
Twin Sugar Mommies X Cultivator

[WARNING! MATURE CONTENT!] Brief Synopsis/Alt Title: In This Superpowers World, I, Alone, Am A Cultivator - NSFW - Extreme Violence - Explicit - Not for squeamish - Mature language Action - Check Urban - Check Drama - Check Romance - Check Melons? - Check Battles - Check NTR - X Netori - Check Harem - Check Magic - X Cultivation - Check Superpowers - Check MC with System - X Rare bloodline - Check R*pe - X Using Hypnosis for S*x - X Incest - X - DISCLAIMER: This novel is not only about s*x and does not follow a degenerate MC that thinks about just that. There is an actual plot and storyline here but the smut aspect is the icing on the cake. Don't complain when there are no smut scenes every 3 chapters. Lol, there are h*ntai sites out there for a reason. could even recommend if you want (if you're over 18)... You shouldn't even be reading this if you aren't. --- BONUS CHAPTERS +1 Chapter Per Dragon Max Bonus per Week = 1 Chapters. Anything more will have to be transferred to the next week. E g. If I get 2 Dragons, I'll give 1 on the upcoming week and the last one will be given on the week after that.

VertiKalEl · Urban
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23 Chs

What to do? X What is your name?

Chapter Eleven: What to do? X What is your name?

"How can this be possible? How is she already awake? My hypnosis and pheromones can't possibly be that weak, right?"


*No. Wait, you did mention that how she handles it would depend on her mental fortitude. She had a mind-based superpower, so isn't it a no-brainer that she would resist it easier than most?"

[So, what are you going to do now? {Eldritch Descent} still has about 48 minutes left. In that time, we could casually leave this prison.]

[Unless there is an overly accomplished Speedster, no one else would be able to sense your movements.]

He pondered on it for a few seconds before giving his answer, which was a question; "If I deactivate it now, will I be able to reactive and use remaining 48 minutes whenever I please?"

[Yes... And no.] It answered. [You will be able to enter that mode again, but it won't be for as long as the original amount left. Your 48 minutes could drop as low as 3 to 6 minutes instead.]

"Damn, isn't that too harsh a penalty?"

[Hey, it is a technique that makes a few seconds (actually more than 40, around 45) stretch out to be a whole hour from your point of view, making you capable of moving slightly above the speed of sound if you run at your best. How can it be used willy nilly without any limitations? If you want to take those off, then run off and start to cultivate already!]

Hudson pouted for a moment before looking down at the woman whose eyes were open and was looking directly at him.

"Still, leaving her like this would be..." He trailed off.

[What? You want to bring her along? That's fine too. In fact, if you do not, you would probably regret it later.]

"Huh? Why would I ever regret not abducting someone?!" Hudson had a look of disbelief on his face upon hearing those words.

[You... Sigh. Your mentality is really not ideal for me.] The bloodline muttered. [But I guess there's nothing that can be done.]

"..." (Hudson)

[For one, even now you want to pounce on her but you are restraining yourself. Are you saying your wife would fault her "dead" husband for relieving himself in another world? More so, if he was doing it for her? If she did, wouldn't that make her unreasonable and ungrateful?]

"Hey, don't bring Chloe into this!"

Bloodline-kun ignored him and continued:

[If you do not at least try to seduce her and either satisfy your desire for or get rejected by her, your bloodline (I) will make it difficult to make progress in cultivation. Some cultivators of the past would call that a heart demon.]

[lthough it would only be a small one, by the time you keep accumulating heart demons from such a foundational stage of cultivation, they may coagulate into an insurmountable barrier in future.]

"This... The heck kind of rule is that?"

Again, he was ignored; [The second and not-any-less important part is that satisfying your lust - giving into it - without allowing it to control you, would instead help hasten your cultivation progress. The broad but winding path ahead of you would be made a straight highway. Satisfying your desires but not getting lost in them is the whole M.O of I, your bloodline.]

[Though, it would be like tiptoeing the line between life and death. All it would take is a slip up and you could lose yourself to the lust.] It added a pause.

Hudson's brow furrowed. He quickly weighed his options and considered everything that had led him to this point.

"Are we really doing this?" He wondered aloud.

[Hey, don't say we. It's all you--] the bloodline interjected. [It is YOUR choice in the end. And it is also only YOU that is going to either be rejected or ridden to high heavens and back. All YOU.]

"Who was talking about you? I was talking to myself. Don't butt in on my soliloquies, you para--"

He paused.

"Hmm, I suppose to continue to refer to you as such is a bit uncalled for. Come to think of it, I do not know much about you. I now have information about bloodlines but there's nothing on 'Grand' ones."

"For starters, what is your name?"

"Ah, and also... how are you connected to the Eldritch Sins? The word "Eldritch" is even in an ability you possess, so don't bother shying away from the last one even if you ignore the rest - I would very much like to know if having you as a part of me will cause those who killed them to come after me."



[...I suppose an introduction is indeed in order.] The bloodline muttered before pausing for a moment.

Hudson could swear he received a mental image of someone pulling a strange pose (it wasn't clear what gender they were) as the bloodline spoke but chose to believe it was just his imagination;

[I am referred to as the [Kaidos], named after the mythical existence that birthed me in their own veins!] It announced with pride.

"Someone... Made you?" Hudson asked, but was ignored by the bloodline that was in a world of its own.

[And as for the specifics, I am also dubbed as the [Desire Butterfly Bloodline], though some like to mistranslate it as "Lustful" instead of "Desire" but that's beside the point.]

"..." (Hudson)

[As for your worries about my connection with the Eldritch Sins... Kaidos, my creator, was once one of them... In fact, he was amongst the first Eldritches. A shame he no longer exists in this universe.]

"That... Is quite the origin story you got there." Hudson remarked. "So... You must have been sad to see him die huh. Must have been tough."

[Dead? What are you talking about? When did I ever say he was dead?]

"Eh? But you said..." Hudson didn't even get to say much before he was interrupted.

[My creator isn't dead! Well, at least I believe so... I haven't had contact with him since he ascended to the Upper Dimension.]

"He ascended... To an upper dimension?" (Hudson)

[Duh. Of course, he did. This Universe exists in the 2nd Dimension, above the 1st dimension from where you came. In your previous dimension, there are no cultivators, while here there are cultivators with the level cap being the Origin Realm. To reach the 13th True Realm, of which its name I do not know, means to reach a level beyond the cap - no Universe in the 2nd Dimension would house him anynore, pushing him up to the 3rd Dimension.]

"This..." Hudson was a bit shocked by that information but he did not find it to be far-fetched.

[As for your fear of getting killed for inheriting the legacy of an Original Eldritch, there is no need to worry. They aren't dead.]

"I'm confused. Did you not say that

[In the first place, an [Eldritch] can never die or be killed by anyone or anything in the 1st and 2nd Dimensions.] Kaidos explained.

[I don't know about in the 3rd Dimension, but once one becomes one, they can no longer die even if they wish it. They can't take their own life.]

[Fellow Eldritches can't either. It's essentially a blessing and a curse at the same time, depending on how one looks at it.]

"That is indeed a boon and a bane." Hudson nodded in agreement, intrigued by these beings. "Though, if they're that powerful, how did their enemies do away with them?"

[Immortality does not equate strength.] Kaidos explained. [Sure it has its perks, but in the end they can still be buried alive. Those petty fucks from the Upper Realm had them forever sealed in a prison of their making in an unknown place, I only know that they are somewhere in the 2nd Dimension.]

"To be imprisoned for eternity..." Hudson shuddered at the thought. "Those beings are truly heartless! It's worse than being buried alive!"

A silence pervaded the atmosphere and eventually, Hudson sighed.

"How much time is left?"

[31 Minutes are left.] Kaidos answered. [About 10-11 seconds have passed for others.]

He smacked his lips and sighed again as he gazed upon the brunette beauty lying on the bed.

"If someone told me that I would willingly abduct someone, I would have had several not-so-nice words for them." He muttered with a melancholic tone. "And yet here I am... Thinking with my cock."

[Well, it's no surprise you're in such a state buddy. I, your bloodline, amplify all your desires to the extreme...]