
TVD: Death is inevitable

Born to a father of great strength, human at the core but many agree on one fact he cannot be human. Witches do not dare to cross or betray him, vampires fear him, humans respect and fear him, wolves would rather stay in their mountains then cross him. “What do you know of him?” Someone once asked “Do not hide do not run he will enjoy the chase because at the end of the day when ‘HE’ chases after you. Death is inevitable,” ---- Second world: supernatural I do not own anything from The vampire diaries/ The originals. Nor do I own anything from Supernatural.

Booggie · TV
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40 Chs

The Ball

-Jeremy Gilbert pov -

I walked behind a man I recently met named Amun, he is currently leading me to the place where I will be training for a while. I would have never guessed the company Legion had supernatural connections as I'm currently in one of their buildings.

My mind was still reeling from the shock I had a day ago, my own sister made me leave Mystic Falls, she compelled me to leave with no remorse just like she has done in the past. No, I can't even call her my sister anymore, the word is almost foreign to me, she hasn't been my sister ever since the Salvatores came to town.

I can hardly think about her without getting mad, sad, and feeling isolated. I wouldn't have even known about the compulsion if Amun and his associates didn't stumble upon me.

After making a couple more twists and turns we walked through a door, and immediately the sight of the training room hit me, there was everything someone would need to train.

Amun turned to me and said, "Jeremy I will train you but, I need you to decide your path do you want to be a hunter, or do you want to be a warrior?"

At first, I wanted to shout hunter but I stopped myself, I needed to think of my options and what the differences between the two are.

"What's the difference?" I asked carefully

"A hunter is trained in fighting the supernatural you will be trained then halfway you have the option to either join the legion or leave, if you leave you will have to make a pact to never share where you were trained and what you were taught," Amun said seriously

"If you want to be a Warrior, you will become a part of the legion immediately, you will not be able to leave, you will have brothers all over the world to help you, and you will get more in-depth training than hunters. There are more benefits but, I can't tell you those now. Usually, we don't offer Warrior training but, my boss thinks you have potential," Amun added with a small smile

I stayed silent, thinking over everything that has happened since I was exposed to the supernatural world, how my own family cast me out, and how I truly had no one in my corner.

I wanted to have brothers, To be strong, to be a "Warrior," my voice was firm and steady

Amun smiled, though it didn't look like a friendly one.

-Taban Pov-

I carefully stepped out of my car, I looked over to my driver the beautiful Inari, and said, "you can either come in with me or go back to the house,"

The house is where Sora had his ninjas acquire a mansion, it wasn't far off, to be honest, I haven't been there myself but I do know that it is located somewhere in the woods off of Mystic Falls. As for Inari, she likes to travel, and when I told her about where I was going she jumped at the opportunity to join me, she thoroughly enjoys messing with others, and this place is a perfect playground for her.

"Oh I'm joining you, I can't wait to see their faces, when was the last time you saw them?" she said getting out of the car

"I ran into Klaus around five years ago, for the rest, it has been a while especially Elijah, he always rushes to leave my presence," I said with a small smile as we walked toward the door

"Well, he always gets the short end of the stick when it comes to you. You have castrated him, tied him up with chains doused in vervain while archers pelted his body, and so much more," she replied with a bright smile

I grinned and replied, "he has the worst luck,"

Truly he does, I never even actively sought him out he would always stumble upon me.

We finally approached the door, I was wearing a nice tux I had to get custom made seeing as I am too large for anything to fit me, while Inari was wearing a beautiful soft yellowish-orange dress. We both opened the door slowly.


-Narrator pov -

The Mikaelson family all stood on the elegant steps of their manor, Elijah was just about to give his rousing speech when the front door slowly began to creak open, and everyone turned to see who was entering so late at that.

Two figures walked through the door, one a muscular man with almost a predator-like presence entered the room, everyone even the humans felt like they were being scrutinized under his gaze.

The other was a beautiful woman of Asian descent, she walked elegantly beside the terrifying man. They both seemed indifferent to the stares they were receiving.

As all eyes were on them no one noticed the looks of absolute horror plastered on the Mikaelson family's faces, even their mother Esther.

"It seems we were a tad bit late," The woman said with a small smile

"Don't care," the man replied while walking over to a waiter and taking a glass of champagne

Giving the glass a sniff his now scrunched up with disgust as he put the glass down, "figures they would drink shit wine," he mumbled loud enough for everyone to hear

"Hahaha, sorry for the disturbance we got lost on the way here, we have invitations and everything," the woman said with an innocent expression

Everyone thought the man was just being rude, but the Mikaelsons knew different Taban was gauging their reactions to what he was doing, more specifically the reactions of the Salvatores and co.

"It's perfectly fine, shall we begin the speech?" Esther said to Elijah

"Yes, mother. You know, whenever My mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance. Tonight's pick is A centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom," Elijah announced and walked down the stairs closely followed by his family while Esther made her way back upstairs

Klaus briskly made his way over to Taban, "why are you here?" he asked in a forceful tone

Immediately all vampires in the ballroom started to listen intently to their conversation.

"Heard you broke the curse, congrats Klaus now you can go wild," Taban said with a sly smirk

"No thanks to you," Klaus bit back

"Honestly Klaus why would I have helped you?" Taban asked dryly

"After the whole Nazi thing, I thought we had a real partnership going on," Klaus replied bitterly

Rolling his eyes Taban turned his head and locked eyes with Elijah who quickly averted his own.

"So you decided to stay here huh?" Taban said with a small smile

"Yes. So leave Taban wherever you go chaos follows," Klaus replied with malice

"That's simply not true" Taban dismissed

Glaring at Taban Klaus said, "American Indian wars, you practically started them then left once the fighting got too boring for you,"

All vampires in the ballroom practically snapped their heads in Taban's direction.

"That was a long time ago," Taban replied indifferently

"Tch, whatever just leave," Kalus replied angrily

'If so many humans weren't here I would rip his heart out,' Klaus thought

"I will, well after I stay for a while," Taban remarked dryly as he began to walk off

-Taban Pov -

As I walked around the Ballroom a dark-haired vampire walked over to me and extended his hand, "Damon Salvatore at your service and who might you be?"

"Taban Khan," I replied whilst shaking his hand

I saw recognition flash in his eyes, "you mean that Taban Khan?"

"That would be me," I replied with a wide smile

"Really? Big fan," he said with a grin

Fanboys, can't get enough of them, they all just crop up like pests.

"Hm, couldn't say this would be my first vampire fanboy and it won't be my last, just know I am straight," I said slapping Damon's shoulder and walking off

He looked stupified, probably embarrassed he was called out.

As the night continued nothing important happened, mostly everyone was trying their best to stay away from me, Inari, on the other hand, was having a blast socializing. Probably already cooking up fun ways to mess with everyone.

Eventually, Esther came down and gave a rather odd speech with obviously tainted wine judging from the look Inari gave me. I wasn't going to drink it anyways.

As the night died down people began to leave, I saw my fanboy was trying to get the doppelganger to leave. It also looks like Klaus was trying to get a girl, good for him.

I heard a commotion outside and went to check it out, others went as well, I saw my fanboy was actually pinning down Kol.

"Go for the eyes! Maybe bite off an ear!" I shouted causing everyone to look over at me fanboy included

Loosening his grip was a mistake as Kol flipped the table on him and snapped his neck, *crack!* the sound riveted throughout the night sky.

Kol began to walk back to the house, I looked at him unimpressed, "since when did you become so pathetic? You didn't even finish your kill," I said shaking my head

He looked annoyed and replied, "don't even start,"

This other vampire sped over to me and gripped my throat, "watch what you say," he told me I'm guessing trying to sound intimidating

"What did you just say, little boy?" I said gripping his arm

*crack* his arm broke easily pulling him close as I grabbed his throat

"Did you just threaten me?" I asked coldly my full aura was solely focused on him

"N-no?" he barely said

"Stop!" the doppelganger yelled

Looking over at her I said, "oh? Little miss doppelganger requested me to stop. I shall," my tone was dripping with sarcasm

"I will let you off easy," I said dropping him to the floor

He seemed to think that was it until I pried open his mouth and grabbed his tongue, taking out a knife I swiftly chopped it off.


He fell to the ground covering his bleeding mouth.

Turning to Klaus I said, "see? I have restraint."

I began to walk off with Inari following me, tonight was boring. At least I completed step one.


A/N: instigating Damon and Kol while also cutting off Stefan's tongue all serve a purpose. I know it seems like I just have Taban doing brutal things every other chapter. Trust me Taban has perfected his craft in what he will dub 'the ultimate guide to quickly raising your influence in new places'.