
True Beast: I Am Reincarnated As A White Wolf

[Nature is brutal, Only the strongest survives] A world where innocence is a distant memory, a pure soul is given a second chance. A child's life is cut short after witnessing unimaginable evil, but fate intervenes, offering a new beginning. Reborn as a wolf pup, this innocent spirit must navigate a treacherous new world, confronting the darkness that haunts it. Will its pure heart be enough to overcome the shadows, or will the weight of its past crush its hope for a brighter future? DING! [EVOLUTION COMPLETE] DING! [YOU ARE NOW THE TRUE BEAST]

Shadowwarrior_007 · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 17: Frozen Tensions

Akira raced back to her den, her paws pounding against the snow-covered ground. She could feel the adrenaline still coursing through her veins, her heart still racing from the intense battle with the polar bear. But now, her focus was on her precious pup, her little one who needed her comfort and protection.

As she approached the den, she gently picked up her pup in her jaws, careful not to scare her further. The pup was trembling with fear, her ears folded back, and her big blue eyes wide with terror. Akira could sense her daughter's distress, and her heart went out to her.

As she emerged from the den, Malakai caught sight of his sister's frightened form. He immediately moved forward, his tail wagging softly, and his ears perked up in concern. He nudged his sister gently with his nose, trying to comfort her. At first, the pup flinched, her body tensing up even more. But as she realized it was her brother, she slowly began to relax.

Malakai continued to nuzzle his sister, licking her fur and rubbing his body against hers. Akira watched in amazement as her son's gentle gestures calmed her pup down. The pup's heartbeat slowed, her breathing became more relaxed, and her eyes began to droop. Finally, she fell asleep, her tiny body surrendering to exhaustion.

Akira felt a surge of pride and gratitude towards her son. She had always known that Malakai was a fierce warrior, capable of showing no mercy to prey and enemies. But in this moment, she realized that he was not just a skilled hunter, but a caring brother as well. This display of kindness and compassion towards his sister revealed a different side of his personality, one that was nurturing and protective.

In this moment, Akira's pride in Malakai's ferocity was matched by her pride in his ability to show kindness and empathy. She realized that her son was capable of both bravery and compassion, and that this complexity made him an even stronger and more worthy pack leader.

As she gazed at her two children, Akira felt a sense of peace wash over her. She knew that they were safe, that they had each other, and that they would always be there to comfort and protect one another. The snow-covered landscape, the quiet forest, and the warmth of her den all seemed to fade into the background as she basked in the love and contentment of this moment.

The only sound was the soft rustling of fur, the gentle panting of her children, and the beating of their hearts. Akira closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the moment envelop her, and let out a soft sigh of happiness. In this instant, everything felt right with the world.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm orange glow over the landscape, the small pack settled in for a well-deserved rest. Their bodies were weary from the day's events, their muscles aching from the intense battle with the polar bear. But as they lay there, their chests rising and falling in unison, they knew that they had earned their peace.

Next to them, the lifeless body of the bear loomed large, a grim reminder of their bravery and cunning. Its fur was matted with blood, its eyes frozen in a permanent snarl, a testament to the ferocity of their encounter.

But in a dark cave, hidden from the sun's warm rays, a larger and even more ferocious bear lay in wait. Its fur was a brilliant white, its eyes glowing with an otherworldly intensity. It was a creature of legend, a monster feared by all who knew its name.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, a white bird with a blue beak and blue claws flew into the cave, its wings beating softly against the air. It landed next to the bear, its eyes fixed on the creature's massive form.

A deep, rumbling voice sounded from the bear, commanding, "What are the results?"

The bird hopped back, its eyes wide with fear, and began to speak in a melodic voice, telling the bear of how the bear it had sent was defeated by Akira and Malakai. The cave was silent for a moment, the only sound the soft rustling of the bird's feathers.

Then, the bear spoke again, its voice low and menacing, "You can leave."

The bird took flight, its wings beating rapidly as it fled the cave. The bear watched it go, its eyes fixed on the darkness beyond the cave entrance.

As the silence stretched out, the bear's gaze never wavered, its eyes burning with an inner fire. And then, in a voice that was barely audible, it spoke again, its words dripping with malice.

"You cannot hide what I want for long, Akira. I will soon get it, and then I'll leave this cursed land to grow stronger."

The cave was silent once more, the only sound the bear's heavy breathing. But in the darkness, a plan was forming, a plan that would change the course of their lives forever. The white bear's eyes glowed in the darkness, a fierce determination burning in their depths. Akira and Malakai had no idea what was coming their way.

In a small den that seemed to burrow underground, an Arctic fox came running with all its speed, as if fleeing from a formidable threat. It stopped next to a tree, its chest heaving with exhaustion, and let out a high-pitched bark, unlike the deep barks of wolves or dogs. The sound was more like a squeaky chirp, a distress call that echoed through the forest.

Just then, an abnormally large fox emerged from the shadows, its fur a radiant white, its eyes a piercing blue. Despite its delicate appearance, this fox was a ruthless killer, a machine honed for survival. It was the matriarch of the skulk, and its presence commanded respect.

The matriarch's gaze fell upon the frantic fox, its eyes narrowing slightly as it spoke in a melodic voice, "What is wrong, speak." The tone was commanding, yet laced with a hint of concern.

The smaller fox took a deep breath, its voice trembling as it recounted the events, "Matriarch, we were attacked while hunting... by a lynx and a bear. They only targeted the magical foxes, leaving us to flee for our lives." The fox's words were laced with fear, its eyes wide with terror.

The matriarch's expression turned cold, its eyes glinting like ice in the moonlight. "You may leave," it said curtly, its voice devoid of emotion. "Go rest, and recover from your ordeal."

The smaller fox scurried away, disappearing into its hole, leaving the matriarch alone in the darkness. It was clear that this was no ordinary den, but a community of foxes living together, each with their own burrow.

The matriarch stood there, its eyes fixed on some distant point, its mind working through the implications of the attack. "Valkor," it muttered, its voice low and menacing, "do you think you are so strong that you can start killing off my clan, just to raise the strength of your precious cat?"

The matriarch's tone was laced with contempt, its words dripping with venom. It took a step forward, its eyes blazing with a fierce intensity. "Bygones be bygones," it whispered, the words hanging in the air like a challenge.

And with that, the matriarch vanished into the darkness, leaving behind only the faintest trace of its presence, a whisper of its name on the wind. The forest was quiet once more, the only sound the soft rustling of leaves, and the distant howl of a wolf, a reminder that in this world, survival was a constant struggle.

The Arctic land, a realm of unforgiving beauty, where survival is a constant battle. The predators that roam this frozen terrain are honed to perfection, their instincts sharp as knives. But even among them, the struggle for dominance is palpable. Alliances are forged and broken with caution, for in this land, loyalty is a luxury few can afford.

The winds howl with a haunting intensity, as if sensing the tension that simmers just beneath the surface. The snow-covered landscape seems to whisper secrets, of a conflict brewing, of bloodshed yet to come.

The predators move with calculated precision, their eyes fixed on the prize. Driven by a hunger for power, determined to protect her skulk at all costs, and fierce warriors , riven by a thirst for justice.

The stage is set, and the players are in position. The question is not if, but when the conflict will erupt. And when it does, the Arctic land will run red with the blood of its apex predators. The winds will howl with a ferocity that will shake the very foundations of this frozen world. Only the strongest will emerge victorious.