
See you tomorrow?

So it was always her who called the shots. Her who knew where what exact thing was, or what was the perfect time to prep the fields, or from which shop to buy the best seeds.

And among all this, Alina had developed control issues. But she was surprisingly okay giving this man the control of her life, and that was probably the reason she was falling in love with him.

It was from these thoughts that Steve's voice pulled her out when he said, "Alina? We're here." Alina blinked and looked at her home before turning to look at the man in front of him. She let out a smile and said, "Thanks. Will I see you tomorrow?"

Steve seemed to think, which made Alina pout. Seeing her, he laughed and lightly tapped her head, saying, "Of course. It's not like I have anything better to do." Alina narrowed her eyes and was contemplating punching him when Steve shocked her by pulling her in for a hug.

And it was a long hug. Longer than any two friends, no matter how best, hugged. And once they broke apart, he kissed her forehead and whispered, "Goodnight Alina." so low that Alina more smelled than heard it, before turning around to walk away.

All Alina managed to do was blink a few times as she stood there on the front porch, looking at Steve's back. She slowly put up her hand to touch her forehead, at the exact spot where he had kissed her just a few seconds ago. Alina wasn't sure if she was imagining it, but the spot seemed a bit warm.

She was pulled out of her trance by the sound of the front door opening. Alina turned around to see Max walking out. She turned back to stare at the now empty road as he came to stand beside her. "You didn't notice me there. That's new." he said.

Alina rolled her eyes and chose not to reply to this comment. It was true, she hadn't noticed Hadum until he had walked out that door. Probably because she had been so taken in by Steve. As she stood thus staring, he said in a small voice, "We're sorry."

Alina turned towards him and let out a small, sad smile. "Anything for my family." she said, "Actually, I think starting today, that includes you." Max's eyes widened as he realized what she was saying. He opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it. All he did was put an arm around Alina's shoulders and pull her in a little close.

Alina: "Whoa. Calm down there tiger. I am taking your boyfriend's place, doesn't mean I am becoming him."

Max: " . . . . "

Alina: "Too soon?"

Max: *with a nod* "Too soon."

Alina rubbed her forehead and said, "I'm sorry. It's just . . . I have weird coping mechanisms." Max shook his head. "It's fine." he said.

"Speaking of becoming family," Alina began, leaning into Hadum's shoulders a little, "How is your newly wedded husband?" Her face fell when she heard Max let out a loud exhale in response to this question. "That bad? Huh." she muttered.

"He's . . . . tired." This was all Max could manage. "Most of the times. I barely got him changed and not even tucked in when he fell asleep."