
Twilight: Hybrid

What if an Hybrid was born into the twilight universe, what would happen?! Would he join the wolves or the vampires?

Unruly_Kxng · Films
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Marcus had just finished his mission and was home relaxing. Marcus was an assassin but he only killed the corrupt and truly bad people. He was an orphan until some people came and took him in. After they took him away from the orphanage he was trained to be an assassin since he was 7 years old. Now he was 23 and ready to retire from that type of work. He had brought it up with his superiors but he didn't tell them exactly when he wanted to.

Now he was at home sitting on the couch watching tv until he heard several people break into his house and started shooting. He jumped behind the couch and pulled out a knife and gun that was under it and started to scan the room. When he figured out where everyone was he started firing, he shot two bullets and took out two of the assassins leaving three and one sniper across from his house. He ran out from the couch towards the three he was moving swiftly so that he wouldn't get shot but he couldn't outrun a bullet so two shots connected in his arm but not until he got to slit their throats.

After he killed those three leaving the sniper he dropped the knife and took up the gun trying to pin point the exact location of the sniper after he did, he shot him straight in the head. ( Marcus was one of the best assassins to ever live.) After he took the sniper he was getting ready to leave until he heard something coming towards his house, when he got to see it clearly he saw that it was a bazooka fired straight at him he tried to jump out of the way but it was too late.

All you could hear was "Shit" and then he got blown up.

When he woke up he was in somewhere dark. He then heard a voice like a woman say, " nice of you to finally wake up."

When he heard what the women said he said, " i just died so this should either be purgatory on how dark it is or where I'm gonna be judged. Sigh that was short ass life but i guess I can't complain now it was my fault for trusting those people."

The woman looked at him and only smiled she then continued to say, " Although you did kill a lot of people you also did save a lot of lives and since you didn't get to enjoy it that much, i'll give you three wishes, you can also choose the world you wish to transmigrate into, how old you are, the year and how you look."

When he heard that he was a little happy but he didn't let it get to him,he said, " what's in it for you?" The goddess said, " nothing just felt like giving you another chance."

He said ok and then got ready to comply with her he said, " i want to go to the twilight world, the year 2004. My wishes, 1 to be a vampire the same as Marcel after he took the serum in the originals series, 2nd to be a werewolf the same as Talia Hale from the Teen wolf series. So in the end I would be a hybrid. For my last wish i want to have the same blocking powers as Bella when she turns into a vampire. For my looks i want i want dark brown hair, my eye color is green, i want to be 5'11in length, i want a muscular lean body build, i want to have a handsome face that even a goddess would love.I want to be 18 when i get in that world and my new name will be Zane Porter."

For my super natural look, " when i turn into a wolf i want to have a grey mixed with black fur, when standing on all four a want to be an inch taller than Jacob, i want dark red eyes. When i glow my eyes when I'm not in my wolf form i want my sclera to be black with my iris being red and my pupil to be a black slit. Thanks for the opportunity."

The goddess looked at me said, " no problem your body is right over there,go and touch it when you wake up in that world you will be feeling pain like no other, you will have to learn how to control your powers and urges. To grow stronger you'll have to drink blood but you won't get any taller since you already chose your height. You're going to have to find a house and earn money on your own. Now bye bye."

In Florida 2004 January,Zane just woke up.

He was about to get up but suddenly he felt a huge amount of pain that he could never imagined,it went on for about 30 minutes. While he was screaming in pain every animal around him ran away scared to death. He was in the forest. After the pain subsided Zane got up to check his new body. He liked what he saw.

Zane got used to his new body before he tried out his supernatural strength and power. After he was finished getting use to it he felt hungry. Zane thought, " i can eat regular like normal humans but I don't have any money right now so i guess I'll drink some blood after i get use to my speed a little ."

When about 20 minutes passed Zane could control his speed a little so he went out to find something to drink. He ran through the forest and found a bear so he knocked it out and dragged it to cave he found while running he took off his clothes because he didn't want it to be full of blood since it was the only thing he had. Then started to drink the bear's blood until he was full after he finished he went to the lake and washed the blood off then went back to cave to sleep.

The next morning he woke up and went out to find a deer to drink after he filled his stomach he thought, " i'll stay in the forest until I am fully able to control my shift, my urges, my power and strength and the only human blood i'll drink is the very corrupt and truly bad."

Just like that 4 months passed.