
Trivia Matters

In a world where reality and a mysterious game-like system intertwine, Arlow, an ordinary young man, finds himself thrust into a perilous adventure. After inadvertently witnessing a brutal murder in a dark alleyway, Arlow discovers that the event is connected to an enigmatic game. He narrowly escapes the scene, deeply unsettled by what he has seen and eager to understand the game-like messages that begin to appear before him.

KADDRTheWriter · Urban
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10 Chs

Chapter 5: Path Of Converge

The warmth of the morning sun filtered through the curtains, gently waking Arlow from his sleep in a simple room at the Uruk city inn. He opened his eyes slowly, feeling refreshed but still weighed down by recent events. The brutal murders he had witnessed, being unknowingly pulled into a twisted game, and his frantic escape to the Nihil Realm all lingered heavily on his mind.

A soft chime from his communication device disturbed the peaceful morning. Arlow swiped to see a message from Dudrag, who had successfully unlocked his class as a Bio Engineer. While expressing determination to face this new reality head-on, Dudrag couldn't hide his disappointment at not receiving a more magical vocation like a mage or wizard.

"Hey Arlow, I unlocked my class. I'm a Bio Engineer now. Not exactly what I had hoped for—I wanted a mage or wizard—but I'm ready to take on whatever comes our way. What should we do next?" read the message.

Arlow smiled at Dudrag's determination but noticed the hint of disappointment in his tone. He quickly typed a response, encouraging Dudrag and updating him on his plan to gather information about Uruk City.

Determined to make the best of their situation, Arlow decided to explore Uruk City further. He stopped by the inn's bar, hoping to get some guidance from the owner, but the overwhelmed man was too busy with the morning rush.

"I'm sorry, kid, I don't have time to chat right now. Maybe try the item shop down the street," said the bar owner without looking up from his work.

Undeterred, Arlow ventured out into the bustling streets. The city was alive with activity; vendors were selling their goods, and adventurers were rushing about on quests of their own. He finally found the item shop recommended by the bar owner, an unassuming store tucked between a blacksmith and an apothecary.

Inside, the shopkeeper, an old elf with a grizzled appearance, looked up from behind the counter. "What can I do for you, traveler?"

Arlow asked about ways to return to the real world. The shopkeeper's eyes narrowed as he assessed Arlow before leaning in closer.

"You're looking for a 'Turn Back' Portal, aren't you?" he asked. "They are rare and expensive commodities."

Arlow's heart sank at the cost, but he knew they might need a quick escape. "I'll take a few," he said, reluctantly parting with most of his Nihil Dollars.

The shopkeeper handed over the scrolls and added, "By the way, any Nihil Dollars you earn can be exchanged for real-world currency at the bank in the city center. It's only available in major cities like Uruk."

Arlow thanked him and stepped back into the bustling street, his pockets significantly lighter.

Meanwhile, back in the real world, Dudrag sat at his desk, staring at the screen displaying his new class details. A notification popped up with a new quest:

Quest: "Free to Roam."

Details: "Get fired from your job! Be free from capitalist oppression!"

Reward: Newbie Giftpack and 100 Experience Points.

"Fuck you! This quest is absurd!" Dudrag shouted, causing his colleagues to turn and see the usually mild-mannered dragon seething with anger.

"Why is Dudrag so angry all of a sudden?" one coworker whispered. "He's usually such a good dragon. Who could have made him this mad?"

Suddenly, memories of constant bullying and disrespect from his halfling supervisor—part bald eagle, part humanoid lion—resurfaced. Despite his polite nature, Dudrag's boss always found ways to belittle and demean him. Fueled by these memories, Dudrag gathered his courage and stormed into his boss's office.

The door flew open with a crash, startling his boss. "What is the meaning of this?" the halfling demanded, feathers ruffled in indignation.

"You bald, tyrannical bastard!" Dudrag bellowed, years of pent-up resentment spilling out. "I have had enough of your bullying and disrespect!"

The office fell silent, the boss too shocked to respond. Dudrag's defiant actions completed the quest, and a notification appeared: "Quest Complete! Here is your reward! You can access it in your inventory! To open your inventory, just say 'Inventory'."

Reward: Newbie Giftpack and 100 Experience Points.

"Congratulations! You have leveled up! You can allocate your status points in the Characters Tab. To open your Characters Tab, just say 'Chara'!"

In excitement, Dudrag opened his inventory. "Inventory," he whispered, eyes flashing with amazement.

He received his item and excitedly in happiness like how he used to be as a child. He then clicked the item inventory stash on the screen, and all the item details were shown.

Item Name: Giga Wrench

Item Category: Weapon

Requirements: 10 STR and Bio-Engineer Class

Details: Gigantic Offensive wrench. It has 5 Hit Damage and will stun your enemy for 2 sec.

Item Name: All Need Box

Item Category: Support item

Requirements: Bio-Engineer Class

Details: When you open the box, it will magically create a portable lab for Bio-Engineer to do some stuff.

Back in Uruk, Arlow had also visited the blacksmith, purchasing new equipment and fresh clothes to replace his disheveled, odor-trapping garments—souvenirs from his frantic flight while being chased by the hostile PK players Lyan, Dewrk, and their accomplices. With his remaining funds spent, Arlow used one of the precious 'Turn Back' Scrolls to return to the real world, now broke but better equipped.

Upon returning to the real world, Arlow found himself in a familiar park near his home. He took a deep breath, savoring the crisp air and the sound of birds chirping in the distance. "Real-world air is fresher… I think," Arlow mused as he walked along the stone-carved path in the park.

Arlow decided to call Dudrag after his arrival. The device rang a few times before Dudrag's voice came through, filled with excitement and curiosity. "Arlow! Did you make it back? How was it? What was the Nihil Realm like?"

"Hey, I haven't even said anything yet. Haha, just pick me up at Lriak Park."

"Oh! Southern Venberg, right? Be there in a sec!" Dudrag said, grabbing his keys and rushing to his cab as fast as he could.

Ten minutes later, Dudrag arrived with a gentle smile and dapped Arlow. "Glad to see you're safe."

"It was wild, to say the least. But let's sit first, will ya?" Arlow suggested, sitting leisurely on a bench while Dudrag fidgeted, eager to hear what information Arlow had found.

Dudrag listened intently as Arlow explained his encounter at the item shop in Uruk City and the possibility of exchanging Nihil Dollars for real-world currency. As he detailed their potential next move, Dudrag's eyes widened in realization.

"So, we can turn our Nihil Dollars into real money and use it to advance here too?" Dudrag exclaimed. "That changes everything!"

Arlow nodded, a smile evident in his voice. "Exactly. We might become richer in the real world too, but we need to think further about our plan. Got any coffee? I need some caffeine to wake my brain up."

Before they could ponder further about their plan and the coffee Arlow needed, Dudrag received his third quest:

Quest: "Drive your enemy to his destination."

Details: The enemy would soon order a ride via Dudrag's Connect rideshare app. You must drive them to their destination and return safely, evading detection if the passenger proves hostile along the treacherous journey. Evade fighting in broad daylight. If the requirement isn't fulfilled, you fail this quest!

Reward: 200 Nihil Dollars.

Dudrag and Arlow locked eyes, shared looks of shock giving way to grim realization as a 3-person ride request notification appeared on Dudrag's device. Jaws clenched, they punched the air angrily before calming themselves and bracing to confront the looming darkness they now had no choice but to enter.

"We've got no choice, right?" Dudrag growled, his voice tinged with a hint of doubt.

"Dudrag. Remember always F.E.A.R (Fuck Everything and Run), because I only have an invisibility umbrella and the three clue balls are still on cooldown," said Arlow, worried about what could happen.

"Don't worry. My class weapon has damage. You just need to focus on being my backup." "WHAT?! Why is your luck better than mine?!"

Dudrag's eyes narrowed in determination. "We need a plan, Arlow. We can't just rush into this blindly."

Arlow nodded, his mind racing. "Right. Let's think this through. If the enemy is dangerous, we have to be ready for anything."

Dudrag's smartphone buzzed again, alerting them that the ride request had been accepted.

The screen popped up giving out notification details:

"Three passengers, pickup at a nearby market," it read. Arlow and Dudrag exchanged a tense look.

"Let's go," Arlow said, his voice steady despite the anxiety gnawing at him.

They headed to Dudrag's cab, a nondescript vehicle that blended seamlessly with the everyday traffic. As they drove to the market, they discussed their strategy.

"Remember," Arlow began, "we need to keep our cool. If things get hairy, use the wrench. I'll use the umbrella to keep us hidden if we need to make a quick getaway."

Dudrag gripped the steering wheel tightly. "Got it. Stay calm and be ready for anything."

"Don't worry, I will stay hidden using this umbrella. If one of them tries to sit in the front passenger seat where I am now, I'll jump outside, Dudrag. Don't make any expression, okay?"

When they arrived at the market, they saw the three passengers waiting: a tall, hooded figure flanked by two smaller, nondescript companions. Dud

rag pulled up, and they climbed into the back seat without a word. Arlow thought it was weird since it was a three-person ride; they should have tried to sit in the front passenger seat where he was seated. Their quiet and mysterious demeanor made him suspicious of a sudden attack.

"Where to?" Dudrag asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

The hooded figure leaned forward; their face obscured by shadows. "West End. Keep to the main roads."

As they drove, Arlow kept an eye on the passengers through the rearview mirror. The atmosphere in the car was tense, the silence heavy. The streets of Venberg whizzed past, the city's familiar sights feeling oddly alien in the thick of their mission.

Suddenly, while peeking at them, Arlow realized one of them had a dagger hidden under his hoodie arm sleeve but had not unsheathed it. It seemed they were wary of Dudrag's presence too.

"Any particular reason for the route?" Dudrag asked, trying to keep the conversation casual.

"Just follow the instructions," the hooded figure replied curtly.

As they approached a busy intersection, the car jolted. The hostile passenger, who had been silent until now, suddenly lunged forward. "Drive faster!" he barked, revealing a glint of steel.

Dudrag's instincts kicked in. He slammed on the accelerator, weaving through traffic with surprising agility. Arlow gripped his invisibility umbrella, ready to deploy it at a moment's notice.

"What's going on?" Dudrag demanded, his voice filled with genuine confusion and fear.

"None of your business," the hostile passenger growled. "Just get us to the destination."

Arlow's mind raced. They needed to get out of this situation without causing a scene. He glanced at Dudrag, who was focused on driving.

"Turn left at the next intersection," the hooded figure ordered.

Dudrag complied, but as they turned, Arlow noticed a group of armed figures blocking the road ahead. They were trapped.

"It's an ambush!" Arlow shouted, invisible and unseen. "Drive through them!"

Dudrag didn't hesitate. He slammed on the gas, veering around the ambushers with a maneuver that left the passengers off-balance. The hostile passenger struggled to regain control, the dagger clattering to the floor.

"Ahhh, we almost died!!" screamed the man on the right.

"Focus on driving, dammit!" shouted the hooded figure.

"They're the ones chasing after us! Get us to the destination faster!" cried the man on the left.

Arlow realized they were not trying to ambush Dudrag but were actually being chased. He knew they needed to get out of the situation safely.

"Dudrag, they aren't after us. They're being chased!" Arlow whispered urgently.

Dudrag nodded, his eyes fixed on the road. "Hold on!"

He swerved the cab, narrowly avoiding the armed figures and speeding towards the West End. The tension in the car remained thick, but now it was clear they were PK players who had clearly messed with someone they shouldn't have.

As they sped through the city, the armed pursuers gradually fell behind. Arlow kept watch through the rearview mirror, ensuring they weren't being followed.

Finally, they reached a secluded alley in the West End. The hooded figure leaned forward, his voice softer now. "Thanks. You saved our lives. Here's your fare."

The hooded figure handed Dudrag a stack of Gulpin (Gold-like currency of the real world) before they hurriedly exited the cab and disappeared into the shadows.

Dudrag let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "We did it," he said, relief washing over him.

Arlow deactivated the invisibility umbrella, revealing himself. "Yeah, we did. And we got paid too."

The screen suddenly showed up, distracting them from their panic that had yet to vanish.

"Quest Complete!"

Reward: 200 Nihil Dollars.

Arlow nodded. "Let's regroup and plan our next move. We need to stay ahead of whatever's coming."

Dudrag agreed, his eyes reflecting a mix of exhaustion and determination. "Yeah. Let's get some coffee and think this through."

"But it's weird. They couldn't detect you. Ah, I remember! Lyan and Dewrk came to hunt me in my apartment before with three other mysterious PK players. It must be them!" said Arlow in sudden realization.

"Oho, so apparently only Lyan or Dewrk has the tracking skill, no?"

"I think so. Anyway, I'm glad your cabbie was able to get out of that situation with only a small scratch."

"Yeah, me too. Anyway, let's get some coffee and at least find a place to talk further," Dudrag answered as he drove the taxi out of the alley.

As they drove off, both Arlow and Dudrag couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment. They had faced danger head-on and come out on top, but they knew this was just the beginning.