
The date

After few minutes Alex,Alice,Jasper and Edythe went to Port Angeles.Of course Alex wore his glasses so no one can recognize him.

"Wow you look like a totally different person.Even I will not recognized you if I didn't see you put them on." Alice said in surprise.

They entered a clothes shop and Edythe and Alice went to women's clothes section while Alex stuck with Jasper.

"Do you want to buy something?"


"Me neither" Alex said.

After few hours Edythe and Alice came back while Alex and Jasper mastering the nobel art of silent understatement of hopeless boyfriends.

"Hey, didn't you guys buy anything.Sigh...look Alice they can't do anything without us"Edythe said.

After another hour They finally came out of the shop.Alex gifted a beautiful red dress to Alice while Alice gifted him a blue shirt.

Meanwhile two boys at the Clothes shop were surprised to see Alex's group.

"No.....Alice got a boyfriend.Why....just why....She is like the moon.Beautiful and untouchable.Just Who dared to touched our goddess"Eric said.

"Don't be a simp.There are lot of girls out there.Bytheway I haven't seen that guy before." Mike said.

"Yah....talk to yourself.I am pretty sure Bella will be taken away by Edward" Eric replied in mockery.

With Alex's group.

"What's now there are no time to go for a movie" Alice said.

"Me and Jasper going to hunt after go home what about you guys?" Edythe asked.

"I have a idea" Alex said.

After that they separated and Alex take Alice to area without people .

Alex take her hand and started to float upward with Alice.

Once they are above the clouds Alex started float forward slowly.

Alice looked at the scence under her and said "It's so beautiful."

"It is" Alex said looking at her.

" I remember the first time I ran after becoming a vampire.I was fast as wind.I felt so free.But flying with you feel so relaxed and happy " Alice said. Then she placed a kiss on alex said "I love you Alex"

"I love you too Alice"

After their lovely flight they went to clif near the ocean to watch sun set.

"Let me take you home my lady."

"Nope,I am staying with you tonight"Alice said with a smirk. " Don't worry I won't eat you....yet"

"Who worried who" Alex said.

After that they went to Alex's home.After they came home Alice went to take a shower while Alex trying his best to not use his x-ray vision.

After Alice came out Alex went to take a shower and when he come out he was surprised to find a beautiful vampire laying on his bed wearing one of his T shirts.

"You know sight like these are very tempting" Alex said while going to bed.

"Tempting for what" Alice asked innocently.

Alex pulled Alice towards him and hugged her tightly.

"Tempting for this" Alex said while kissing her.Soon their kisses started to heat up.After few moments their hands wondering on each other's body.

"Let's not go any farther" Alex said breaking their kisses."Ok...for now"Alice said hugging him.

While Alex inhaling her sweet smell he fell into realm of Morpheus.

When he woke up he found no one beside him.Then his super hearing pick up a metal hitting sound from downstairs.He walked to downstairs and in the kitchen he found Alice who is wearing a apron.

"What are you doing?"

" Making the breakfast for you.Here tell me is it good?" Alice said giving him the food.

"Looks good"Alex said starting to eat."Hmm...It's really good." Alex said which was actually true.

"Thank god.I practiced for weeks"Alice said happily.

"By the way don't you have school today?" Alex asked.

"Oh I almost forgot.See you in the school then" Alice said.Then she ran away with her supernatural speed.

It's been a few weeks since that day.Alex's life goes like it normally does at least normally for a guy who is a Kryptonian and had a vampire girlfriend.

Alex took Alice for few dates and one time he even took her to Iffel tower at night.While their relationship progressed nicely,Alex noticed Edward and Bella became closer.Also there was some reports about wild animal attacking.

"School prom coming near.Lot of boys asked me to be their date" Alice said.

"What did you say to them?"

"Of course I refused"

"You know I can't go with you,right"

"Humm....I know that, I will give you a surprise at that day"Alice said seductively.

"By the way do you want to come over tomorrow.We are going to play baseball and Edward said he will bring Bella over too."

"Ah....tomorrow, I'm sorry I can't come tomorrow.I have to make some preparations for school."

Alex said not wanting to interfered with canon sooner. 'But James will die by my hand' he thought.

"Ok...but better you make it up to me latter."Alice said.