
Mortal enemy

"And then there are the fits." Alina whispered, whether to herself or to Max, even she wasn't sure.

"Then there are the fits." Max repeated, his voice dangerously low, like he wanted to murder someone, or break something right now. "Can't we do anything for him Alina? The doctors here are so proficient in this disease, can't they find any way to save him?" Max suddenly turned to her, all the anger in his voice replaced by pleading.

Alina's eyes welled up with tears thinking about this, about all of this, but she pushed them back. "They're doing all they can." she said, "With the knowledge they have about mom's disease and the advance in technology for the past few years, even I was a bit hopeful."

"But?" Max prompted, his voice cracking. "But" she began, "The whole issue lies with how fast it is progressing inside him." Max hung his head as Alina continued, "If only the progress of the disease was a bit slow. But with Alex . . . . " She sighed and left the sentence mid-air. Both of them knew the end of the sentence, but neither wanted to acknowledge it out aloud.

"God I hate this disease." Max muttered after a strained silence. "It is my mortal enemy." Alina said.

Max let out a small smile as he said, "Let's hope not in the literal sense." which led to a slight chuckle escape Alina's lips as both of them turned their faces towards the sky, ceasing all conversation.

Alina let out a huge sigh when she felt Max shudder a little beside her. He was out wearing only a shirt after all. "Come on Hadum, let's go inside. It's cold." she said and continued as the two walked in, "By the way, do I still call you Hadum? Are you taking Alex's name, or will he be taking yours?"

Max shook his head with a chuckle. "Call me whatever you like, sis-in-law." he said, lightly pinching Alina's nose, who puckered it. This was exactly what Max loved about the two siblings. They could be facing the greatest adversity to ever exist, and would still somehow find it in themselves to crack a little joke.

The next day . . .

The morning had gone by quite uneventfully. Alina and Max had had their morning training and Alex thankfully had not had a fit. The three of them had just finished breakfast and Max was rolling Alex in a wheelchair into the living room when the doorbell rang.

"I'll get it." Alina muttered and before Max even had the time to react, she was already at the front door. Even though she had been in the dining room just a few seconds ago. "I swear, she isn't human." he muttered as he transferred Alex to the sofa, who let out a laugh and said, "She came from the same womb as me. What do you expect I am?"

Max: " . . . " Had this sibling duo made it their life's mission to render him speechless?

He was saved the trouble of thinking up an answer by the entry of Steve, followed by Alina. This was another thing Max had noticed. Alina hated following anyone, she would always jump to action even before Max had finished explaining whatever he was saying. But she was always putting Steve first.