
Twisted Sisters: An MHA Story

*Updated Weekly... sometimes bi-monthly... :)* All orphaned at young ages, Luna, Nyoko, Misaki, and Kokoro have led very different lives. Despite this, they all find themselves accepted into the best hero course in the country: UA, assigned to class 1A. Four new students, four new stories, four new quirks. One searches for a killer, one battles villainous stereotypes, one hopes to save others from her tragedies, and one struggles to belong. All fight to prove society wrong. !!Warning!! Mature themes depicted Language

KidaJ_ · Anime et bandes dessinées
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Just do Your Best Ida


"Excuse me! Can you give me a comment on All Might's teaching ability?"

There is a crowd of people at the front gate. Camera's flash and reporters shout questions at every student and faculty member that passes by. I ignore it until one of them shoves her way in front of me.

"Can you tell us how All Might fares as a teach-" the reporter stops mid-sentence once she sees my face. "Wait, aren't you the daughter of the famous Cyborg hero: Gadget?"

I'm pretty sure my circuit boards short for a second because I'm paralyzed. I didn't think anyone would remember him. He wasn't a big-name hero that was always in the press, and he was still young in his career when he died. Statistically, most people don't remember him.


"Gadget's daughter?"

"I didn't know he had a kid,"

"Single dad,"

"She's all alone,"

I don't know if the reporter's are saying these things as they swarm me or if it's my memory replaying.

It's suddenly hot and my fans kick into overdrive. I still can't move. Why can't I move?!

'Run Diagnostics check.' I demand.

Words only I can see appear in my vision:

Oil Level: 90%

Antifreeze Level: Full

Coolant: Full

Motor systems: Operational

Memory systems: Operational

Vision Systems: Operational

Circuit Systems: Operational

Alert: Detecting increased circuit output

Increased output? Is that why I can't move even though reporters are shoving microphones in my face? No, my circuits would have to be completely shot in order to cause immobility. So why can't I move?

"Don't worry my Grease Monkey," I hear my father's voice in my mind. I see his smile. I hear his laugh.

No. No, please no. I don't want to remember! Memory shut down! Shut down NOW!

"It'll all be okay," he says.

"...leadership and wisdom remind us on a daily basis that we attend the world's most prestigious institution. It is an honor and privilege to be under the tutelage of the pro hero we all admire."

It's not my dad's voice or any reporter's voice I hear but Iida's instead.

"Now if you'll excuse us we have to get to class."

My vision clears and all systems go back online when someone grabs the strap of my backpack and pulls me forward.

Finally I'm able to move, and the further from the reporter's we get the more I'm confused by what came over me.

"I'm sorry for butting in and grabbing your backpack." Iida says. "But you looked like you needed the help back there."

I nod. "T-thank you, I don't know what came over me."

"I couldn't help but overhear one reporter say you're the daughter of the Cyborg Hero: Gadget." he says.

"Yeah," is all I say because I really don't want to talk about it.

"I hope I'm not overstepping, but my parents always talked fondly of him."

I stop walking and look at him. How would he know?... Wait…

I don't know why it took me so long to realize the similarities. The square eyes, brooding shoulders, wide jaw, straight blue hair… Ingenium.

"Iida," I say. "Tensei Iida, Hero name Ingenium. Son of Tatsumi and Ton Iida both also pro heroes under the names Ingenia and Ingenium and worked with my dad."

"My parents and older brother." Iida answers for me.

Why hadn't I picked up on that? Why hadn't the genealogy registered? Probably because I didn't run a fingerprint analysis.

"I had my suspicions you were related to him, especially after watching you fight yesterday, some of your moves, and gadgets are very similar to his."

"Most of my equipment I refurbished from his old suit." I answer. "My dad worked for the Ingenium's until he built his own agency."

"Yes, and they worked together even after that." Iida adds. "They were heartbroken when they found out what happened. They tried finding out what happened to you… but… Well they never did."

"Don't tell anyone." I unconsciously grab his arm. I look around to make sure no one else is listening. "Please, Iida, don't tell anyone. People already judge me, I don't want-"

"It's okay," his voice is strangely calm. It's very different now then the tone he uses to address the class. "I won't say anything."

"Thank you." I say and drop my hand. "I should go," I say, then turn and walk away before he has the chance to stop me.


"Alright class it's time to begin." Mr. Aizawa says at the front of the room. "I went over the video footage of each of your team's and your results."

He begins to tell everyone what they did right and what they did wrong.

"Yasumoto, you were smart to use Kayama's own physiology against her. That being said you were reckless in the use of your sonic blasts. You could have collapsed the whole building and caused unnecessary casualties."

"I guess I got carried away," I hear Yasumoto though she is on the other side of the room.

"Even though your team won, you made a lot of mistakes. Imamura, your strategy to attack an opponent based on your knowledge of the quirk can be both useful and a weakness. You underestimated your opponent and that cost you in the end."

"Not my fault she's a freak," I hear Imamura mutter quiet enough for Misaki's spine to stiffen in the seat between us.

I don't know what Misaki felt when she took on Imamura. Statistically I knew the odds weren't in her favor. But Misaki proved herself which is what we're all here to do.

"Kayama," Mr. Aizawa says and I look up. "There are a few things UA offers that I think you will benefit from. See me after class."

I nod.

"Now let's get to business. Our first task will decide your future as a class."

Everyone sits up and pays more attention at this. What other test could he possibly throw at us already? Some of us are still recouping from yesterday's battles.

"You need to pick a class representative." he says.

Everyone's posture relaxes.

"Pick me!" Kirishima shouts.

"Nah you're going to need me," Pipes in Kaminari.

"Someone with style would be tres magnifique." Ayoma raises his hand.

"Guys I'm totally the perfect fit!" Mina jumps up.

Everyone shouts for it… Well, everyone except for myself, Misaki, and Imamura.

Misaki winces and I wonder if everyone's excitement is too much for her.

I think back to what she said to me yesterday after Recovery Girl had healed her. She walked up to me fidgeting with the bandages on her hands, her eyes down and constantly changing direction.

"Hey, um, would you mind if we, I don't know… became friends?" she had said. "It's just, you know, with your quirk and all it's kind of relaxing to be around you. I-I don't get super overwhelmed with your emotions." She then suddenly shot her hands up. "But that's not the only reason I want to be friends, I didn't mean it like I was using you for your quirk. I-I-I just meant I think that even though we didn't win yesterday, we make a great team!" her face had gotten all red and she didn't open her eyes until I replied.

"Okay," I said. "Friends."

"Really?! Okay, you can call me Misaki."

"Koko," I had given her the nickname my dad used to call me.

She smiled so big and I couldn't help a smile of my own. Finally I had a friend! Look Dad! I have a friend!

"Everyone, silence! Please!" Ida shouts above everyone. "The Class Representative must lead others. It's not a job for just anybody." His confident and demanding tone has reappeared. "You have to have the trust of everyone in the classroom. Therefore, the only logical way to fill this position is democratically. We will hold an election to choose our leader."

His hand is shaking as he speaks but I can't tell why. What he says is correct. The only logical way to choose a leader that everyone trusts to do the job is to take a vote.

"Do what you want but make a decision before my nap is over." Mr. Aizawa says and zips up the yellow sleeping bag he keeps behind the podium.

"Alright everyone please take out a pen and a paper and write down who you want to vote for." Iida says. "Then fold it up and put it on the podium."

Everyone listens. Most likely everyone is voting for themselves. Out of all of us, neither me nor Misaki wants to be the class representative so there's two votes out of the way. It seemed like Imamura wasn't all that interested either and I wonder why. Being class representative is sure to get you noticed by hero agencies.

I myself know my limitations and being the one to speak for the people is one of them. Especially when I don't understand the people.

So who should I vote for?

I look at each of my classmates. There's no one here I actually trust… except for Iida. He proved that to me this morning.

Did I act irrationally?

I got so worked up about the reporter mentioning my dad… I hadn't expected it. Dad was killed just a few months after my quirk manifested. I never knew my mother or why I didn't have one. All my life it was just me and him. Then when he died, I bounced from foster family to foster family until gaining emancipation. No one wanted the robot girl under their roof. I didn't have a family.

But I remember Ingenium. Back then it was Iida's dad who had the name. He was kind to me and so was his wife. They let me play in the offices of the hero agency when dad was working and didn't have a babysitter. Sometimes I would play with Tensei if he came into the office. I had never known there was another son, never mind one that was my age.

But it wouldn't have mattered anyway.

At the end of the day, when dad died, I was alone with nothing but memories.

Would they know more about him?

"Alright, has everyone turned in their votes?"

I quickly scribble a name onto the paper and walk it up to the front where Yaoyorozu is organizing the papers. I hand it to her and sit back down. She and Iida go through the votes and write everyone's name on the board then tally every time they've got a vote. By the time they're done, I'm surprised I've got a vote. I know I didn't vote for myself.

I look at Misaki who shrugs. "You're the only one I trust. Who'd you vote for?"

I open my mouth to tell her but am interrupted by Mr. Aizawa.

"Is everyone done?" he says standing up and unzipping his sleeping bag.


He looks at the board. "Looks like your class rep is Midoriya and our deputy is Yaoyorozu."

Deku is visibly shaking as he walks up to the podium. Yaoyorozu on the other hand looks annoyed.

"Are you sure this isn't a mistake?" Midoriya asks.

"Maybe he'll do a good job." Misaki says hopefully.


Class moves on to our regular subjects. Most of which is a breeze, but not because I'm intellectually superior. It's because I put myself on autopilot. There are things stirring inside me. Things I haven't experienced before. Things I don't like.

When I was younger this would happen to me a lot. When it did, I would find the darkest closet in whatever foster home I was in and replay every memory I had of my dad. That's all I want to do right now. And while I can't exactly get up and find a dark closet, I do replay his memory.


"Hello…? Koko…?"

I snap out of it and am shocked to realize it's lunch and I'm not in the classroom anymore. I'm in the lunch hall sitting across from Misaki, drinking an oil can.

"Are you okay?" she asks me.

"Yeah, why?"

"You seem more distant than usual today."

"Sorry, I've had a lot on my mind this morning." I answer and eat a mouthful of rice.

"Want to talk about it?" she asks.

"Not really," I answer.

"Okay," she says and eats more of the fish on her plate. "Do you mind if I ask you something."

"Go ahead,"

"Why do you drink oil and eat normal food?"

"I need the oil for my motors and it's the only way my body will process it." I say. "I have to eat regular food because even though I'm almost completely made of machinery, my body still requires the usual sugars, proteins, and carbohydrates a normal human body requires."

"I hope you don't mind me saying but your physiology is interesting."

"I'm a mystery to most doctors." I say. "My body still has a lot of human processes that I rely on to live. I still have human organs and most human systems. Somehow my quirk allows them to work harmoniously with my robotic neurological systems and limbs."

"Wow," she breathes. "That sounds kind of scary. What if something happens and you have to go to a hospital?"

"I don't know," I shrug. "For the most part I've been able to fix myself. I haven't really had the need to go to a doctor yet."

"Oh," she says.

Dad used to go to the Ingeniums for help. They knew more than he did.

"Did something happen between you and Iida?"

"What? Why?" I ask snapping my head back to her.

"You've been staring at him a lot today."

I had? I look at Misaki who's patiently waiting for an answer.

"He knew of my dad," I say.

"Who's your dad?" she asks.

"He was a hero, but not a very well-known one." I answer. "I didn't think anyone would remember him."

She smirks. "Well, that's nice. I'm sure your dad will appreciate that."

"Yeah, he would have."

"Would have?"

"He died when I was little."

She raises her eyebrows, and she speaks in a hushed tone. "Oh my gosh Koko, I'm so sorry."

I don't know what to say but she seems visibly upset.

"Is this sadness?" I ask.

Misaki leans back slightly eyebrows still high, then nods. "Yeah, it's sympathy for you having to go through such a horrible thing at a young age. What about your mother?"

I shrug. "I didn't know her."

"I'm so sorry," she gasps.

"Why are you apologizing? You did nothing wrong."

"I know, but..." she starts. "That's what people say when you tell them something sad. They're trying to tell you that their sorry for what you went through."

"But if the person has no responsibility for the sorrow, then why do they feel the need to apologize?" It's an odd reaction. One I don't understand.

Most people look at me horrified at my lack of emotion, but how am I supposed to feel something when I don't know how to feel?

An alarm blares through the room snapping me from my thoughts.

"What's that?!" Misaki asks, alarmed.

"I don't know," I say and stand up. Everyone begins to freak out and run towards the exits.

Kids from all classes shove into me as they yell.

"Koko!" I look back at the table to find Misaki has been pushed to the ground.

"Come on!" I grab her and pull her up.

I turn the dial on my ears in an attempt to hear what's going on but there's so much commotion I only get a little bit at a time.

"Intruder… Code 3… Evacuate…"

"We've got to go," I say turning the dial back to normal.

"What's going on?"

"Someone got past the security gate."

"But who? Why?"

"I'm not sure. It could be an attack."

Her eyes grow wide. "Where are the teachers?"

"Probably trying to deal with the breach." I say and drag her to the hall. Everyone is shoulder to shoulder rushing and pushing towards the exit. I hear Misaki shriek and then she's ripped from my grasp.


I try to grab her but she's just out of my reach.

"Get to the window!" I call to her.


"Get to the window!!"

She looks around frantically until her eyes meet the window. I make my way to it as well. It'll be the spot with the most breathing room. Maybe there I can see if I can get on a frequency with the staff comms.

I'm fidgeting with a different dial by my ear again trying to find the correct frequency when Misaki finally grabs me.

"What are you doing?!" she shouts above the noise.

"I'm trying to tune into the faculty comm units! If I can find the right frequency, I can hear their plan of action."

"That sounds illegal! Is it illegal?!"

I shake my head. "Should've put more security measures on it if they didn't want someone tuning in."

Finally I find it.

"Someone turn that damn alarm off!" I hear. "It's just the press!"

I look outside to see the press that had been crowding the gates were indeed now crowded around the main entrance hall.

"Are you shitting me?"

"What?" Misaki looks up with frantic eyes. She's on the verge of crying and I know, this panic has probably exceeded her limit tenfold.

"It's not an attack," I say. "Just the press."

"What?!" She's shaking really bad and clutching her ears, an excruciating expression twits her face and she's hunched over despite grabbing onto my arm.

I open my mouth to shout it again but then close my mouth and hold up my finger. I have to get her out of her quick.

"Everyone calm down!" I hear a voice boom from the end of the hall. Suddenly everyone goes quiet as I see Iida doing his best to stay upright above the exit sign. "It's a false alarm! It's just the media! There is nothing to worry about! We are UA students! We need to remain calm!"

Everyone looks up at us and things go quiet. The pushing stops. The shouts and screams stop and everyone seems to relax.

"Look it's the police!" I hear a girl say.

When I look out the window I see police officers talking to the press and the faculty.

"See it has been handled! Everyone go back to what you were doing!"

Slowly the hallway clears and Ida finds us.

"Are you two okay?" Iida asks and straightening his clothes.

I nod then turn to Misaki. Sweat is dripping down her face though she doesn't look like she's in as much pain. Now she looks more exhausted.

"You should go to the nurse." I say to her but she shakes her head.

"They won't be able to do anything," she answers.

"Not physically but you could at least lay down and get some rest."

"Okay fine," she gives in.

"Is she okay?" Iida asks.

"She will be. I'm taking her to the nurse."

"Okay, well I hope you feel better, Misaki." he says.

"Thank you." she squeaks.

We begin to walk away but then I think of something.

"Hey Iida," I say and turn to him. He's still watching us. "Do you think I could talk to your parents sometime…? A-about my dad?"

The curve of his lips turns up as he nods. "I think they'd love to." he says. "And you can call me Tenya."

"Okay," I turn and walk Misaki to the nurse's office.



"I still can't believe what happened yesterday." Denki says as we walk through the halls.

"I know," I say rubbing my shoulder. "My wing still hurts."

"I'm surprised you didn't use them to shove people out of the way."

"I didn't want to hurt anyone." I say as we walk into the classroom. "These things can be dangerous."

"Yeah sure," Denki scoffs and rolls his eyes to which I shove his shoulder.

"Morning Luna!" Mina calls.

"Morning! Good morning Shoji! Ojiro! Kota! Good morning Jiro! Morning Hagakure! Aoyama hey you're looking tres magnifique!"

"Good morning beautiful," Mineta's mouth is watering.

"Ew," I walk straight to my seat. Next to me, Imamura is already seated. I plaster on the most obnoxious smile I can muster.

"Good Morning Imamura," I sing out.

"Screw off," she responds.

"Awe, I see someone's still being a grouch."

"Bite me,"

"I think you're confusing bats with vampires."

Imamura rolls her eyes then lays her chin on her hand.

I sit down and dump my backpack onto my desk. Then Yoriko walks in.

"Good morning Yoriko," I smile.

She looks at me but still keeps her head down.

"Good morning," she squeaks then sits down.

"How are you doing today? I saw you at the nurses station yesterday."

"Oh I feel fine. Thank you," her voice is quiet and nothing like when we did the mock battles. I was shocked watching the video in the viewing room, seeing what she did to Imamura. What is her quirk?

"Yasumoto what is this?!" I look up at Ida's cry.

He's standing in front of my desk, hands outstretched pointing towards my desk. I look down at the jumble of pens, pencils, paper airplanes made out of sticky notes, and my notebook.

"Your desk is a mess!" he cries. "As a student of a highly prestigious academy you should know that organization and cleanliness is expected to achieve success."

I look down at it. Then back at him.

"I just sat down, Ida!"

"Class starts in one minute. Exemplary students should show up early and have their materials organized by the time class starts." He informs me.

"I promise you Ida, I will have my stuff organized in the next minute."

He looks at me, then at my stuff. "Thank you," he says, then turns and walks back to his desk.

I let out a huff.

"Ida sure is taking this class rep stuff seriously," Uraraka says as she sits down in the seat in front of me.

"Yeah," I scoff. "I thought he was going to stand there and wait for me to organize my stuff."

"I wouldn't put it past him." she says. "Hey, can I ask you a favor?"

"Go for it," I say leaning forward onto my desk.

"There's some training I want to do with my quirk, and I was wondering if you could help."

"Me?" I ask curiously. "What could I do?"

"I need to get used to motion while I'm weightless. So I was wondering if you'd fly me around a bunch while I'm activating my quirk so that I can get used to the motion."

"Sure, I'll help."

"Cool, thanks!"

"Yeah, no problem!"

"Good morning students." Mr. Aizawa walks in.

"Good morning Mr. Aizawa."

Ida turns around in his seat and shoots his eyes towards me. I freeze and look down at my pens, pencils, highlighters, and other markers that are still scattered around my desk. Then he narrows his eyes and I scramble.

"Gather your things everyone, we are starting our day with off campus exercises." he begins.

Awe thank goodness.

I scoop everything up on my desk and dump it back into my backpack.

"Excuse me, Mr. Aizawa but what do you mean about off-campus exercises?" Yaoyorozu raises her hand.

"We will be traveling to another facility to train in rescue situations. I know most of you are more excited to fight villains, but 80% of hero work is rescuing civilians from catastrophic storms, earthquakes, fires, and collapsed buildings. You need to be prepared for these situations as they can occur anytime, anywhere so take this seriously."

"Oh this is going to be so much fun!" Uraraka squeals.

I share her excitement. Sure, fighting and taking out bad guys is cool, but saving people… that's what makes a hero, a hero.

Imamura lets out a groan of displeasure.

"Today we will be focusing on natural disasters." Mr. Aizawa adds.

A jolt spreads through me.

"You can wear whatever you want," Mr. Aizawa presses a button on the remote-control device that is used to access our hero outfits. "I know you are all excited about your costumes but remember you are still getting used to them and they could limit your abilities. Everyone, get changed and meet outside at the bus area."

As soon as Aizawa leaves I throw my backpack over my shoulder and rush to my costume case. I get changed as quickly as possible then wait at the bus area.

"Dang girl that booty looks good!" Mina shouts, rocking her outfit as she walks up to me.

"Shhhh!" I laugh and immediately cover my rear with my wings. "You're going to make everyone look at it!"

She giggles. "Good! They should! That booty deserves to be appreciated."

"Oh my gosh stop!!" I'm laughing but also dying of embarrassment because some of the guys are starting to look.

"Did I hear someone talking about ' appreciating booty'?" I jump because I don't expect the voice from behind me. When I look it's Mineta. My skin begins to crawl when I see the speckle of drool forming on the side of his mouth. "Maybe I should inspect it?"

"Uh no, I was just kidding," Mina laughs then grabs my shoulder and we walk away. I make sure my wings cover my entire backside so the creep has nothing to stare at.

Almost everyone has loaded the bus already and by the time I get on, there's only one seat left. And it just so happens to be next to Shoto.

"Hey," I say and sit down.

He side-eyes me but continues to look out the window as the bus finally leaves.

A few minutes go by, and he doesn't say a word. I can hear everyone towards the center of the bus laughing and having their own conversations. But I'm too far in the back of the bus to be a part of it. Not that I care, I'm not one of those people that absolutely has to be a part of every conversation.

I just don't like silence.

"Congrats on getting into UA." I say. "What a coincidence we'd be in the same class again after all these years."

Still Shoto doesn't say anything.

"I bet Fuyumi was proud. Isn't she teaching now?" I ask. "That suits her because she has a teacher's personality. What about Natsu? How's he?"

Still silence.

I pick at my gloves. I knew Shoto had changed. Which he's entitled to, he's been through a lot with his mom and dad. Not that I know everything, but his mom and my mom used to be close. I overheard things sometimes when she'd visit our house.

"No one here knows who my father is."

It takes a second for me to realize Shoto was talking to me.

"I want to keep it that way," he says. "You should act like you don't know me."

"O-oh," I stutter. "Okay,"

I don't say anything else for the whole ride. I'm not hurt… Okay, who am I kidding. What he said kind of stung. But you know what? It's okay. He wants space and I can respect that. He doesn't want to be friends again. That's fine. I respect that. I know I can be pushy and talkative and it's okay that he doesn't want to deal with that. It's all just fine.

"Alright settle down everyone we're here." Mr. Aizawa quiets us.

I jump to my feet and all but fly out of the bus.

"Geez Luna, I know you're excited and all but calm down before you take out an eye." Denki says to me.

"Oh sorry, I just can't wait to get this started." I fake a smile to hide how I really feel.

"Good morning Class, I'm Thirteen." I look up to the front to see the Space Hero: Thirteen standing in front of us. "I've been waiting to show you what's inside. Follow me."

We do as told and follow Thirteen into the building. As soon as the doors open and I see what's inside, I'm in complete awe. It's so much bigger than it looks! Each area under the dome is suited towards a specific natural disaster like a mass fire area, extreme wind, shipwreck, landslide, and everything else you could imagine!

I'm itching to start in the landslide area. My echolocation would be perfect for finding people.

"Welcome to the Unforeseen Simulation Joint or USJ!"

Huh, that kind of sounds like Universal Studios Japan. I've never been but I would imagine it looks something like this. Everything looks so real like we're actually walking into an action movie set.

"Where's All Might?" I hear Mr. Aizawa say as he walks to Thirteen and they have a private conversation.

"Where do you want to start?" Denki asks.

"I was thinking the landslide area? Or even Earthquake area."

"What about the shipwreck area?"

"Um I don't know if I'm ready for that one yet."

"Oh, right..."

"Let's just go ahead and get started." Mr. Aizawa says.

"Alright but first let me say one thing. Listen carefully. I have a powerful quirk called black hole. I can use it to suck up anything and turn it to dust and while I use it to help people, it could very easily be used to kill. Many of you have quirks like that as well."

I don't. Well, maybe I guess I do. My screeches could easily hurt someone, make them go deaf, probably make a brain explode if I tried really hard.

"In our society, quirks are so regulated that it's easy to forget how dangerous they can be. Keep that in mind as we work through your exercises. One wrong move can have deadly outcomes for some of your quirks even though you are trying to do something virtuous. You've already trained and used your quirk and probably realized how dangerous they can be. Use that knowledge in today's lesson."

"Alright, let's begin." Mr. Aizawa begins to walk down the steps into the USJ.

However, as he does lights begin to flicker all around the room.

"That's weird," Denki says.

"Knock it off," I elbow him. "Don't you dare try to get a head start on this."

"It's not me," he insists.

"What do you mean it's not you. No one else has a quirk that controls electricity."

"It's not me Luna, I swear."

I look at him and immediately know he's telling the truth. He's not doing anything.

"But if it's not you, then who is?"

"I don't know."

I hear wind whistling and the fountain in the middle of the room begins to surge. Then suddenly purple matter forms a wall just in front of the fountain.

"What's that?" I ask and point. Mr. Aizawa follows my hand and looks at the gate just as a hand begins to emerge.

"Stay together and don't move." Mr. Aizawa demands.

"Has the training already begun?" Denki asks.

"I don't know," I mutter, watching the purple matter as well as Mr. Aizawa.

As I watch, more and more people emerge, my stomach twists into knots.

Something's not right.

There's a sinister smile on all of their faces and Mr. Aizawa's body language tells me this isn't right. He's too defensive for these to be ordinary people here to help us with rescue training.

"Thirteen protect the students!" Mr. Aizawa shouts.

I see the shiny glint of knives and other kinds of weapons.

"Hey what's going on?" I hear someone say.

"Stay back!" Mr. Aizawa demands. "This is real, those are real villains!"

My heart drops. Real villains?!

Holy crap!