
Turnabout Teardown: Scornful Summer

You are (your/name) (or Geist), a former cop turned criminal and leader of a group of thieves called The Carnival. You became a leader after being nearly killed when you tried to investigate one of the most powerful families in the city. Now seeking revenge you have started to assemble a ragtag group, ready to conduct the heist of the century. Things had been good lately. A team was assembled and ready. TGG and IRIS had been taken down. We were capable. You are still (your/name), or Geist, a disgraced cop who investigated the 'wrong' people. You've gotten a team, you've found love and you have allies in high places. Enough playing. Time to end this. What could have happened next none of us could have predicted. But let me make one thing clear. They. Will. Pay. Especially for what they have done to us. With the team in tow, a lover who will stick by you forever and a newfound anger you will destroy them, even if it means burning down the whole city. This is book 2, containing a record of the events that occurred in Summer. It covers the following three arcs: Night of Fire, Operation Flashbang & Operation Teardown.

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Track 36 - An Odd Assembly

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Artist: Christian Wilson

Song: Coast to Coast

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tZvYXRUqcw

The Donna's Cafe, the current base camp for the Carnival. Ran by Rosie Belladonna, it doubled as both the homes for the Fae and her Donnas, remnants of a once fierce street gang.

This afternoon Rosie was out 'shopping' with you and Tabi, leaving the place to Tess to run. Despite only being here for a few days, Rosie felt more than confident in letting the android girl run the place. Her Donnas knew what to do anyways. Aside from the usual employees Kapi was also present, in the back baking.

Humming to herself, Tess dusted off the tables. Not that they needed dusting, but it gave her something to while she waited excitedly.

With how shaky the first meeting of Whitty and Updike went she didn't trust it would last. For a partnership to work they would have to fully rescind their differences.

She knew Updike was waiting for Whitty to slip up so he could throw him out. Vice versa for Whitty. Having spoken to Kapi about it privately he explained how Aldryx already battled with Updike for control, only stopping his 'takeover' when Updike brought in Solazar. With nothing to stop Whitty she fully expected him to come up with a reason to force Updike out.

So she decided late last night that, like schoolkids they would have to hash out their differences and learn to work together. She didn't fully know their history but felt assured enough this was something that needed to happen. After all, with all the compromises everyone else made on the team, this was more than fair.

It was all she thought about last night, figuring out the best solution to mediate between them, even asking other members privately how they were. In particular she reached out to S and Nikku who explained to her what they thought of Updike. Suffice to say, it wasn't a positive view, Updike being hard-headed and stubborn, stuck in his own ways. She asked Kapi and Carol about Whitty. While more positive, they both recognized the faults in the walking bomb, hard-headed and stubborn, trauma buried inside him.

She knew that just asking Updike directly to meet with Whitty would be a resounding 'no'. Instead she texted the weatherman that she wanted to meet with her and Whitty, playing it off as Updike being the bigger man, that she'd been reconsidering her opinions on Whitty after hearing him threaten to blow up the whole block. 'Maybe you were right.'

Through Carol she asked Whitty the inverse. That she was worried about Updike, how he didn't like half the team being 'abominations' and that if TGG were to withdraw support there was always IRIS the Carnival could fall back on.

The bait was taken by both parties, agreeing to meet after noon. Tess felt devious, giggling to herself as she waited for everyone to arrive.

She thought of inviting two of her close friends to help, Cupid and Omori, though decided against it. She wasn't sure how Cupid would react to someone like Updike, whose righteousness knew no bounds. And Omori was going through things, not in a good place right now. She knew better than to ask him.

Wanting to cover her bases she told you and Solazar. Texting you in the morning, you originally planned to attend though Tabi ended up taking your attention for the day. It was Tabi's birthday after all. Solazar wasn't happy more people joined without his consent but agreed to having Updike and Whitty meet.

'They forced Nikusa on me, he has no right to complain about Whitty.' He texted back.

This wasn't to be an official meeting of any sort. Half the team was unavailable. She wanted a neutral panel anyway. First off, this meant eliminating Nikku and S. Both would just argue against whatever Updike said. And Tess didn't need the headache of getting confused whose voice was whose, even if she was getting better at telling Nikku apart.

There was another aspect to the meeting as well she noticed. If they were to have an honest discussion the cloud and the bomb would have to be kept in check. Carol was perfect at doing that for Whitty. They had love grounding them. But she couldn't figure out how to keep Updike in check. If he had any family he kept it secret. Asking about it would have rung to many bells. Going through various TGG lines she couldn't find a way to contact any of the trio either.

She needed a different kind of deterrent. Her first thought was to have Pompom around she didn't feel safe using someone her age.

No, it had to be someone else. She knew Solazar could do it, though he was busy all day. Thinking on a more primal level she asked Solazar if he knew anyone with a similar strength level to Updike. Not sure what it was for, Solazar replied that Nikusa could take him, referring to their past conflict as a complicated relationship. Completely missing the deeper meaning Tess decided Nikusa must be present. After all, as she understood it, they were exes. Nikusa would keep Updike in check.

Through Solazar, Tess got the void queen's number. Nikusa was more than happy to help "keep Updike in check" and that she would be present earlier to meet Tess firsthand.

At least, she expected Nikusa, not a colourful trio. Entering with her were two additional people. A 'gothic-raver'-looking guy and a pink-bubble-gum woman, thinner than Updike but with the same-cloudy appearance, pink clouds instead of white. Judging from the white lab coat she appeared to be a doctor.

The raver, Tess recognized as a 'stick-figure' person, humanoid in appearance but neither human nor anthro. His mouth was obscured by a gas mask, though his eyes fully visible. A scar drew across one of his eyes.

Whoever the pink woman was the Donnas knew her, a few flocking towards, pulling her away from Nikusa and the 'raver'.

Not having formally met before, Tess found herself a little intimidated. Nevermind badboy appearances, she found them downright threatening. Nikusa in particular had a gleam in her eye, a voracious look and twisted smile to compliment it.

"I don't believe we've met. I'm Nikusa." She said, extending a large hand to her. Tess shook it, Nikusa squeezing hard enough to feel it.

"Y-yeah. I'm Tess. Thanks for coming."

The 'raver' had a different look, eyes scanning around the room for any threats, silently counting everyone present and who he'd have to kill if they moved funny.

"This is Radi."

"Hey." Radi said quietly. "You like green, huh?" Tess asked awkwardly. Radi flashed a look of disgust at her, the android not knowing his past issues with "nuclear-green". He said nothing.

"Don't mind him. He's just a little on edge today." Nikusa teased. "The other one's Aurora, she's Radi's doctor." Nikusa said, pointing to the pink-cloud.

Tess, still a little starstruck nodded at Aurora, though the doctor did not notice her, still saying hello to the others.

"Well. Lead the way. It's your meeting." Nikusa said, now impatiently.

"R-right! Let's go." She lead Nikusa and Radi to the back, neither one talking. She could feel Nikusa grinning at her as she sped along. With a wave, Aurora followed.

Opening the vending machine, Tess was greeted by the dimly lit room, sparks of the fairies fluttering about, tidying it. They paid no mind to Tess, though upon seeing the hulking masses of Nikusa and Radi enter, quickly retreated to their domain.

"So, what's the plan?" Nikusa asked out loud.

"W-well I invited Whitty and Updike over to talk. They don't like each other so they just need to sort out their differences."

"And 'keep Updike in check'?"

"Well, Carol keeps Whitty from flying off the handle. So I was hoping you could watch Updike."

"Why me, anyways?"

Aurora took note of the bar and walked towards it. "Don't mind me. I'm just hear to prepare Radi's medicine." She motioned Radi over who followed.

"Solazar said you and him were a couple."

"He said that?" Nikusa asked skeptically.

Twiddling her fingers, Tess responded meekly. "He said that you two have a complicated relationship."

"Hrm. Yeah you could say that. Sure, I'll make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." She said, eyes scheming of something.

Pulling up a beanbag, Nikusa took a seat, thinking to herself all sorts of nasty things. "Are they, gonna be okay?" Tess asked, pointing to Radi and Aurora.

"Hm? Yeah of course. Aurora's only gonna be here till Radi's good. And Radi's a member of the team."

"O-oh cool."

Still some time left before the others arrived she decided to speak to Radi. Since he was a member of the team she felt she should meet him proper.

"Radi?" She asked, as we skated to them.

"What!?" Radi jumped upon hearing his name. Looking back he glared at Tess. tensing his shoulders. "S-sorry."

"Don't sneak up on me like that."

"I, uh-"

"Ah come Radi, don't be such a grump." Aurora said. She stood behind the bar, practically acting like a bartender. Empty cup in front of Radi she filled it with hot water. Taking out a small bag of mushrooms and emptying it into the cup, the liquid turned a faint grey colour. She took out a metal wand and stirred it. As the mushrooms started to blend with the water, she looked around the bar. Finding an unopened bottle of syrup she ripped the label and added it to the drink, liquid now turning a dark red.

"What's that?"

"It's my medicine. Lowers my radiation level."

"Well the mushrooms are." Aurora said with a smile. "I add a bit of sugar just to make his day a little sweeter."

"Thanks." Radi said as he took a sip. He didn't enjoy it, but it was far better than the alternative. Unsure if radiation meant Radi's very existence would damage Updike or if there was some other meaning she said nothing.

"What do you two think of Updike?" Tess asked innocently enough.

Aurora snickered. "He's my boss. I can't really say anything negative about him."

"He's a good man." Radi began. "Saved my life."

Tess noted that and looked to Nikusa. She just shrugged.

"That's good. Did he mention Whitty to you at all?"

Not looking at Tess, Radi just focused on his drink. "Hates him. "

"And you?"

"I don't know him. But I trust Updike."

So he was pro-TGG. Tess thought. That might be good, since most people here aren't on his side.

"You think this is gonna work?" Nikusa asked aloud.

"I don't think it will be good for the team if they keep fighting. I mean, all last night they were at each others throats. I'm worried it'll affect the operation."

"Ehn. I don't think Whitty and the walking storm are gonna cause each other problems. Just put 'em on different teams."

"Even so."

"Nah, I get it." Nikusa shifted in the beanbag chair. Extra large it suited her fine. "I think this is a good idea." She smiled. "Gonna be a lot of fun." Tess didn't like the way Nikusa said that. It was too earlier to decide if she made a mistake or not.

While waiting, Radi finished his tea, awkwardly trying to speak more friendly to Tess while they waited. He didn't have much to say, though at least made an attempt.

Wanting to lighten the mood, Tess ordered Kapi to bring a tray of sweets up, hoping it would entice Updike and Whitty when they arrived. Dressed in his 'chefs' outfit he arrived, a large white hat on top of him.

"They aren't here yet?" He asked as he walked in. Not seeing Nikusa he walked past her, carrying the tray in front of him, obscuring his view. Setting it on the table he adjusted his hat and looked around.

"They're gonna be here any second." Tess said positively. Her, Aurora and Radi were at the bar while Nikusa sat by the window on her lonesome.

"I brought them to help us out." Tess added.

Seeing Nikusa, Kapi's heart thumped a bit. He cleared his throat, deciding he was gonna go for it. "Well, I got some time."

He walked right up to Nikusa and took a seat on the beanbag next to it, plopping in a puff of flour as he sunk into it.

Nikusa watched, a curious expression on her face. Then, grin returning, decided to go first.

"Kapi right?"


"Mmm. You're so deliciously malleable." Nikusa purred, turning to face him, a hand behind her neck as she adjusted hair.

Tess and Aurora looked over, curious to see what would happen. Tess was worried and prepared to step in, while Aurora watched with intrigue as if the scene were a mouse crawling to a snake. Radi just looked away. He knew Nikusa well enough he had no interest in watching the scene unfold.

Kapi's heart beat faster. He'd been thinking about that one night. While inconsequential it wouldn't leave his mind. The night they 'ambushed' Nikusa into joining.

"So, Nikusa. Busy later?" He asked, suave. Despite Nikusa's threatening demeanour and his anxiety he kept a straight face, playing it cool. "Ever played DDR?"

"DDR?" She asked innocently enough. "What's that?"

"Only the coolest dance game ever made. I got all the high scores. You ever dance? I can show you." He said, narrowing his eyes.

"Oh? You're a good dancer?"

"The best." Kapi said, gleam in his eye. "Punk like him couldn't even hit the right pedals I bet." He added, throwing shade at Radi. Radi turned back, giving him a sideways look. Not from jealousy, but more of 'it's-your-funeral.'

Nikusa chuckled, taking one look at Radi's expression before turning back to Kapi.

"Even good at the more sensual dances, you know~" He purred, getting a bit closer to Nikusa.

"You're a wolf right?" She asked.

"Cat, actually. But I'm just as ferocious."

"Oh?" Nikusa's eyes glinted. "How ferocious?"

Leaning a bit closer, Kapi spoke deeper. "We can find that out later."

Nikusa leaned in closer. Kapi did so as well, feeling his moves correct. As he closed his eyes, Nikusa grabbed him into a bear hug, smothering the poor cat in her bosom.

"Aw, you're just so cute!" She exclaimed. Even in his small stature she could feel his heart beating rapidly, as if he were about to have a heart attack. Letting him go after a minute she placed him back on the beanbag. He panted, the sudden rush of air filling his lungs much needed. Burning up his face, a bright shade of red, Kapi still not even fully processing what just happened.

Nikusa leaned back in the chair, content at the shellshocked baker in front of her. "I needed that." She said, giggling. "You aren't my type though. I more into outlaws and bad boys. Your confidence is...delicious however."

"I-I'm an outlaw." Kapi panted.

Nikusa laughed again. "I need someone who can take me. I can break you like a twig I wanted."

"Who, who says I can't?" Kapi continued.

She knew he was lying. "Maybe one day. Nice try though."

The audible clearing of a throat drew everyone's attention.

Standing at the entrance of the room was none other than Updike. One hand behind his back the other was at his mouth. He didn't look the least bit impressed, unclear how much he saw.

He looked to Tess after a silence. "What is she doing here?"

"Okay, don't get mad. But I saw how-"

Nikusa stood up, the same smile on her face. "I'm here to watch over you. Make sure you don't pull anything stupid. After all, what better way to keep you in check, than a former 'lover'~"

Updike's expression instantly turned to anger. "Excuse me?" Updike said, face perplexed. "Is that a threat?"

"Take it as you want 'honey'."

"Hold on!" Tess said. "I just wanted to make sure you wouldn't fly off the handle. I was just worried. Like how Carol keeps Whitty in check, y-you know?"

Updike didn't look any more impressed. "Is that what is about? To keep me from harming Whitty?"

"Well. I still want you two to talk, b-but yes."

Updike surveyed the room looking over. "Fine. Though don't think you have any power over me." He said to Nikusa. "And don't ever call me your lover again, you psycho."

"If that makes you feel like a big man." Nikusa shrugged, taking a seat.

"Aurora. You are dismissed. This could get messy."

"Yes sir!" She said. "See you tomorrow Radi." She said happily before nodding at the both of them and leaving.

Updike didn't say anything more until he sat down, taking a slice of cake and eating it.

"Now that I know you have ulterior motives, I expect to be filled in. I don't appreciate being lied to."

Nikusa audibly snickered, though Updike ignored it.

"Well I think you and Whitty need to move past your previous issues. That if you guys keep fighting on the team it won't solve anything."

"And what is your endgame? That we make up, become best friends?"


Updike sighed. "That is a naive hypothesis. Fine, whatever. I will speak to him, but I don't expect him to be as receptive."

Arriving at a similar time, Tess got a text from the waiter that Carol and Whitty showed up. With Kapi still pseudo-conscious, she went herself to pick them up.

Updike, not wanting his back to the door got up as well, taking a seat at the other end of the table, facing the vending machine door. As soon as Tess left he had questions.

"Former lover?" He asked Nikusa. "How dare you. How could you have possibly gotten that idea?!" He said, disgusted.

"Tess thinks that. Heh. Blame papa andromeda."


"Said we had a complicated relationship...whhiicchh to that android, meant were we a couple." Nikusa paused, mischievous thoughts taking over. "I can see it. Spurned lovers, separated by ideology. I know you were looking for me those days~"

"To kill you." Updike sighed. "I'm not doing this."

Looking to the bar he spoke to the radiated man instead. "Radi. How are you feeling?"

"The treatment is working but I think I'm gonna stop it for now."


"It occurred to him if he's gonna help us that he should have some power." Nikusa but in, re-entering the conversation.

"I see. I am still in amazement they would even give you those abilities. Such a massive oversight on his part."

"Oversight?" Radi asked, confused. "He turned me into a monster."

"A monster than easily kill him." Updike laughed. "I believe the Family fears you. Would explain why they never moved against after your attack to them. Even demons can melt."

Radi smirked, agreeing. He looked at his hand, glowing a faint green. "I'll wipe them out."

The vending machine door opened, a few voices reaching in. Everyone who could looked towards, seeing Tess enter, Carol and Whitty behind them.

"Nice place." Whitty commented as he entered. "What's up everyone?"

He looked around the room, counting four people. "Is this the team?"

"We have many others; they just aren't here right now."

Settling on Kapi, Whitty looked at him, Kapi twitching somewhat but still sprawled out on the beanbag.

"Is he, uh, okay?"

"I-I'm fine." Kapi wheezed. "Just give me a few minutes."

Focusing next on Nikusa, a spark emerged in her eye. Tongue out, she licked her lips at him, thinking of the things she could do. Updike observed the motion, though saw no reason to interfere.

As he walked by, she stood up, towering over him. "So you're the one called Whitty?"

Whether through premonition or instinct, Carol stuck close, shooting an evil eye at Nikusa. This only served to make her smile widen, Nikusa now thinking, Hehe, looks like he's got protection already.

"Yeah. What's up." He extended a hand outwards, which Nikusa grabbed, a purple flame engulfing it as they shook. Despite the fire, Whitty didn't react. "I can do that too you know."

Nikusa laughed. "We'll get along just fine."

As they took their seats at the table, Nikusa took hers as well, cradling Kapi as she plopped him in the seat beside her. Radi did too, leaving his spot at the bar.

The void queen, arcade champion, weatherman, walking bomb, angel, android and radioactive mess sat around the table. Introductions were brief, Whitty complimenting Radi's aesthetic, Carol and Nikusa having a brief standoff and, Tess insisting both nemesis' shake hands and both 'attempting' to not try to break the other's hands.

"Well, Tess." Updike started. "This is your meeting. Go for it."

"Right!" Tess said, enthusiastically. "I'm worried you two will keep fighting and it will cause issues for the rest of the team."

"We already agreed, didn't we?" Whitty said, voice inflecting annoyed. "I'll stick to the plan. It's him you should be worried about."

"Even so. I'm expecting you two are just gonna be at each other's throats. We can't have that."

Updike said nothing, though Carol did nod in agreement. She understood it as well as Tess did.

"I was hoping you two could, uh, settle your differences." Tess concluded.

"There's nothing to settle. He attacked me first." Whitty said.

"You won't get a sorry out of me. I did what I had to do. Not to mention the property damage, which TGG, ever so graciously paid for in his wake."

"I wouldn't have been in that state if you guys just left me alone."

"You bombed a city block. Not to mention when his temper goes off does he see fit to blow up his surroundings." Updike argued back.

"All because you guys keep chasing me around. How am I even supposed to live a normal life with you guys round every corner?!"

"Conveniently forgetting about the Family are we? You pissed them off. We did nothing there."

They continued arguing. Nikusa knew to jump in if thing got too heated. She was enjoying this and saw no reason to enter. Tess too, though not enjoying this felt they needed to get off steam. At least they were both enjoying the cake Kapi brought it, taking bites as they shouted at each other.

"Yeah I'm no so sure about that. I wouldn't put it pats you to go behind your own groups back."

"Are you accusing me of working those demons!?"

"Yeah, exactly."

"How dare you!" Updike stood up.

"Tut tut tut." Nikusa said. "Relax you."

Updike adjusted his tie and sat down.

"Who's that, you're wife?" Whitty said with a smirk.

"Oh, honey, you do not want to get involved with me." Nikusa said ravenously. Sensing her power, Carol nudged Whitty.

So as not let Nikusa start a war, Tess butt in. "We're working together to stop the Family. Everyone here knows what they've done. And we agreed TGG won't go after you anymore either."

"For now." Updike interjected. He was about to add something else, but Nikusa slammed the table, raising a hand and emitting a purple flame. Shaking his head, Updike crossed his arms.

Seeing Nikusa's bashful attitude she started to feel it was a good idea to bring her in. And it was the perfect foil to keep Updike in check.

"What exactly happened between you two anyways?" Tess asked.

"It doesn't matter."

"Indeed." Both Updike and Whitty were in agreement there.

"But why do you want to kill him anyways?" Radi asked, finally speaking up.

"I already said. He is a terrorist, known enemy to TGG and responsible for untold chaos." Updike said, looking more to Nikusa than Radi. He was expecting her to try and shush him again. "He is a walking apocalypse."

"So he's just a bomb?"

"Ever-observant, yes, what is your point?" Updike asked.

"Well I'm stronger than him and you didn't kill me."

"You're different. Regardless, TGG policies changed prior to your 'discovery'. We don't act like that anymore."

"So why am I still a target then?!" Whitty spat.

"Grandfathered in."

"Even so..." Tess said. "Whitty should be exempt anyways."

Updike sighed. He wasn't in the mood for arguments anymore he decided. He already had this battle with Sterling and Abott. "I suppose you are correct. Though Radi does not have the history Whitty does. Even so, as long as you feel remorse for-"

"What are you trying to say? The hell's even your problem?" Whitty shot to Radi. "Why are you even taking his side?" Now glaring at Radi, Whitty continued. "You're a freak like me."

"Updike is saving my life. Making me normal again."


"Enough." Carol nudged Whitty.

Radi stood up, pissed. "I'll show you I'm not brainwashed." His hands glowed more intensely.

Nikusa lightly grabbed Radi's arm, her expression changing. "Not here." She said cooly.

Tess sighed. This wasn't working.

As Radi sat down, Updike tried again. "Our goal here is to take down the Family. We are all in agreement there. We all know firsthand their vile acts. I propose. And I propose we leave this behind and complete our mission. It has been over a year since I officially stopped pursuing you and nevertheless you have been..well...behaved." He struggled saying the last few words, everyone in the room detecting that except Kapi, still high off love. Whitty waited a bit before responding.

"Fine. But how do I know you won't go after me during the operation?" Updike shook his head. "What do you want me to do? I already put it in writing."

"Maybe you should back off, let us manage the operation. Do admin work or legal stuff."

"Maybe we don't even need you. All your purpose would be is to blow up a gate but your so filled hot air I wonder if you could even do that!"

"I can damn well blow up some gate!"

"Maybe I should recruit some other abomination. I'm not even sure you could follow a plan. You'd probably piss off some other faction halfway through the operation."

"What about you, huh? Probably got trackers and shit all over this place!"

Updike shook his head. "It is evident this will not be sorted with words."

"I agree there." Whitty's eye narrowed.

Tess was aghast. This really wasn't going to work. A silence fell over the room as everyone tried to figure out what to say next.

"Fight it out then." Nikusa finally said.

"What?" Both Updike and Whitty looked at her incredulously.

"You two are so pent up. Why don't you just kick the shit out of each other? Get it out of your systems."

"I am not starting a fight in here." Updike said flatly. "What about the parking lot out there? Or you too scared to blow your cover?" Whitty said sarcastically.

"Tell you what." Nikusa said, standing up. "Let's go to my void. You two dish it out. Good old-fashioned brawl."

"This isn't a good idea." Tess said.

"Nah." Whitty stood up. "Let's do it."

"Uh, no. You nuts?" Carol said, figuring the whole thing a trap. "What if they lock you there?"

"Tempting as that would be, I'd rather see you two duke it out." Nikusa said, winking at Carol.

"I am in agreement." Updike said, standing up too.

"Clean fight." Nikusa said, more enthused now. "No magic, spells or trickery. Just releasing all that anger towards each other out. No winner either. Once you two are done we come back here and get the fairies to heal you or something."

Tess looked to Kapi who shrugged.

"I'll step in if it gets too brutal." Radi said, getting up as well.

"Will you though?" Whitty asked, still not trusting him.

"I'm here too. If either of you start killing the other I'll stop it." Tess added.

"Heh, either of you goes overboard I'll step in, show you my wrath." Nikusa added happily.

Whitty looked to Carol. It was her call now. She rolled her eyes. "If you really think this is gonna work. You two promise me you won't kill each other."

Whitty look to Updike who stared back. "If he does first." They both said in unison.

"It's settled then!" Nikusa declared. "Let's go!"

Aiming a hand towards the entrance, a portal opened up, a gust of wind hurling from it. It displayed a white landscape surrounding in a blue glow that stretched the size of the wall.

Nikusa walked in first, Kapi behind her and the rest following.

As the portal closed, someone entered the room, seeing a bright flash from outside. Rosie, having dropped you and Tabi off stepped into the empty room noticing chairs ajar and half-eaten cake on the table.

"Fairies! Status report!" She called.

The only two who understood Nikusa's power were Radi and Updike. The former had firsthand experience dealing with it, Nikusa's little 'pocket dimension' one of the first things she showed the boy.

Updike was aware of it and knew it the same place she sealed Agoti in. He also knew that escape would be a challenge if she decided to betray them all. The last to enter, he left a beacon on the table, that if he were not to return, TGG would launch a search party.

A stark contrast blinded everyone temporarily as they stepped into the light. Eyes adjusting they found themselves standing on a large floating island, barren of all but stony dirt. Stretched out in front were a similar collection of floating islands of different sizes with all the same flat surface. It stretched infinitely into the horizon, nothing besides an endless white sky and backdrop. The horizon reached into the eye's length, a faded line cutting through it. Below the line, and below where they stood, an infinite black that stretched beneath them. Where the black met white, it faded into each other, tendrils of black space attempting to pull the white down.

Such a sight snaped Kapi out of his trance, the possible infinite height getting to him. Nikusa, still feeling garish saw fit to use him as an example.

"Don't worry about the height. It's set in such a way that if you fall too low, it loops back. Allow me to demonstrate."

"Wait-AAAAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa-" In a flash she grabbed Kapi and chucked him into the void below, the catboy screaming as he fell out of sight.

Seconds later, with a hand outstretched and Kapi falling from the sky above Nikusa grabbed his hood, stopping his descent. Deciding she had bullied Kapi enough she set him on her shoulder. "You'll stick with me for the rest of the training, okay?"

Kapi mumbled something unintelligible, his head still spinning.

"Alright so. Either of you having second thoughts?" She asked gleefully.

Both Updike and Whitty, though concerned for Kapi still felt strongly. They nodded.

"Both of you jump to that island there. No funny business, got it?" Nikusa said, pointing there.

"No winners either! This is just to get it out of your system." Tess added.

The two landed on a large floating island, covered in the same brown dirt that occupied them all. Updike took his position at one side, Whitty the other.

"I won't be holding back." Updike said coldly. Raising both his hands up he entered into football stance.

"Me neither." Whitty said, raising fists in front of him, a boxing position.

"Remember!" Nikusa said from the island above them. "Either of you go overboard you'll deal with me~"

Now Playing...

Artist: DJ Chap

Song: 300 Conejos

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fOiEOCFukTE

Ready for combat the two slowly circled the arena, not breaking eye contact. Carol and Radi rooted for Whitty and Updike, though both knew better than to make it known. The other three just watched, Kapi, now sitting atop Nikusa's shoulders, arms resting on her head as she held him. Tess observed too, unsure how this would turn out.

With nobody pulling the first move, Whitty chose to trash talk. "The sooner you hit me the faster we go home."

"I know you. I know how you think. You cannot bait me." Updike shot back.

"We'll see about that. I've changed since you backed off. Did a lot of training."

"Well then demonstrate for me, won't you?"

Still in the boxing stance, Whitty skipped forward, edging closer to the mass of white. He jumped slightly as he idled, expecting Updike to swing into a haymaker at any point. Once close enough, Updike did, though Whitty ducked. Dropping his stance he grabbed a handful of the dirt and threw it into Updike's face, bits of stone and dirt staining his otherwise white complexion.

Image: https://www.deviantart.com/odaocer/art/An-Odd-Assembly-1046247634 (Thanks to Rawrmoona for drawing this!)

It didn't matter much, still blinded, Updike knew where Whitty was, swiping forward. Whitty jumped, avoiding the first fist but failing at the second one. Updike grabbed Whitty by the arm and slammed him into the ground. The strength which he did shook the island.

Using his free hand he wiped his face, further staining the otherwise white suit. Though it hurt, Whitty kicked right back up, hunching and delivering a flurry of blows right into Updike's abdomen. One final fist he fired into Updike left burn marks, a flame erupting as Whitty struck.

It did little to stop Updike who kicked upwards, knocking Whitty backwards.

"I thought we agreed no magic."

"Not magic." Whitty muttered.

As Whitty got up, Updike jumped, slamming down on the island. In a few seconds the island turned to a seesaw as Whitty was flung forward. He couldn't do much to stop Updike from uppercutting Whitty back into the now upwards part of the island.

As it adjusted, Updike grabbed the ground, keeping his balance. With a growl he noticed, Whitty enflamed himself briefly, leaving ash marks on Updike's hand.

"You sure this is a good idea?" Radi asked Carol. The two continued their battle below, exchanging blows.

Carol shrugged. "Their both stubborn. I think it might work."

Whitty ran forward, appearing to run directly into Updike's football stance. With a fake punch up he ducked and slid under Updike. Moving fast, Whitty was on Updike's back, having got him in a headlock as he held on. Arms around Updike's throat he found it harder to choke him than it looked. Still following some of the rules he didn't enflame his arms.

Using his strength, Updike proceeded to jump up, intending to land backwards to crush the bomb. Whitty moved faster, getting on top and jumping upwards as Updike fell. Landing with a knee down he slammed into Updike's face.

No time wasted, Updike grabbed Whitty's leg and swung him face down into the island. Getting up he did so again, picking up a final time and throwing him to the other side of the island. Updike now coughed from the previous knee-to-the-face.

He wiped his nose, a blue liquid staining his hand. Blood. Whitty too, getting back up noticed a cold sensation coming from his face. Black, he was bleeding oil.

He grimaced as he looked to Updike, ready to continue.

Kapi was amazed at the fight below them. He wasn't expecting either to play fair, yet also wasn't expecting a MMA fight either.

"He has changed, wow." Kapi muttered.

"Running from the Family AND a bunch of zealots does that do you." Carol said solemnly.

"So are you TGG?" Tess wondered.

Carol shook her head. "No. Just Whitty's girlfriend. When they were caught him last I made a deal with Abott. We decided that so long as I'm with him they won't go after him."

"He never went after you?" Kapi asked.

"Updike would never fight an angel. He's too righteous."

Performing another grapple, Whitty slammed his elbow into Updike's arm hard as he could. He swore he could hear something snap. Updike grabbed a hold of Whitty's face and fist into the bomb's stomach a few times, threw him across the island.

"Don't be so stubborn, Julian."

Whitty got up. Though he was hurting he was still pissed off enough to continue. "Who the hell's Julian?" He said, spitting a bit of oil onto the ground.



Feeling his arm, Updike hurt like hell. But damned if he was going to show weakness now. As the fight continued, both combatants' clothes were stained by the dirt, Updike's also stained with various burn marks and black spots, Whitty using his fists to cause such.

Updike's pigment darkened too, the otherwise white cloud appearance turning to a light grey.

Tess underestimated just how much energy both had. As the fight continued it became less of a battle and more of a struggle as their energy waned.

As Whitty tried to do another fakeout, Updike stomped ahead, shaking the island. Hands into fists he slammed both into each side of Whitty's head, sending the bomb reeling back. It provided ample opportunity for Updike to combo, but he didn't, just standing their breathing heavily. He fell back, landing on his bum.

Whitty too, collecting his bearings and seeing Updike sitting there stopped.

"Truce?" He said in-between breaths. He wiped his face, a combo of sweat and oil covering it.

"Yes." Updike said quietly. He sniffled, sounding more like he was choking back tears than exhausted.

"See? That wasn't so hard now, was it?" Nikusa shouted from above. "Let's get back to the cafe!"

As soon as they returned they were met with an irate Rosie who was more annoyed at Tess and Kapi for abandoning their posts than anything. After seeing Whitty and Updike's beat up demeanour she decided to treat them, ordering the fairies to also heal them. She also didn't want all that dirt staining her room, so she ordered the group to one of the party rooms.

Whitty and Updike didn't speak much to each other after that. A combination of tire and mutual understanding washed over them. The most either said was thanks to each other. No snarky comments at each other either. In particular, Tess found Updike in an unreadable mood.

The most either said was when they entered the party room. Updike offered to bring in some more cake, saying to Whitty he should eat well to prepare. Whitty thanked him quietly, though felt uneasy at the gesture. Something about it felt...familiar to him, especially the way Updike entered holding a platter, metal lid covering the food.

When all was said and done Tess and Updike were the last ones to leave. Even though she was still working she wanted to ask Updike something. Now that they were alone, she saw fit to ask.

"Who's Julian?"

"Someone I used to know." Updike said solemnly.

The next chapter will be called Explosive Meeting.

This is actually the last chapter I wrote for the book. Originally, this part ended on Track 39 (excluding the Operation) but I decided to add 1 more for a clean 40.

It's also the fourth longest chapter (1.16, 2.38 and C.17 are longer).

odaocercreators' thoughts