
First kill

"when your heart turns black, there's no going back"

Ping had ponder about it a lot before and maybe she will turn into it if she didn't put herself in check every now and then. Nana is the only person who accepted her for who she is and loves her, even if the feeling is not strong right now. Nana cares for her, that's what matters and Yan Ping cares for her too and it's why it's hard for her to stay calm when she caught five girls ganging up on Nana what she came a little late and the girl was outside waiting for her alone after school.

When she got there to the scene, Nana was on the ground, face bruised up and eyes swelling, the cuts on her arms bleeding, her left leg bend by the ankle in an awkward position.

Ping's eyes turn black and hollowed, breath heavy as her skin started turning ashy. She huffs and the five girls walking away all fell down on the road, one fell hard towards the middle and a car ran over her, crushing her in half from the chest..


The air stilled as if holding its breath. People were swamping towards the girl who got crushed by a car a few feet away. Yan Ping turn back and stares at the girl below. Nana was reaching out for her and Ping crumbled back to herself. Ping carefully took hold the others hand as she crouches down.

"I'm here love," Ping coos, "You're gonna be alright. I will take away your pain."

She didn't care for others, she just pick the unconscious girl up in her arm and teleported right into Nana's room. She strip her, healed all her bruises and cuts and mend her broken ankle. Than she tug her in her bed to rest.

Ping sat on the chair in the sitting room and waited for Nana's mother to talk about what she has in mind.

Huang Fang Yi was a kind women and when Ping told her about what is happening in the school and what she thinks, she was understanding. Unlike her parents back home.

"I can't afford it, I'm barely managing our needs as it is. Sending her away, I don't have enough money for it." Fang Yi sadly says. She was sad hearing that her daughter is getting bullied over such things at school but what could she do. She was just a regular office worker with low wage and a single parent at that.

"I can help you if you let me." Ping says and kneel down in front of the women. She took the hands in hers and hold them firmly. "Would you, Nana's mama?"

"I.." Fang Yi looks at her and smiles, "I never saw Nana making any friends, she is a quiet one and barely talks unless she feels comfortable around that person. Yet, here you are claiming you're her best friend and suggesting things for her to live better. Just who are you to Nana?"

"Tell me honestly." Fang Yi questioned politely.

"I love your daughter that's all I can say." Ping replied and the women hand is her tightened but she was calm and collected.

"Very well, I believe you. If my daughter loves you back, I cannot go against you. Love is a tricky thing, that I knew from the beginning."

Yan Ping didn't liked the look on older women, it was as if she was still heartbroken over someone. So she lean up and kisses the woman's cheek, casting a spell that can help her with getting over the past and start over with her life without any emotional baggage to carry around.

"Thank you." Ping smiles and the women burst out chuckling.

"No wonder Nana loves you," she teased softly, "You're so cute and sweet and you act like a cat. My Nana likes cats."

If this was Li household, Yan Ping had been on the floor getting beat up for saying she likes girls. That's how it is, violence.

"Master, what are you planning to do now, you're just a mere child in this human world." Wang Jiu asked when Yan Ping got back home, in her room laying on the bed wide awake.

"When I was twelve we went on a field trip to see the Forbidden City in central Beijing," Ping starts, drawing in the air leaving trails of light in its way for a second. She draws the forbidden palace and let the image hang in the air above her for a minute, "I was so excited that I walk off the line into a different way and got separated from the class. I've never seen a palace before so I took the chance and started exploring on my own. In the palace where an empress lived, the Palace of Earthly Tranquility I found a box in a corner, covered in dust and webs, near where the empress use to sleep. There were other people but it was like they don't and only I could see. So I pick the box up and took it with me. I got scolded by our teacher for wandering on my own but I didn't mind it. When I got home I checked the box and found a collection of head ornaments. Bitch, it was EXPENSIVE!" Ping dramatically said and put a hand on her chest, where she can feel her heart beats.

"Jade, all kinds of it, pearls, golds, silvers, diamonds, precious crystals and stones which cannot be found today. I hit a jackpot." Ping smiles and turn towards the small form of the fox lounging in her chair in the corner.

"So you found a treasure box." Wang Jiu stated lazily, yawning in the middle of it.

Ping rolls her eyes and snap her singers, knocking the fox down on the floor with her sudden wind. Wang Jiu snarls and jumps on top of his master, who just laughs and hold him down by warping her arms around him, holding him to her chest.

"Master, you do know that I'm a man right?" Wang Jiu questions, his fox face squash between two soft flesh on his master's chest.

"So what, it's not like you will ever dare molest your own master and my breast is kinda big, it must be comfortable to sleep on."

"Master you're shameless."

"Tomorrow, lets go on hunting for someone who might be useful to us." Ping yawns and let Wang Jiu slip off from her hold. "Sleep now." she pats the fox and turn on her side, closing her eyes to rest for some hours.

It was a weekend so Ping told Nana that she has some errands to run and she can't spend time with her. Their morning phone call was longer than usual, almost two hours of Nana whining and complaining that she also wants to come and see her spell practising since she is convinced that Ping is going out to practice her spell and not do errands like she's claiming to.