
What a mess

A week passed since Cullens left.Alex didn't find Bella in school because of that he decided to visit her.When he ringed the bell of her house Charlie opend the door.

"Hello, Is Bella home?"Alex asked.

Charlie looks at the man infront him asked "Who are you?"

"I am one of the teachers of Forks high.Can I talk with Bella"

"Ah...I don't konw whether she will talk to you or not.She didn't-" Charlie's words interrupted by Bella's voice. "Send him to upstairs".

When Alex climbed the stairs he felt Charlie's watchful gaze on his back.'He probably didn't believe I am a teacher' Alex thought.

When Alex enter the Bella's room only thing came to his mind was 'what a mess'.Her room looked like it was not cleaned in years.Clothes were all over the ground while Bella was sit on the bed looking miserable.

"Hi" Alex said.

"Alex....Is he coming back?Where is he?I need to talk to him.He didn't answer my calls or replied my messages.I...I am so lost without him." Bella said while tears fell from her eyes.

Alex hugged her sympathetically.Bella started to cry harder on his shoulder while Alex rubbed her back.

"Hey...hey don't cry listen to me.Edward didn't break up with you because he didn't love you.He can't bring himself to turn you into a vampire because he extremely love you." Alex said soothing her.

After while Bella let go and said " I am sorry.I made a mess on your shirt."

"Oh it's okey."

"So is Alice with you?Do you know where are they?"

"It's not my place to tell you Bella.But Alice and I moveing to New York in a month"

"You know I envy you.You two can be together eventhow you are different from Alice...Just why he had to leave me?"

"Sigh....You should let him go Bella.Try to move on.At least don't do anything stupid."

After while Alex said goodbye to Bella and went home.

After three weeks Alex resigned from his job and moved to New York.He did his job not because of money but to erase his boredom.After all, like all the main characters of fanfictions where they reborn in 90s Alex too invested on Companies that will become super rich in the future.

When Alex entered his house at New York suddenly a girl tackled him down.Alex recognized her.

" Alice...didn't you say you would come tonight"

"I did but I couldn't wait anymore.So I came early in the morning" Alice said.

"Hmm....Are you sure you came today" Alex asked with a knowing smile.

"Hump....Of course I didn't come a week ago and wait for you "

"Hahaha you are soo cute" Alex said kissing her.They started to speed up suddenly the doorbell rang.

Alex went to open the door and when he opend the door he was greeted by a beautiful woman with long black hair and emerald green eyes.

"Hi Alex"

"Hi Selene"

" I thought you got a job in washington or something"

"I did but I decided teaching is not for me"

"Haha...I told you.Do you want to hang out someti-"

"Ehem" Selene was interrupted by Alice who clearly had anger in her eyes.

"I didn't know you had a guest" Selene said.

"Oh...This is my girlfriend Alice, this is Selene.She lives in nextdoor."Alex said introducing each other while Alice and Selene glare at each other so hard. Alex could swear he saw lightning came out their eyes.

"It's getting late.You should go home" Alex said to Selene breaking their staring contest.

"Ahh...Yes by the way your girlfriend new to here right? I will take you to interesting place tomorrow.See you then" Selene said and went away.

"I don't like her" Alice said watching Selene leave.

"Why "

"She smells weird"

"I thought she smells nice" Alex said.In a moment he realized his mistake.But even before he could open his mouth Alice said "You know what, tonight you are going to sleep on the couch."

"Wait...Alice I am sorry...Let me explain"Alex said while Alice closing the door of bedroom.


Next day Alex finally abled to calmed her down

"I told you She was just a neighbor who moved here few years before I went to Forks.I am not interested at her.Why do I care about her when I have the most beautiful girl in the world"

" Hump....Flattery will get you nowhere.But I do agree she smell nice but her scent seems unnatural like it was forcefully enhanced" Alice said in worry.

" Maybe she uses some weird perfume" Alex said .

Few hours later Selene came to Alex's house and took them to a picnic.Alex watched Alice and Selene talking like they were friends for years.

'Didn't they almost fight yesterday.This is soo confusing' he thought.

After while they arrived to north part of the Long Island.

"Let's walk from here" Selene said stopping the car.

"Are you sure this is the right place.This area looks very unpopulated to me." Alice said.

"Oh don't worry.The strawberry field just ahead."Selene said.After walking for a few moments she stoped and pulled a knife out of her poket.She cut her palm.Soon as her blood dropped on the ground,it light up with symbols and patterns of a ritual.

Selene started to chant in ancient language while Alex and Alice were too surprised by this sudden change.

"What are you doing" Alice asked.

"Hah hah ha....I am the Selene Incantare the Moon Enchantress , last descendant of Morgana le Flay.Now serve me" Selene said and pointed her hand at Alex.A bright pink magic bolt came out of her finger tips and hit Alex.

"What did you do to him" Alice shouted and rush towards Selene.Alice swang her hand at Selene's face while selene barely dodge it, shear speed of Alice's hand left a cut on selene's face.

"Aaaah....My beautiful face...you....you filthy bi**h." Selene said angrily while pushing Alice away with a wave of magic.

"Alex, kill her"

"He won't harm me" Alice said.

"Hah...foolish vampire.This is a grand ritual ground I especially made for him.I knew a normal charms will not work on him.After studying him for years I made this ritual.When he moved away I thought I lost my chance but no. He came back to my embrace.Now...kill her Alex.Kill her for your goddess" Selene said with a lunatic smile.

"Yah...sorry,I am not a simp" Alex said.Alex disappeared from where he was and appeared infront of Selene.

"How-" Before she could finish her sentence Alex snapped her neck with a single motion.Watching

Selene's lifeless body fell on to ground Alice asked "You were never charmed right?"

"Yes, Are you okey?"

"Then why did you let her spout all the bullsh*t"

"As a dutiful hero I must always let the villain complete their monologue and....it's interesting to watch you two fight" Alex explained.

"Oh...really.You are sleeping on the couch today too and take care of that body as well"

Alice said staring directly at Alex's soul making him feel weak.

'Damn...Does she have Kryptonite or something' Alex thought.


A.n.- Selene Incantare is a 233 years old witch who dreamed to dominate the world with her charms.She lived a long life while remaining the physical prime draining life force of thousand men.After She found about Alex she carefully observed him.She wanted to make him her slave because of his strength.She also planed to make Alex her life force battery.(She is like a mix of Selene the black priestess and Amora the enchantress of Marvel)

Btw Romance arc is over from now on it's WAR!!!!