
Twin Sugar Mommies X Cultivator

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT!] Brief Synopsis/Alt Title: In This Superpowers World, I, Alone, Am A Cultivator - NSFW - Extreme Violence - Explicit - Not for squeamish - Mature language Action - Check Urban - Check Drama - Check Romance - Check Melons? - Check Battles - Check NTR - X Netori - Check Harem - Check Magic - X Cultivation - Check Superpowers - Check MC with System - X Rare bloodline - Check R*pe - X Using Hypnosis for S*x - X Incest - X - DISCLAIMER: This novel is not only about s*x and does not follow a degenerate MC that thinks about just that. There is an actual plot and storyline here but the smut aspect is the icing on the cake. Don't complain when there are no smut scenes every 3 chapters. Lol, there are h*ntai sites out there for a reason. could even recommend if you want (if you're over 18)... You shouldn't even be reading this if you aren't. --- BONUS CHAPTERS +1 Chapter Per Dragon Max Bonus per Week = 1 Chapters. Anything more will have to be transferred to the next week. E g. If I get 2 Dragons, I'll give 1 on the upcoming week and the last one will be given on the week after that.

VertiKalEl · Urbain
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23 Chs

His Strength X Where to go?

Chapter Twelve: His Strength X Where to go?

Without further ado, he walked over to the nurse and picked her up, carrying her bridal style as he made his way towards the exit of the health ward.

As he turned the handle of the door and opened it, he paused.

Taking one more look around the place, he took note of some personal effects of said nurse.

He pondered for a second before turning around and making his way towards her smartphone and keys, carefully pocketing them before making his way out of the room.

As he stepped into the hallway,he looked left and right, not knowing which way to follow.

"Yeah, you were right. Inheriting the memories of the previous owner of this body would have been ideal." He said to Kaidos.

[Well, it is a good thing that we have a whole lot of time to find the right way ourselves, is it not?] Kaidos said in response.

"Indeed it is." He said as he started walking about after picking a random direction to go.

Some time went by, about 17 minutes from his point of view, before he found himself standing under the late evening sky.

As he drew in some of that "freedom" air into his lungs, the that actually went through his mind in that moment was slightly unexpected;

"This place is a bit srange. How could they serve their inmates coffee and toast for dinner?" He muttered. "Are they doing it on purpose or do they just not care?"

[So what if either is the case? It is none of our business. We have bigger fish to fry than sitting down to vworry about what incarcerated people have at meal times.] Kaidos' response was solemn and detached. It seemed to care not for what happened to anyone but it's owner.

With a sigh, Hudson spat an add-on; "It is as you say; what will I do for them? Help them all breakout? Both the innocent and the not?"

[Even if one becomes a real god tomorrow, making fairness and justice exist naturally would be impossible - at least not without breaking the balance. All existence needs both good and bad sides. Trying to permanently suppress and eliminate one side would always have substantial recoil.]

Kaidos said.

"That nakes sense." Hudson nodded in understanding. With an exhale, he continued to observe his surroundings.

The prison had various outdoor recreational setups like basketball, tennis, and soccer courts littered behind their tall rectangular fence that had double stacked barbed wires mounted on them.

The outdoors seemed well maintained just like the interior.

He didn't get lost drinking in the view for long, opting to take quick strides towards the gate.

As he made his way through the security officers' post instead of the gates, he wondered; "Is it just me or is she literally weightless? Hell, I don't even feel so tired after almost literally running this entire time. Wait, I am running right? Even though it seems normal speed from my perspective?"

[Why would she seem heavy to you? You aren't a normal person anymore you know? Your strength is already beyond what they can possibly hope to imagine.]

Hudson who had already strode quite a distance from the prison gates, blinked a couple of times in bewilderment as he asked; "How much strength are we talking about here?"

[Hmm? Without adding the boost from {Eldritch Descent} I would assume you could lift about 150 to 200 average size men without sweating much, give or take. At least about 7500+ Pounds. Nothing much.] Kaidos casually dropped a bomb on Hudson.

"What? Nothing much? That's insane!" He exclaimed, shocked.

[What is there to be so dazzled about? It is not something to be surprised about. During the awakening of I, your bloodline, you already jumped all the way up to the Peak of Enlightenment Stage, so if you could not do at least that much then... No point talking about such nonsense.]

"Eh? I already cultivated to such a state without doing anything? Is cultivation meant to be this easy? And this much strength from just reaching the peak of the first layer of the Mortal realm? Wow!"

[I think you're mistaken. The initial jump in cultivation is just a perk of having me. Other cultivators, even ones that manage to get regular bloodlines (which are already considered rare by the way), would have to start from the bottom.]

[Also, do not be marvelled by just this small rise in power. You are still an ant in this world, much less in the grand scheme of things.]

"Well, that's from your perspective. For me, yesterday I was just a regular guy!"

[...As for you not getting tired, is that so surprising as well? Before cultivation began, you already had the superpower known as [Endurance Up], which allowed you to already possess unreasonable stamina compared even to fellow superpower holders whose abilities affect their physique. Now, as a Cultivator, that basic talent has been upgraded by leaps and bounds!]

[Hmm, without it, the cooldown for {Eldritch Descent} would be a lot more.]

"This..." Hudson half-wished it was his strength or speed that were his base talent so it would be boosted even further but in the end he consoled himself with; "Beggers can't be choosers. I already have this much, and will get much more. Can't really complain about having a crazy amount of Endurance either."

With his new found knowledge, he increased his pace into full blown running (from his point of view) and soon arrived at what appeared to be the entrance to where people lived. The prison had obviously been in a secluded area away from civilization so he had seen nothing else from this world so far... Until now.

"Damn. This is quite the sight." He seemed to be a bit awed by what he was seeing but once he remembered that people all over the world had superpowers, he felt that such a scene was to be expected.

Instead his mind went to the more pressing issue;

"Where do we go now?"