't like pink, it's too girly shit for her to tolerate.

"What's your name kitten?"

The girls face went red as she blushed at the nickname. Ping throws her cigarette before she took the box then waves the girl down to seat beside her on the ruined desk. She opened the box and picks up the chopsticks and started eating.

The girl kept staring with a soft smile. Ping didn't mind the attention, the girl is cute anyway.

"Lim Nana, my..... father is Korean." Ping heard the girl mumble, soft but she still heard since she has higher senses.

"Li Yan Ping, my father got transferred to this town so we gotta move here too." Ping informs and Nana nods her head as she stared at her.

"Can I call you jiejie?" Nana asked, eyes sparkling innocently.

Ping frowns, "No." she retorts firmly as she turn and stares back at the shorter next to her. She can see Nana starting to pout cutely. "I like you so why would I let you call me as your big sister? and you're older then me by two months."

Nana went redder than before as she stares up at Ping with her big brown eyes in shock.

"Thank for the lunch." Ping stood up, patted the others head before walking away, leaving the stunned girl behind at the roof.

"What's your type, like any?" the girl in front of her asks while pointing at the other side of the field, at the boys. Their class were currently by the field for the p.e test and all of the students were in track suit.

"I don't have a type and I don't like any of them." Ping answers glancing at the boys before going back to pulling out the grass from the ground.

"You're soooo boorringggg." her classmates jokes and some even laughs at her. It was irritating how the girls were nosy and keep on pulling her into their conversation as if she wants to be their friend. She scoffs and got up, went up to the teacher and ask if she could just do the test and be done with it.

The teacher gave her a look and roll his eyes but told her to go run with the boys around the field for ten rounds and he will let her off.

It was a piece of cake, running was in her blood and she has no trouble with the ten rounds. She came out first anyway.

"It's boring in here, isn't it?" Nana sighs and lean back into the concrete wall behind then. "There's not much to do, there's only a vast forest and wide ocean. The marketplace is smaller than the city you came from."

"Want me show you something fun?" Ping smirks and the other turns to her sharply with an excited shake of her nod.

"Come with me to the forest tonight and I'll show you." Ping says and the other turn confused but it's cute see her pout and frown.

The bell rang and the lunch break was over so they both went back to their class room.

"Bring thick coat with you!" Ping yells as they parted and the students in the hallway gave her a weird look.

Ping knows that Nana isn't afraid of her, instead she seem to be pretty curious after Ping healed her wounds on their first met by the roof. To be honest, Ping herself was excited to show her skills to the girl too. Her both parents knows her witch side, that's why they forbid her to do any witchcraft in the house and hates it when she even do little things like showing her face without makeup to them, because when she turned thirteen and started using her special skills, a tattoo got form on her face, from her left temple down to her side of the neck, it's silver in colour and sparkles when light catch on it. There are others too, but since they are on her body, her regular clothes cover it up without extra care like one on her face. Ping forgoes the make up and just wore jeans and hoodie over her t-shirt. Her mother clicks her tongue when she saw her done in black clothes like usual and with a snapback shadowing her face. Her mother don't talk anymore but Ping knows that she detest it when she go out without makeup, because she knows Ping is out to use her 'witchy hands' as they calls it.

Ping lean on the light post by the gate and waited for the other girl. Nana came five minutes after and they head off into the forest side by side. The forest was a reserved place, like a park but it was wide and full of talk old trees with leafy damp ground and concrete blocked pathways that goes around the place. Its cold so not many likes to come here but Ping loves the place and there's even a little lake by the other edge of the park, connected to where the real forest area starts.

"You wanted to show me the lake?" Nana questions with a pout and Ping just chuckle and grabs her hand.

"Have you seen the movie Frozen?"

"I have, the queen was really pretty."

"Really?" Ping smirks as they stop and stood by the edge of the lake, just a foot away from the water. "How about this?"

Ping pull the girl along as she jump into the water. Nana screams and hold on tight unto Ping's hoodie, she was expecting to get soaked in cold water but they instead fell on a soft jelly like thing. Nana gasp and tighten her hand on the other. The water was there but they were above it, as if the lake was nothing but a giant air filled-

"Cool?" Ping asks, interrupting Nana's train of thoughts. Ping stood up and help Nana still stand but the girl still has a dead grip on her arms non the less.

"Just jump, it's only like a giant trampoline but much softer and safer." Ping informs and gave encouraging nods to the other.

Nana was hesitant to let go of the hand but since it was Ping who made the spell, she decided to trust and try. It was nerve wrecking because she can see fishes swimming below her in the water and rocks and things. Then Ping starts jumping around the water, it made her scream in fear and almost made her cry when the water slosh around but she never got drown or even wet her shoes. It was fun when she got use to it after crawling around for an hour and having the courage to finally jump around, just like Ping said, and she jump around the lake. They even chased each other after Ping playfully push Nana down unto her butt.

"This is really nice." Nana sighs and snuggle close as they lay under the clear blue sky, there were only few starts but the half moon was shining brightly.

Ping smiles and pull the girl into her arms, "I told you to bring a coat but you came in just this thin sweater." she scolds but Nana giggles and just pull herself close to her without leaving any space between them.

"You know, this behaviour of yours is hinting that you like me." Ping teases with a pat to the others head, but she wasn't expecting Nana to nod her head shyly and warp her arms around her in return.

"Seriously?" Ping ask, her smile widening as she looks down at the girl snuggling in the arms, hiding her face in her collar. Nana nodded her head again but Ping teases her, "Words kitten, I can't hear what you're saying?"

Nana whines but then she mumbled, "I like you Pingping."

They haven't known each other for long, just three months, but Yan Ping don't mind, she only judge others personality and character anyway, the background doesn't matter much.