
Two Piece: Next Generations

One Piece gathered many fans, but it's time for the next generation to take the spotlight. Join Monkey D. Maya as she gathers her own crew and follows the path of adventure, after the collapse of the world government. (One Piece fans must read!)

KaturaEclipse · Action
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2 Chs

Preface: "Put it on my treasure tab!"

A pixie-haired girl sat alone at a pub, devouring a plate of food. She seemed to be oblivious to the onlooker's strange glances in her direction. The teenage daughter of the pub owner brought her another plate of food.

"Are you sure you have enough money to pay for all this?" She chuckled nervously.

The girl looked up. "Um-hum," she nodded while meeting the other girls' eyes.

"Oh, okay then. Here you go." She set down the plate and busied herself with the other customers. The girl licked her plate off and was about to start on the second when the doors to the small pub flew open.

"BLUE EYES!" A hulky man shouted while stomping into the room.

"Oh crap," the girl said, shooting up from her chair and wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.

"Hey, lady!" She yelled, "put it on my treasure tab! I gotta go!" She grabbed her full plate off the table as the man pulled two bulky pistols from his leather belt. Grinning, she turned and jumped onto the open window sill that she had been sitting in front of. In an instant, gunfire and screams filled the air, but the girl was still smiling. She jumped onto the ground and ran down the main road, towards the docks.

Soon she was running along the ocean, trying to recognize her (actually hulky man's) ship. And she did find it, the only problem was that it wasn't tied up where she left it but was already sailing on the blue ocean.

"Hey! That's MY ship!" She yelled at the top of her lungs. After waiting a few seconds for an answer and hearing none, she glared at the departing ship and plopped down on the ground to finish her meal. The food was gone within a few minutes, leaving her to decide what to do next.

"Borrow another one, I suppose," she grumbled to herself. She walked up the dock until she found a small row boat tied up to a post. She grinned and jumped in. She preferred a big ship with a sail but a rowboat would work fine.

She paddled as fast as she could until she came alongside her stolen ship.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing!" She yelled with her neck craned up. There wasn't an answer. "Hello!" She called again.

A head peaked over the rail. "Oh; hey down there."

"Hey yourself! That's my ship!"

The girl on the ship looked over her shoulder. "Hmm, you know, I think this might not be my ship."

"You think?!" She exclaimed.

"No wonder I didn't recognize it. Well come on; or are you just going to stay down there in you're petty rowboat?"

The girl on the ship turned and walked out of view. "I wouldn't be in this petty rowboat if not for you!" But she paddled closer to the ship and grabbed the ladder on the side. She climbed up and scanned the deck for something she could yell about. Finding no damage she decided to remain calm.

"Anyway," she began. "I'm Monkey D. Maya. Other than a ship thief, who are you?"

"I'm Roronoa Doja."

The translation of some Japanese words will be here, as well as how to pronounce some names.

If I got something wrong about One Piece world tell me in the comments :)

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