
Tsk! I am your Grandfather

When he was 5 years old, his mother was taken away, his glorious father was left disfigured making him a mad man. As if all of it weren't enough, Yichen was bullied with no one to save him. While he was on the edge of breaking up, help comes like a ray of sunshine. With this new help, he plans to get back together with his family and return things the way they were but a bigger purpose seems to have been waiting for him.

CosmosGalaxZ · Fantaisie
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429 Chs

The truth

The time flew by quickly and Yichen fell into a deep sleep. The blazing sun soon went to bed and the sky fell into complete darkness. The dark sky was now filled with beautiful sparkling stars and the calm moon appeared to take its shift. The gentle light of the moon slowly hits the Lin clan household making it glow in peace. The bamboos in the clan's garden swayed gently, passing the chill yet calm breeze.

Having done their work for the day; everyone in the Lin clan went back to their houses to take a rest for the day.

With many things going on, Yichen was still left asleep for many hours. He had slept his portion for the night.

His father Lin Zhang on the side was still playing inside the house. This time, Yichen locked the door from inside making sure that his father won't leave the house while he was resting.

With the house being locked, Lin Zhang stayed inside all this time and played with the things around.

After hours of a deep sleep, Yichen rolled his body to the side and slowly regained his consciousness.

As he turned to look at the window, the sky was already dark and the moon had appeared.

He turned to look around and saw his father Lin Zhang still busy playing.

'Father is still playing. It's already late and the servant hasn't delivered our food. Are they intentionally doing it as I have fought with them?'

He was left bothered with it.

'This won't do. I need to go and take the food myself. Father must be hungry'

With the thought in mind, Yichen climbed down from his bed and was on his way to the kitchen of the Lin household.

He walked the quiet solitary path all alone. Since it was already late the place had gone into total silence. Everyone seemed to have gone to sleep.

Not even a fly passed by.

Yichen fastened his pace and hurried towards the kitchen. Entering inside, he found the big wooden kitchen to be empty with no one around.

'This is better. I don't want to meet those bastards'

He was alleviated.

He scrambled there and started to check the kitchen table if their food was there. To his disappointment nothing; no food was saved for them.

He then turned to open the cooking utensils and found them to be empty as well.

The utensils were already washed clean. It seemed that they had finished all the food and cleaned the utensils afterwards.

There wasn't even a chunk of food left.

The Kitchen servants were intentionally trying to starve them. They had eaten all the food, sparing none for them.

It was expected considering their vulgarity, therefore, Yichen wasn't that upset at all.

He only sighed at it.

This meant they were to starve that night.

"No food spare for you and your father?"

Yichen jumped up with a start.

"What the f**k! Teacher! You scared me!"

He held his breath in fright.

Lord Guotin quickly flew down towards the empty utensils and checked upon them.

"Hmm too bad, there ain't no food left for you two. These people are sure vicious. They are trying to starve you"

Yichen stood there in solidity. His face showed no anger as if he already foresaw that to happen.

He was like, 'Yeah...right. Just as expected.'

Seeing his stiff expression, Lord Guotin quickly flew down towards the storage area where all the kinds of vegetables and meats were kept.

"Since they intend to starve you then we can only disappoint them by eating to your stomach full."

He grinned while observing the storage.

"Master, you mean to cook those?"

Yichen was left bewildered.

Lord Guotin flew up to him and met him in the eye. It was time to teach the kid a new lesson.

"Kid, when others won't care for you and show you respect then that only means that it's time for you to get up and stand up for yourself. You can't always depend on other people your whole life ain't it?"

Yichen's deep turquoise eyes were widened by it. Those words have seeped right through his soul. Lord Guotin then made his savaged remark: "Don't tell me you are going to starve yourself because no one spares you food?"

Yichen stood there dumbstruck. He had never felt the need to cook for himself. It was that he was used to taking care of his father and other people taking care of his needs, giving him food that he never care and even thought of taking care of his own needs.

He was like a plain person moulded by his surrounding. He never valued himself nor there was no awareness of himself. It was as if he had already lost his sense of self a long time ago.

While he was dazed staring blankly at Lord Guotin.

Lord Guotin asserted amusingly, "Bring those, sweet potatoes and meats"

"Teacher, you want me to cook? This...disciple don't know how to cook the food.."

Yichen scratched his head in hesitancy. He was so sure of not being able to cook the food.

Lord Guotin smiled at it and expressed knowingly: "Kid, you don't have to cook. Instead, this Lord Guotin will make the earth tier cooking pot inside the jade pendant to do the cooking"

"Whoa.! There's such a magic cooking pot inside the pendant?!'

Yichen exclaimed with excitement.

It was the best thing he ever heard in his lifetime. A darn magic cooking pot! With it, he never had to worry about food anymore.

To think that this magic pot was there all these while inside his pendant amazed him greatly.

His eyes were now filled with wonder and curiousness.

"To be precise there's not only the magic pot but there are many treasures as well. You are indeed lucky, kid"

Lord Guotin shared with a pleasant smile.

Just by hearing it, Yichen's face glowed with fascination. His eyes sparkled in keenness as he attends to it all.

"The divine tier interspatial pendant your mother had left you is no simple one kid. There is a whole world inside it. You can call it a realm on its own. There are many rare treasures hidden in it. I bet your mother must have stocked it all when she comes to marry your father.

"The only bad thing was that there are no spiritual plants in it, otherwise, you wouldn't have needed to go to the forest to collect it"

Lord Guotin then sighed.

His words were like a thrilling rainfall amidst the scorching summer heat.

Young Yichen was left feeling ecstatic with it all.

' A hidden treasure?! A f***ing Magic pot?! A realm on its own?! That's insane!'

It blew up his young mind.

Itching to see it all with his own eyes he didn't hesitate to ask his teacher.

"Then, teacher, take me inside the pendant. I want to see it myself!"

Lord Guotin saw the keenness in his eyes.

He immediately turned and shook his fluffy head at it.

"Kid, you have no internal energy within you right now besides that all of your meridians are now blocked. Without clearing your qi meridian you won't be able to enter inside the pendant. The divine tier pendant is a magical item on its own and is made from the strongest energy. Therefore, it will be overwhelming to enter it in your current state. If you enter now, I am afraid that you will suffer a backlash instead and might even die there.

To enter inside it, you will at least need to clean your meridian first."

Yichen was left in awe with it all. There was nothing he could do even though he wanted to enter it.

"But... With Lord Guotin here, you don't need to worry about those, your teacher will help you to clean the meridian and you can enter it by then."

Lord Guotin assured him proudly.

Yichen's jade face was immediately brightened like a glorious moon.

He quickly cupped his hands and thanked him heartily.

"Yichen is grateful for teachers' help."

"Aah! Mention not, kid. You only have to become stronger so that this Lord Guotin will be able to revive."

Lord Guotin grinned in devilishness.

"Yichen understand. Yichen will become stronger and help the teacher to revive."

The kid was so serious when he says those words that Lord Guotin couldn't help but smile at it.

"As for now, bring me those things, kid. I will put them in the pendant and we will quickly leave this place."

"Yes master"

Yichen obeyed him and hurried to gather everything his master had told him.

Lord Guotin put it all inside the interspatial pendant.

With it, the two of them quickly left the place.