
Trivia Matters

In a world where reality and a mysterious game-like system intertwine, Arlow, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure. After inadvertently witnessing a brutal murder in a dark alleyway, Arlow discovers that the event is connected to an enigmatic game. He narrowly escapes the scene, deeply unsettled by what he has seen and eager to understand the game-like messages that begin to appear before him.

KADDRTheWriter · Urbain
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10 Chs

Chapter 4: Revelations

The taxi sped through the neon-lit streets of Venberg, the tension inside thick enough to cut with a knife. Arlow sat in the passenger seat, still reeling from their narrow escape at the library, the mysterious Newbie Guide weighing heavily in his hands.

"Arlow," Dudrag's gravelly voice broke the silence, "I think I got mixed up in something way over my head here."

Arlow exhaled slowly, meeting the dragon's eyes. He knew Dudrag deserved answers after being unwittingly drawn into this madness. Taking a deep breath, he launched into the events that led him here - witnessing the brutal murder, the strange screen appearing, being forced into the twisted game against his will.

As Arlow's tale unfolded, Dudrag's expression shifted from skepticism to disbelief. When Arlow finally fell silent, the dragon let out a low whistle. "So, what do you want to do? Don't think you can just quit."

Arlow shook his head grimly. "No, but this guide may help us survive." No sooner had he spoken than the screen materialized with a flash.

"Tutorial Complete! The reward has been saved in your inventory!"

Reward: 200 Nihil Dollars, 500 Experience Points, 10 Nihilism Portal Scrolls."

Arlow's heart raced as notifications flooded the screen about allocating status points into attributes like Strength, Agility, Intellect, Wisdom, and Charisma. He followed the recommendations and increased his Wisdom by 10 points and Agility by 5, feeling a surge of newfound strength.

"You have leveled up! You are now Level 3!"

New Skill Unlocked: Decipher (Basic Skill) - Allows 80% success rate deciphering coded messages and cryptic texts."

Arlow's eyes widened as he realized he could use his new skill to uncover the secrets of the Guide. "Dudrag, we need to find a safe place. I have to study this closely."

They pulled into an empty alleyway. In the eerie glow of the screen, Arlow focused his Decipher skill on the pages of the Newbie Guide, and words began to form from the jumbled text.

"It mentions a 'Nihil Realm' - some kind of parallel dimension where the game takes place," Arlow murmured. As he read further, disturbing details emerged about the harsh Nihil Realm, where the strongest players dominated and enforced the rules on others. Even more alarmingly, it was just one of nine realms, and being part of the Nihil Realm seemed intrinsically tied to Arlow's identity as a player.

"And a way out of this game?" Dudrag asked intently. Arlow shook his head, having only deciphered references to powerful artifacts and ancient forces so far. A heavy silence fell over them, the daunting weight of their predicament sinking in.

Finally, Arlow spoke with grim resolution. "I need to enter the Nihil Realm. It's the only way to fully understand what's happening, and I think that place would be the safest for a player." He met Dudrag's eyes seriously. "But I can't put you in any more danger. I'm sorry for involving you in this dangerous situation."

Dudrag looked solemn as he pulled out another phone from his pocket and entered something before handing it to Arlow. "My other number for the Connect rideshare app. Call me if you need a ride in this world."

Arlow nodded; a thick knot of emotion lodged in his throat. In tense silence, he unfurled a portal scroll and stepped through, vanishing into the shimmering rift. Dudrag watched with heavy eyes as the rift snapped shut behind Arlow, swallowed by its ethereal glow just as the sun began to rise, casting long shadows over the now empty space.

Arlow emerged into the bustling city of the Nihil Realm, a thriving hub for players of all races. As he looked out at the view before him, a notification popped up on his screen: "Welcome to Uruk! The third largest city in the Nihil Realm!" The pop-up then provided more information about the city, including a safe inn for players to rest, blacksmith shops for purchasing or creating weapons, and an arena as the only legal combat zone. It also warned that engaging in PK mode within the city would result in punishment. But what caught Arlow's attention most was the mention of item shops and blacksmiths often being housed together. Furthermore, the screen also informed him that Nihil Dollars were the accepted currency in this world.

Taking in all the sights and sounds of bustling Uruk, Arlow couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and adventure in this new realm known as Nihil. Everywhere he looked, players from various races were pursuing their own individual quests, making Uruk a melting pot of diverse adventurers.

With weary steps, Arlow headed towards the inn, eager for some much-needed rest after his long journey.

The orc innkeeper noticed his exhaustion and quipped, "You look like you could use some rest."

Arlow managed to stutter out a reply, "Y-yeah. H-how much for a room?" The orc responded with a chuckle, "25 Nihil Dollars per night. But make sure to check out by morning or I might have to kick you out!" Too tired to laugh at the joke, Arlow simply nodded and handed over the payment as the innkeeper tended to other patrons at the bar.

He trudged up to his room and began unpacking when suddenly his phone rang. On the other end was Dudrag's panicked voice.

"Arlow? I'm seeing the same screen. I think I've become a player! What do I do?!"

In that exact moment, a sudden realization struck him. He finally understood how he had become a Player himself and why witnessing a PK (Player Kill) mode turned someone into a player as well. It all stemmed from their encounter with Lyan and Dewrk when they were hunted down, while Dudrag was just an innocent bystander at the time.

"Calm down, Dudrag," Arlow advised, trying to keep his own rising panic in check. "Let me explain. You became a Player because you witnessed a 'Player Kill' mode in the real world, just like how I became one when I witnessed a murder."

But Dudrag was not easily pacified. Being turned into a Player was never part of his plans or expectations. And to think it was all because he had helped Arlow and witnessed him being chased by the PK players... it was overwhelming.

"How can I calm down?!" Dudrag yelled, frustration and fear bubbling up inside him.

As his anger dissipated, Dudrag faced the harsh reality: they were both Players now, whether they wanted to be or not. Unsure of what to do next, he turned to Arlow for guidance.

"So... what do we do now?" he asked tentatively.

"Complete your first quest to unlock your class," Arlow instructed firmly. "It's crucial. I'll be back soon to make sure you're safe." His words sounded almost too nonchalant for Dudrag's liking, but he nodded nevertheless. Deep down, he felt conflicted about being dragged into this twisted game, but he couldn't afford to fail and put both of their lives in danger.

Arlow took a few moments to calm Dudrag down, who was in a state of panic and disbelief. With each passing second, Dudrag could only hope that he would make it out of this nightmare unharmed. What Dudrag didn't know was that Arlow himself was on the verge of collapse from sheer mental and physical exhaustion, having faced one harrowing situation after another.

As Arlow hung up the phone and tried to fall asleep in the inn of Uruk city, a sense of unease weighed heavily on his mind. They had only scratched the surface of the secrets and dangers lurking within this mysterious dimension. And now with Dudrag also being drawn into this game, their destinies were becoming more intertwined.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Dudrag struggled to maintain some semblance of normalcy amidst the chaos that had taken over his monotonous life. But the constant presence of the game's screen kept gnawing at his mind, like the smell of a delicious cupcake in the middle of a diet.

Are you tired of your current life? (Yes/No)

Do you long for a better life? (Yes/No)

Do you want to be brave? (Yes/No)

"Damn it. I can't even concentrate on my work; my boss almost smacked me because he thought I was daydreaming during the meeting," Dudrag seethed silently.

He knew that eventually; he would have to face the daunting quest ahead of him and embrace his new role as a "player." Otherwise, his cowardice would cost him everything he held dear. With a heavy sigh, Dudrag made his decision. He would accept this new reality and face whatever challenges came his way with courage and determination. As the screen before him prompted for his responses, Dudrag steeled himself and confidently answered "Yes" to each question, feeling a newfound determination rising within him. As soon as he confirmed his choices, the screen flickered.

"To access the system, please enter your information," it requested.

Dudrag hesitated for a moment, wondering about the consequences of entering personal information into this unknown system. But his determination pushed him forward, overriding any doubts or fears. With a deep breath, he started typing in his details, each keystroke feeling like a step into the unknown.

After completing his information, the screen shimmered and displayed a new message:

"To unlock your class, you must first complete a tutorial quest," it informed him.

Quest: I Love Reading!

Details: Use the internet to read 5 fantasy books or novels. 

Reward: Class selection, Newbie Giftpack, and 100 Experience Points.

Do you accept? (Yes/No)

"What? That's it? It seems too easy! How did Arlow get such a dangerous quest while I got this kind of task? Maybe his luck is just terrible!" Dudrag thought to himself while mocking Arlow with a smirk

With a shrug, Dudrag decided to accept the quest. Reading fantasy novels was right up his alley, and it seemed like a simple task compared to what Arlow had to face. He quickly set to work, scouring the internet for fantasy books that caught his interest, while also making sure that none of his colleagues were watching since it was still during work hours. As he delved into each story, he found himself getting lost in the fantastical worlds and epic adventures, the worries of his new reality momentarily fading away.

He remembered how he used to spend all his time playing MMORPGs, but everything changed when his parents got divorced. Suddenly, Dudrag was sent to a strict orphanage with harsh disciplinary methods. Since then, he had never truly been happy or had any real friends to talk to about his interests. He believed that his classmates in high school didn't like him because of his timid nature, but in reality, they were afraid of him due to his large, muscular build from constantly working out. As he grew older, Dudrag became an online taxi driver as a way to at least have some interaction with random people and feel less isolated. And surprisingly, it worked for him.

After finishing the fifth book, a notification popped up on the screen:

"Quest Complete!" it announced.

Dudrag couldn't help but feel a tinge of excitement mixed with trepidation. He had successfully completed his first quest in this strange new reality, unlocking the path to choosing his class.

The screen flickered again, and six tarot cards appeared before him, pulsing with an otherworldly energy. Dudrag studied them intently, trying to decipher their meanings.

"You must select one of these cards to determine your class," the screen instructed. "Each card represents a different archetype and set of abilities."

Dudrag's heart raced as he stared at the six mysterious tarot cards displayed before him, each one emanating a unique aura. He knew that choosing his class would shape his journey in this strange new world, and he couldn't afford to make a wrong decision. Taking a deep breath, he carefully examined each card, trying to glean any hints or insights into their hidden powers.

The first card depicted a cloaked figure holding a pair of crossed swords, exuding an air of agility and precision. The second card showed a towering castle surrounded by stormy clouds, hinting at defensive capabilities and resilience. The third card featured a blazing fire elemental, promising destructive power and fervor. The fourth card displayed a serene forest with an ethereal glow, suggesting a connection to nature and healing abilities. The fifth card portrayed a mysterious hooded figure shrouded in shadows, alluding to stealth and deception. And the last card featured a wizened figure with a long staff, arcane symbols swirling around them.

Dudrag pondered his options carefully. As a dragon, he possessed immense physical strength, but he had always been more inclined toward intellect and cunning. After weighing the pros and cons, he reached out and touched the card featuring the wizened mage.

Suddenly, Dudrag felt a surge of energy coursing through his veins, as if a hidden well of power had been tapped within him. The screen flickered with new information.

"Class: Bio Engineering Unlocked"

The sudden rush of power and knowledge left Dudrag breathless. As he absorbed the information about his newly unlocked class - Bio Engineering, he couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. This was uncharted territory for him, a far cry from his mundane life as an online taxi driver.