
In Seoul

Ping had teleport herself to the neighbouring country, Seoul, South Korea. Nana is a Korean and just maybe she might be more comfortable living here than in a place full of different race and ethnicity. Mama Huang had shared how Nana's father had come home and never went back because he died in his duty in the military and that she never told Nana or anyone about the letter she received from the Kim family.

"I've never been here before, the cultural is interesting." Ping comments as she look around the streets, standing in the middle of Gangnam, as they call it. "Come out Xiao Wang, in your human form, you need to run errands for me today."

She stood there waiting and a tall, fair, and extremely handsome man who seem to be in his twenties came to stand next to her. Ping just rolls her eye at the exquisite appearance. She would have ignored the man if not for the same aura as her little fox.

"Are you looking for someone for warn your bed tonight? 'cause the women here are giving me dead look for just standing next to you." Ping teases, and pokes the fox's side. Then she head straight into a cafe and sat down on the table near the corner, away from the people's view. Wang Jiu just followed his master and stood near her.

"Xiao Wang do you know their language?" Ping ask as she pick up the given menu on the table, looking over it.

"I do know but some phrases seem to have changed." Wang Jiu replies, he still knows it, he just dont know this generation of people.

"Xiao Wang, can you sit down?" Ping giggles at the fox standing before her. "I did not enslaved you, we are more like friends please." She smiled genuinely and wave the man down to sit on the chair opposite to her.

Wang Jiu did, hesitantly so, but he sat down awkwardly and started glancing around the place. People were looking at them and whispering by themselves about them, maybe because they were different from them and they were talking in ancient Chinese only known to few people in this era anyways. It's Chinese but even a Chinese born cannot speak the old language.

"What would you like to order?" a waitress came by and talks in fluent modern simplified Chinese. At least it was Chinese.

"One black coffee and one cup cappuccino with lots of cream, please." Ping politely says, "Oh, and that chocolate pastry over there? two piece."

"Go find me a book on Korean language so that I can learn and a book on this place myths and legends. You can eat the cake when you get back."

15 minutes later:

"I had to STEAL!" Wang Jiu hisses as he put down six thick books on the table and glares at the girl, complaining, " What were you thinking Master, sending me off like that?"

"Good work," Ping chuckles and just pushed the other plate of untouched pastry towards the fox and a cup of cappuccino. Like nothing happened, Wang Jiu mood seemed to get better at the sight of the pastry and he sat down and starts eating it with the spoon, smiling like a kid who just got his favourite toy.

For some minutes they stayed like that, Ping reading the book while sipping her refilled cup of black coffee and Wang Jiu eating his third plate of pastry. The silence between them, Wang Jiu find it kind of uncomfortable.

"Master, are you not gonna talk about what happened yesterday?" Wang Jiu ask the question which had been troubling him since last night. Ping just hum in acknowledgement but didn't gave out any opinion. So Wang Jiu added, "You did killed that weak human girl right in front of so many people and I'm aware that this era don't take that lightly."

"What do you want me to say?" Ping glance at the fox across the table and continues to read the book open in front of her on the table, "That I'm sorry for it? that I regret it.... I have nothing to regret though, I do what I intend to do. I don't indulge myself in things I might not like in the future. That girl, she broke Nana's ankle and so she had it coming. I didn't even touch her and she died. She's not strong enough to survive standing in front of me, she just tripped on my wind and fell over. It's not my fault that she has no sense of footing, it's her fault for going against someone out of her reach. Arrogant and ignorant people irritates me like no one. I am strong. Am I doing show of it? No, I'm just sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and learning Hangeul with my dear Xiao Wang disturbing me."

"I apologise." Wang Jiu was quick to apologise and sit like a wet kitten just out of the water, startled and confused.

Ping sighs and lean back on her chair, "Wang Jiu, it's not that I enjoy being the cause of someone's death but death is better sometimes. That girl has so much jealousy and greed clouding her mind and in the future she might have committed much bigger problems for those around her. Yes, it will change the outcome of future but its a given. Even if there is an oracle, our future changes every time we do something different and unpredictable. We create our own future and sometimes other people's actions can also impact us as our actions effects them."

"You speak of such wisdom master." Wang Jiu carefully states and look at the girl for her reaction.

"I believe I have an old soul and so I am aware of things that others might not." Ping just smiles and shrugs her shoulders.

They had sandwich for lunch, afterwards Ping ask the fox to go on a search for a person good enough to serve her while she still look over the books, sitting in the same cafe getting her cup refilled with black coffee every now and then.

Ping didn't notice the cafe staff glancing every now and then, talking in hush words how she had not move from her seat since coming in. They were also talking about how she seems regal enough to be some other country's princess. She even has a butler! they thought, a very handsome one at that.

By the time Wang Jiu came back, Ping has grasp the use of Hangeul and could make conversations just fine with the simple knowledge of it. She just need to learn the harder proverbs and phrases afterwards.

There were two people who came in with Wang Jiu, one was in a black suit looking like a respectable person (not to Ping though) the other person was wearing casual pants and a jacket looking like some-

"Hello, I'm Kim Seo Min, a casting manager from SM." the casual wearer introduce himself and hold out his hand for a shake, then awkwardly retrieve it when Ping just stared at him, waiting for him to say something more. Seo Min clears his throat and cough before saying that he saw her some hours ago but he lost her. Then he saw Wang Jiu and ask the man to lead him to her. He said that she looks young and that he could get her sign into the company he works in.

"I can buy the whole entertainment company here in Seoul and no, I'm not interested in getting chased like some animal and to have people shove camera at me like I'm the latest news wherever I go. So please, go away." Ping responded in smooth hangeul and wave the man away as she turn towards the other man.

"Is he the one?" Ping questions. Wang Jiu nods his head so she waves down the man in the suit, "Why don't you take a seat."

The man seem to hesitate and look back at the other man walking away but still took the seat before Ping.

"I want South Korean citizenship, can you make me one?" Ping directly asks, and the man look startled but still nodded his head, "oh, and for Wang Jiu too since he'll need it too. When will you can finish it?"

"You can give me a month? I can make it as soon as possible but the payment... ?"

"Master Li." Wang Jiu provided.

"Don't worry about it, I'll give you when you make us the documents we need. I'll sent Wang Jiu a month from now, and make him 46, he needs to be an adult. I'm gonna be eighteen and graduate high school soon." Ping informs the man who took out a small note pad to take notes.

"Your name mister." Ping asked since the man himself was quite and haven't introduced himself, "Did he promised you something?" she eyed the fox.

"He said I can spend a night with him and that you'll also pay me. I'm Min Kyun Soo, CEO of Min Industries." the man proudly introduce himself, but Ping just frowns upon hearing that one thing.

"He is not a courtesan, we're taking our leave." Ping almost snarls as she glared at the man with pig belly. She stood up and place the bills into the cashier and left the cafe with the fox trailing behind her.

"I can't believe you sold yourself!" Ping yells and turn to face the fox in the middle of the street. People were looking but Ping didn't give a fuck about it. "How could you?"

and they were back to speaking ancient Chinese.

"I have nothing to offer that man could possibly take so I had to do that since he fancy young man like myself." Wang Jiu defended himself and Ping huffs in annoyance.

"I understand. Let's go find someone suitable."

Next chapter