
Half Moon

"I'm learning a new spell, you wanna see?"

"Is that a question? of course I wanna see!"

"Wait till the new moon." Ping chuckles and continues playing with the others long hair.

They were by the lake, again at midnight, laying in the patch of grass near the beautiful lake that shines silver even in the moonless night with thousands of fireflies instead. Nana knows that the usual amount of light insects gathering is Ping's going. Her girlfriend is such a romantic! uh..

"Yannie, are we girlfriends?"

"Is that even a question, of course we are!" Ping says cheekily, feeding the others' previous words back to her.

Nana pouted but it turns to a shy smile when Ping drapes her arm across her stomach and hides her face in her neck as she whispers, "I like you for sure but maybe, I'm falling too."

At school, the boys don't dare bully Nana anymore but they turn to giving out insults instead. It was known that Nana is the one and only girl with a hard working mother, no father, the man left them for another women when she was eleven. Nana was a local and the other local students knew that. Then Ping found out only because she heard some girls talking trass about her Nana, in her class.

The two girls who bad mouthed Nana didn't came to school for a week and had to take a medical leave for being weak. Ping sprinkled some herbs in their water bottle that made them sluggish, vomit and then become weak for more then a week. Nana didn't knew about the sick juniors from Ping's class.

"The moon had been waxing for two days now, I think I'll do the spell during the half moon." Ping informs Nana when they were eating lunch together from the big lunch box Nana always packed for two of them. They were sitting facing each other as they eat. Nana hums in acknowledgement but didn't said anything. Though, Ping can see it in her eyes how excited the other is. It will be Nana's first time witnessing someone practising a spell and the anticipation is almost making her restless.

"It two days from now." Ping teases the other by poking her chubby cheeks. Nana glares at her for disturbing her in the middle of eating but it was just for the sake of being annoyed, she could never get angry at the other without a serious reason.

"I'm eating!" Nana threw a piece of carrot but Ping catch it with her mouth and ate it instead.

"If we eveer get married, you're incharge of cooking everyday."

Nana's face was so red that it made her look like as if she was having a high fever.

When the time came, Ping went to Nana's house and from there they head towards the actual forest. There is a meadow, Ping had told Nana, who doesn't even want to think how the other girl knows so much about the town more than its own old residents, Nana for example, who didn't even knew there was a lake in the forest until Ping took her there. Upon reaching the clearing Ping had advised Nana to sit a little far from her to avoid any harm.

"Whatever I do, do not come near me unless I ask you to and stay away from the circle, okay babe?" Ping requested and Nana nodded her head smiling. Seeing the other acting cute, Ping couldn't help it. She lean forward and stole a kiss from the girl before making a beeline to where she put her pouch is.

Because she don't want to frighten her girl, Ping put a relaxing spell on Nana and covered it up as a flying kiss. Then she turn to her black cotton pouch. She rarely ever use her book so she only brought some sage and herbs to burn and six white candles. She light the tied bundle of sage and herbs as she starts casting the circle spell first, and the candles starts levitating all by themselves in a formation with a single candle in the middle. The candles lights up when Ping puts the bundle down on the ground before standing up straight and hold her arms wide as she continues to chants the same spell.

Nana could just sit back, mouth agape and eyes not leaving her witch girlfriend.