
Twisted Blossoms: Tales of a Transformed Vampire Girl

Yuki Matsuri is a 17-year-old boy who dreams of becoming his ideal person: a girl with long silver hair, blue eyes, and a petite frame. One night, after making a wish, Yuki wakes up to find himself transformed into his dream girl. Though he's shocked at first, he soon embraces his new form and begins to explore his identity as Yuri. But as Yuri navigates her new life, she discovers that her transformation has not only changed her appearance, but also granted her vampiric abilities. With the help of her supportive family, Yuri must learn to control her powers and face the challenges that come with being a transformed vampire girl.

WeebWrites96 · LGBT+
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14 Chs

Chapter 1: Ehhh! I became a Vampire?

After I calmed down, I decided to ask my Mama something that seemed to bother me a little bit.

"Do...do you know something about this, Mama? Because you don't seem to shocked, or anything." I asked, my voice filled with a mix of confusion and curiosity. I couldn't understand why my mother seemed so calm in the face of such a bewildering situation.

"Good morning, Mama, Onii-cha.... Eh, Onii-chan became a Onee-chan! Eeeehhhhh!" My little sister, Aiko, exclaimed with wide-eyed surprise as she caught sight of me.

"See, that's the reaction I wanted. How are you so calm, Mama?" I questioned, desperate for some clarity in this bewildering turn of events.

"Because I knew this would happen. Now, if you two will come down, I will explain everything to you over breakfast," my mother responded, her voice calm and composed. She led Aiko and me to the table, where we sat in anticipation.

As we settled into our seats, I couldn't help but fidget with my newfound appearance. Aiko's eyes were fixed on me, filled with a mixture of shock and wonder. Her words tumbled out with excitement. "Okay, I have calmed down. Also, Ai-chan, can you please rub my head?"

Aiko's face lit up with a mischievous grin, and she eagerly complied, her small hands gently caressing my silver locks. "But, Onee-chan, you are just too cute! You look just like your drawing, but ten times better because it's real."

Bashfully, I responded, "Well, thank you, but I based it off of you and Mama, so you're just calling yourself cute as well."

Giggles erupted from Aiko as she hugged me tightly, her voice filled with genuine affection. "Hehe, we really do look like twin sisters."

Coughing softly to regain our attention, my mother interjected, drawing our focus back to her. "Ahem! You two are just as close as ever. Before I start the explanation, I should probably do this so that you will believe me." With those words, she retrieved a small knife and deliberately cut the end of her finger, allowing a droplet of blood to form.

As soon as I saw the blood, a surge of sensations overcame me. My heart raced, and my mouth grew unbearably dry, as if I had been stranded in a desert without a drop of water.

"Mama, why did you do that?" Aiko exclaimed in concern, her eyes wide with worry.

"Bl...blood, so thirsty..." I managed to croak out, my voice barely audible.

Aiko's attention shifted to me, her eyes widening further. "Onee-chan, your eyes are glowing red. What's happening, Mama?" she asked, her voice tinged with fear and confusion.

Keeping her composure, my mother gestured for me to come closer. "Calm down, Aiko. Come here, Yuri. You can drink this blood; it will make you feel better."

Compelled by an irresistible force, I approached my mother, my body moving of its own accord. Instinctively, I gave in to the overwhelming urge, sinking my fangs into her finger and drinking deeply. The taste of her blood flooded my senses, an intoxicating blend of sweetness and a hint of saltiness from the iron. It coursed through me, revitalizing and sating the deep thirst that had gripped me.

Once I had consumed my fill, I felt a renewed sense of energy and vitality. It was as if a part of me had awakened, unearthing a truth buried deep within my being. It was in that moment that my mother began to explain the fantastical reality that had unfolded.

"Now, I guess it is time for me to explain. Yuri, you are a vampire," my mother calmly stated, her gaze filled with equal parts reassurance and love.

"Ehhh! I became a vampire?" The words tumbled out of my mouth in disbelief, as I tried to comprehend the enormity of the revelation. Images of gothic castles and creatures of the night filled my mind, along with the countless myths and legends I had heard over the years.

My mother's warm smile held a comforting power as she reassured me. "No, no, there's no need to worry about such things. Vampires have been blending in with normal humans for centuries. The only differences are that you will have a need to drink blood, especially if you use your vampiric abilities."

Relief washed over me, knowing that my daily life wouldn't be confined to the shadows or restricted by the tales of vampire lore. I could still exist in the human world, keeping my true nature hidden while navigating the challenges of daily life.

"If Onee-chan is a vampire, does that mean that you and I are too, Mama?" Aiko interjected, her voice filled with innocence and curiosity.

"No, sweetheart. You take after your father's side when it comes to your blood. I also take after my human parent as well. So, we are not vampires. However, we do have the silver hair that has been passed down through our bloodline," my mother explained gently, her words bringing a sense of clarity to our unique circumstances.

Eager to understand the connection between my transformation and my newfound vampiric nature, I voiced my questions. "Okay, I'm a vampire, but how does that tie into my transformation?"

My mother took a deep breath, preparing to unveil the extraordinary truth that lay hidden within our lineage. "The vampire clan we are from is called the Blossom Clan. It is one of the oldest and most powerful vampire clans in the world. They are known for their exceptional control over their vampiric abilities, as well as their sophisticated and refined tastes. The vampires from our clan are also notorious for blending seamlessly with human society, avoiding contact with other vampire clans whenever possible."

The notion of a vampire clan with such a rich history and legacy both intrigued and overwhelmed me. My mother's next revelation heightened my curiosity further. "Your bloodline within the Blossom Clan is particularly rare and special. You are a direct descendant of the clan's founder, a powerful vampire named Lilith Nightshade. According to legend, Lilith was one of the first vampires to ever exist, and she possessed abilities and powers that no other vampire could match. It is said that Lilith's bloodline contains some of her unique abilities and powers, making you a potentially very powerful vampire."

The weight of such a legacy settled upon my shoulders, mingling with a mix of awe and apprehension. But my mother's words carried a soothing tone, bolstering my spirits. "But there's something even more unique about your situation. You see, when your powers manifested during your transformation, they also manifested your deepest desires. Your wish was to be female, so your powers made your transformation complete, both physically and mentally. That's why you are now a girl by default, not just in body, but also in mind and soul. It's a rare and powerful manifestation of your vampiric abilities, and it's something that even our Clan has never seen before."

The realization of my transformation's true nature washed over me, filling me with a mix of gratitude, confusion, and a sense of awe. Tears welled up in my eyes as I looked at my mother, who met my gaze with kind, loving eyes.

"Congratulations, Yuri," she said softly, her voice filled with an overwhelming love. "Your greatest wish has become a reality. I'm going to miss my girly son, but I'm so happy to have my daughter as well."

Aiko joined in, tears of joy sparkling in her eyes. "Congratulations, Onee-chan."

Tears cascaded down my cheeks as the weight of my mother's acceptance and my sister's love enveloped me. I was still grappling with many uncertainties, but I knew, with this loving family by my side, I could face any challenge that lay ahead.

Sniffing back my tears, I gathered my thoughts and looked at my mother, determination burning in my eyes. "Where is Dad?" I asked, a mix of excitement and curiosity in my voice.

"He became so excited that he went out to buy a cake to celebrate your birthday and awakening," my mother replied, a playful glimmer in her eyes.

A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. My father had always been one to roll with the punches and embrace the unexpected. "That certainly sounds like him," I mused aloud.

"Now, until he gets back, it's time to start your girl training to prepare for school, which will start in the coming month. We've already contacted the clan, and they are working on our family registry. You'll be in the same year as Aiko, as her twin sister," my mother explained, her voice brimming with excitement and anticipation.

"Ehhh, I have to go back to high school? I just graduated," I groaned playfully, a mixture of apprehension and humor in my voice.

My mother chuckled softly, her love and support evident in her words. "Yes, you do. It's important for vampires to blend in with humans, and attending school is a great way to do that. Don't worry, we'll help you with your training, and Aiko will be there to guide you. You'll also be able to use your vampiric abilities to your advantage. And who knows, maybe you'll even make some new friends."

I nod, feeling a bit overwhelmed but also excited about this new chapter in my life. "Okay, I'm ready for my girl training."