
Twilight: Son of Hades

Transmigrated into the body of a young teenager who had just moved to the small town of Forks, Ethan discovered that there were much darker things he had no idea about. Not only was this city the center of one of the movies he watched in his previous life, Twilight, with various monsters from the supernatural world like Vampires and Werewolves, but in a short time he discovered that he himself had supernatural power. Able to control shadows and induce fear, Ethan understood that he would not be as helpless as he initially imagined. While others needed to become vampires to be immortal, Ethan as the son of a god already had the possibility of immortality flowing in his blood. Follow Ethan as he understands his powers and evolves to become the next ruler of the Underworld.

Toruu · Films
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51 Chs

Chapter 30 - "Why Don't You Shut Up, Mike?"

"You guys could be dead! Don't you understand that?" Charlie said, complaining with the two, still concerned.

"Yeah, I Know! But we're not!". Bella replied, shrugging.

"You can already say goodbye to your license, girl!". Charlie said, looking at Tyler.

Then, a tall, blond man in a white lab coat entered the room and said:

"I heard the boss's daughter was here.

- Carlisle! - Ethan thought, looking at the man.

"Ah, Doctor Cullen!" Charlie said, turning around.

"Mister Charlie! And you must be Enid, right?". Carlisle said, introducing himself to Ethan's mother.

"It's a pleasure, Doctor Cullen!". Enid replied, smiling.

"I heard you are one of the best cops in your area." He said, moving toward Ethan and Bella.

"Isabella and Ethan...you guys had quite a scary trouble. How are you feeling?" He said, taking Ethan's chart first.

"We're fine!". Ethan replied, looking at Bella, who couldn't take her eyes off him.

"Look here!". Carlisle said to Ethan, as he put a light in his eyes and asked him to follow Carlisle's finger with his gaze. "Nice eyes, Ethan!". Carlisle said, noticing that Ethan's eyes were very reminiscent of those of a vampire who didn't take blood.

"Thank you!". Ethan replied, with a serious tone of voice.

"You may feel post-traumatic stress and dizziness, but all of your vital organ are fine!". Carlisle said, turning off the small flashlight and putting it away in his pocket. "No head trauma? Yeah, I think you'll be fine!". Carlisle replied, looking at Enid, who couldn't take her eyes off Ethan for a second.

"Look, I'm really sorry, I...!". Tyler started to speak but was interrupted by Charlie, who firmly pulled back the curtain separating the stretchers.

"It would have been a lot worse if Edward and Alice hadn't been there... He saved us!". Bella said, as Ethan rolled his eyes at her, asking her to be quiet.

"Alice?" Enid asked, having heard that name before.

"Are these your children?" Charlie asked Carlisle, who was trying not to show any reaction.

"Yeah, it was amazing! They came and got us so fast...they weren't even close to us, right, Ethan?" Bella said, looking at Ethan.

"I don't really remember. I think something else might have happened." He replied, looking away.

"Yeah, looks like you got lucky!". Carlisle replied, walking away.

Carlisle examined Bella and dismissed the two, who headed toward the office exit.

"I need to sign some paperwork yet. I want you to go straight home, okay?" Enid said, walking beside Ethan.

"Mike's going home with me, all right? He's waiting for me at the front desk." Ethan replied.

"That little blondie? He doesn't seem like the kind of friend you would make...". Enid replies, confused, but Ethan remained quiet. "... But you're a different boy now. You can take him to our home!". She said.

Ethan makes his way with Bella, for them to leave, but before they turn down the hall, the two of them hear some whispering and decide to peek in.

They see Edward, Rosalie, Carlisle and Alice talking.

"What did they want us to do? We weren't going to let them die." Alice angrily said.

"This isn't just about you...!". Rosalie replies, trying to keep calm. "It's about all of us!". She adds.

"We'd better talk in my office!". Carlisle says while looking at Ethan and Bella, making the others look at them as well.

"Edw-... Can I talk to you?". Bella says, looking at Edward.

Carlisle and Rosalie walk off, leaving only Alice and Edward behind. Alice stared at Ethan for a few seconds, not knowing what to do.

Edward walks over to Bella, leading her into the other hallway, so they can talk.

Ethan walked over to Alice, who was still standing there, not knowing what to say.

"What was that?" He asked seriously, hoping Alice had thought of a logical explanation.

"It's... what do you mean?". Alice began to stutter.

"I'm the one asking you, Alice, what was that? You weren't even close to us. How did you stop beside us? And don't even tell me you were standing next to me because I would know if you were!". He firmly asked her.

Alice stood still, staring into Ethan's eyes. It seemed that she was hypnotized by him. Until Mike appeared at the end of the hall and said in a loud tone:

"Hey Ethan, your mom said you're fine! Let's go!".

- Mike, are you going to show up every time I'm with Alice? - Ethan thought, looking at Mike jumping down the hall.

"I think you'd better go. She said, looking up with those round, yellow eyes.

"I'll call you today!". Ethan said, seriously looking at her.

"Okay...". Alice replied, quietly.

Ethan walked towards Mike, who kept talking about how excited he was to soon play video games.

They were walking to Ethan's house when Mike states:

"What about you and Alice? I always see you together…is there something going on?"

"I like her a lot, but I don't know if we'll be together. It's kind of complicated, it affects a lot of people." Ethan said, thinking about Jessica.

"Oh, I get it, her family is kind of weird, right? It must be complex... But what about Jessica? I thought you liked her. Mike said, looking at the floor.

"Huh? Jessica?" Ethan replied, almost thinking that Mike had read his thoughts.

"Yeah, I thought you liked her!". He said, laughing. "You know, it's a relief to know that you're not interested in her. Mike said, excited.

"Oh, what do you mean? Why?" Ethan asked, confused by Mike's talk.

"Oh, Jessica and I have been going to school together since we were kids, and I've been in love with her ever since. Mike said embarrassed.

"What?" Ethan said, choking on air. "But you hit on everyone, are you crazy?". He said, a little annoyed.

"It's just that Jessica makes me nervous, I can't seem to ask her out. She's too pretty for me." He said.

Ethan looked at him, and Mike seemed so passionate when he talked about Jessica. It was clear that his feelings for her were real, which made Ethan feel a little bad that he was dating her, but he was still annoyed with Mike.

"I was jealous when I saw her approaching you. I know it doesn't look like it, but it's because she treats me like I'm her best friend, which sucks...I just wish I had the spirit to ask her out." Mike said, crestfallen at the situation.

- Damn it, Mike. Just Jessica? The school has so many girls. Isn't it possible that you want to date just this girl? - Ethan thought in a stressed voice, as he walked with Mike.

"Are you going to ask Alice to the dance?" Mike asked, looking at Ethan.

"I don't know yet!". Ethan replied, dryly.

"What? You're afraid to call Alice, are you? Is that why you're so angry? I can give you some lessons if you want. Mike replied, trying to cheer up Ethan, who was in a bad mood.

"It's senior year, right? I think I'm going to ask Jessica to the dance this weekend... Do you think I should do that? Mike asked, looking at Ethan.

Ethan felt his body become hot, he felt angry with what Mike was saying. Ethan was feeling such deep envy.

"I don't think you should...." Ethan was saying annoyingly, but when he looked at Mike, he realized how wrong that was.

Jessica was kind and caring to him. It would be unfair to keep her in a relationship that is not going to be stable, plus, it could be dangerous. Jessica had no immunity against vampires, there was no reason to risk her life just because of a silly crush.

Ethan took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and said more calmly:

"I don't think you should wait until the weekend to do this. Maybe someone will call her first? If I was you, I'd set something up with her and go to the weekend...". Ethan said, trying to be rational.

"You're right! Jessica is very pretty, someone might call her first... then I'll be calling her for a movie tomorrow !". Mike said, jumping up and down with joy.


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