
Two Piece: Next Generations

One Piece gathered many fans, but it's time for the next generation to take the spotlight. Join Monkey D. Maya as she gathers her own crew and follows the path of adventure, after the collapse of the world government. (One Piece fans must read!)

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2 Chs

Chapter 1: "Kill him!" Monkey D. Luffy's Execution

"So, where are you going, exactly?" Doja asked.

Maya thought about it for a moment. "To New Marineford," she answered at last.

Doja grinned. "Well, you're in luck. I'm headed there too, going to meet up with my dad at the latest execution."

"I'm just going for the execution," Maya said, sitting cross-legged on the deck and shutting her eyes.

"I don't know how long until we get there, but a guy told me to sail west," Doja continued.

"Hold on," Maya perked up. "This isn't west, this is east!"

"Oh really?" Doja attempted to block the sun from her vision as she glanced at the open sea. "How can you tell?"

"Are you kidding me?" Maya grumbled as she took the helm. "Just let me sail from now on. How about I be your captain?"

"Oh sure, fine with me," Doja agreed.

Maya grinned, "Cool."

And so the two girls sailed on to New Marineford. At last, they anchored their ship at their destination and made their way to the execution platform. At first, the streets were empty and quiet, but Maya started hearing the buzz of excited voices as they continued to the city's center. The biggest crowd of people Maya had ever seen was packed in the square.

"This must be it," Doja shouted over the noise as they approached the hive. Maya surveyed the crowd warily.

"We have to be careful here," She warned.

"Why?" Doja asked.

"There's a lot of pirates here," she explained. "I might have a few problems with some of them, and being your new captain, that makes them your problems also."

Doja furrowed her brow. "What? Who made you my captain? I never agreed to that."

" Yes you did," Maya smiled. "Remember, on the ship I volunteered to be your captain and you said sure."

"That's not what I meant! I was only giving you consent to pilot my ship!"

Maya's smile grew wider. "That's not what I meant. And don't you know what the word 'captain' means? Since you agreed you have to listen to everything I say. But I'll be generous and make you co-captain If you want."

"No!" Doja insisted. "There's no way I'm letting you be my captain. Who do you think you are, anyway? Going around and tricking people into saying things?"

"I think I'm a captain who's looking for a crew. And you just happened to be who I came across, so-" the sound of a gong cut off Maya from finishing.

The entire crowd fell silent as three marines and another man walked through the doors, and came into view on the platform. "Monkey D. Luffy," one of the marines began, " the pirate king, has been sentenced to death by the five chairmen; on account of manslaughter, robbery, treason against the world government, and other acts of piracy. He will, as it is this day, be beheaded as his punishment."

It was then that Maya noticed the various marine captains positioned around the crowd, watching the spectacle.

"Isn't that your dad?" Doja said. Maya gritted her teeth as the people around her held their breath. She didn't like the feeling of the tension that she was surrounded by. The two marines standing on either side of Monkey D. Luffy pushed him onto his knees. One of them took off the straw hat which he had been wearing and threw it on the platform, stomping on it.

Even from where she was, Maya could see the blazing rage in Luffy's eyes as he looked up at the man. Then he turned his face to the crowd and grinned; the craziest, happiest, most relatable grin Maya had ever seen in her short life.

She gritted her teeth. Damn, how she detested that grin. She hated seeing her father happy, seemingly unaware of her very existence. The marines raised their swords above Luffy's head.

Red-haired Shanks, the man known famously for ending the war raised his sword also. Maya knew him simply as a good pirate.

"Hey, Luffy!" He shouted, "I really thought you'd take better care of my hat!" The doors leading to the execution platform burst open. Behind Luffy stood a buff-looking man with short green hair. Maya narrowed her eyes at the three swords at his side and knew what was happening.

'What, a rescue mission?' She thought.

Doja's eyes widened as she took a step back. She had realized what was happening just as soon as her new captain had.

"Are they insane?!" She exclaimed. "Don't they know how many marines there are around here? They're going to get themselves killed!" Then she smiled. "Well, might as well enjoy the show."

Maya glared, "there will be no show!" As if to spite her, other pirates that she had seen in the crowd raised their swords and started yelling. Marines fired shots. People screamed. Maya was furious.

"YOU DAMN PIRATES ARE RUINING THE EXECUTION!" She yelled. Very few people paid attention.

In a fit of rage, she started to push through the crowd; her destination being the platform. Marines and fellow pirates swarmed around her, battling each other to the death. She dodged a wild hay-maker thrown her way and slammed against the wooden doors leading inside the building.

Ever since the new Marineford had been built all there was to hold executions was a sone tower-like structure, with a tall platform on the side. A marine stumbled in behind her, recovering from the shock of a pirate's blows. All she saw was the winding staircase in front of her. She skipped steps as fast as she could to reach the top. She didn't even recognize the damp coolness that the tower provided from the heat outside. She had one goal, and that was to see Luffy executed.

Her tiring marathon proved fruitful, as she could finally see the open doors. The executioners lay bloodied on the platform. Luffy and his partner in crime, Roronoa Zoro, were gone.

"YOU STUPID MARINES!" Maya screamed, this time making some rather important heads turn toward her. "KILL THE GOOD-FOR-NOTHING BASTARD! KILL HIM!"

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