I only own the MC MC is Lesbian. a girl with a big secret is in Forks watching over Bella.
Thals POV
I arrived at home as I opened the door to see Bella in the living room.
Bella: Hey Thals.
Thalia: Hey, are you okay?
Bella: I'm good.
I walked in to see Bella was reading.
Bella: So what happened at school?
Thals: One of the Olympians found me but I beat the crap out of him to toss him back to Olympus while I wiped his memory of my location.
Bella: Good but what if the others come?
Thals: I'll deal with them also.
Bella: Alright, so what are you doing today?
Thals: Nothing really, might just work on my magic.
Bella: That sounds good, mind if I join?
Thals: Yes cause now that the Olympians are here then that means the old ones aren't far behind really.
Bella: Who are the old ones?
Thals: The Gods before the Olympians, care to guess who they are?
Bella thought than she came to the realization.
Bella: The Titans but I thought they were dead?
Thals: Nope, Zeus threw most of them in Tartarus but Atlas is busy holding up the Sky as his punishment, Prometheus is somewhere since Hercules freed him from being chained to a mountain.
Bella: Are they that dangerous?
Thals: Yes, there evil as they follow Cronos every word plus there is also the giants as well, oh they are big.
Bella: Are you going to be fighting them?
Thals: No, there the Olympians problem and that bitch who replaced me.