

Alex felt Nathan kiss her forehead and opened her eyes. He was dawning down on her, "You're okay?" he asked pushing away her wet hair from her face.

She nodded, "I didn't get to say it back"

"Mmm?" he gazed at her.

"I love you too," she said. He smiled pulling her into a hug.

"Should we take a shower together?" he asked.

"Am too lazy now to move" she muttered. He laughed, "Let me worry about that then," he said.

Nathan got up and left for the bathroom then returned carrying her out of bed and walked to the back... Alex opened her eyes as they moved into the tub. He placed her down into the warm scented water and then got behind her.

She leaned back into his chest closing her eyes again, slowly his hands poured water over her body. She felt him move his hands over her body washing away the sweat.

"Alex, why don't you let me help? Am worried about you" he said his arm resting around her shoulders and pulling her closer.

She held his arm, "I know you mean well but I can really handle it myself. It's just hard right now but it will eventually work out"

"Maybe I can just talk to someone to help you then, how about that?" he said.

She smiled, "It's still the same with you helping"

He sighed, "I don't like seeing you so anxious and overworked when I can help. I hate it so much"

"Please just trust me, I can do it," she said.

"Do you hate me helping you? If it's that you can just tell me I won't get angry" he said.

Alex opened her eyes and turned to face him, "Why would I hate anything from you. It's just that I feel I have only been getting help from you and never really offered anything. So I decided I will try my best this time without you" she let out, "Thank you for being that shoulder I can always count on but I have been doing this on my own for too long to change it overnight, I hope you understand"

He held her neck drawing her closer, planting a kiss on her lips, he smiled.

"I understand, but if you do need my help don't hesitate to say it," he said.

She nodded leaning back on his chest.


Alex walked out of the fifth company that day, none of the companies had offered to hire her. She sighed walking into a cafe and ordering some coffee. She sneakily touched her feet which were aching from all the standing and moving around in heels.

Her coffee arrived, "Thank you" she pulled out her phone which was ringing with a call from Nathan.

"How is it going," he asked.

"Not so good but am still trying," she said trying to sound cheerful.

"If you tired return home and rest, don't overdo it" he answered.

"Mmm, let me try two more then I will head home," she said.

"Okay, be careful," he said.

"Mmm," she said holding back her tears

"Alex" called Nathan


"I love you," he said.

She smiled as a tear escaped down her face, "I love you too" she answered hanging up. Her tears fell as he silently cried.

She had been trying for weeks now and nothing was going her way. She was devastated, every company that knew she was Alex White or where she used to work rejected her immediately. Even when she tried to beg they still refused her.

It seems her stepmother had taken measures to stop her from working in any place after throwing her out of their company.

Covering her mouth Alex got up running into the restrooms. She closed herself in one cubicle and cried her eyes out. The pain reminded her of her father's death and her tears increased even more.

She bit down on her arm so she could not scream to attract attention.


Nathan hang up his phone and sighed. Becca noticed his clutched fist and moved back.

Her eyes moved to where the was looking and notice Alex running off from her table. They had been following her all day without her knowing. And every time she came out more disappointed. Nathan gritted his teeth watching her every time.

"Make sure every company that rejected her suffers the consequences of offending my girlfriend," he said to Becca.

"Yes, boss" Becca answered getting her phone.

"Roy drive the car closer and keep the door open," he said getting out.