
Undead are here as well?!

We traveled for three whole days, of course we rested up and even got into a few fights. But due to a lack of cash staying in five-star accommodations was impossible due to how poor we were.

Going around and traveling. Soul and Maka were on a motorcycle, Little Blair on her pumpkin and I wore the Air Gear I received. They laughed their asses off when they first saw them but after seeing me put them to damn good use, they lost their will to laugh.

I simply put them to damn good use by showing off the skill 'After Burner' of Spitfire. I simply disappeared and reappeared as if I teleported much like the Six Power skill: Soru…But you know, in a cooler manner. Though I can totally just use Soru or even Instant Transmission if I wanted, not that hard. And I also managed to leave behind a flame trail, albeit small.

The only reason I managed to pull off this move was solely on the fact of my great control I had over the Air Gear and my great perception, if some random person attempted to pull this off they might smash their fucking skull into a wall. What I needed to do was simply run the motor at its top speed to where it almost began to melt the Air Gear with the heat. Almost lost my Air Gear because of that. I then placed it onto the ground while keeping my body in a form which decreases air drag and took off.

So anyway we traversed over country lines and I along with my new troop travel around, I mean we could take an airplane as that is provided by the school so we can get to Death City over in Nevada. Maybe hit up some casinos over in Vegas before hand by why do that?

I can use Instant Transmission to appear before that bastard Death whenever I want.

Not like I give a fuck.

And besides I made up my mind up to recruit these two rascals, both Soul and Maka. So I decided let them in on a secret to show them what I'm made of, one my Pocket Dimension.

I have them gather around.

"Daban what is it, nya~?" "Yeah, make it quick. I wanna get back to riding my bike." "Is it important?"

"Well, it's nothing much. I just wanna give you guys a tour of one of my many homes. As for importance, that's for you to find out. Hehehe."

"One of your homes? What the hell are you going on about Teach?"

"Exactly as I just said. Now get close to each other, it would be a pain to come and retrieve you if you don't hold onto one another."

They look confused but go along with my demand of holding one another by grabbing their shoulders. I do the same and for added effect placed both my index and middle fingers together and onto my head.

"Alright then, here goes nothing."

And we were gone, not a sound was made and it seemed as if we just never existed.

Inside the Pocket Dimension, every one looked around and let out a single yet unified...

""Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"" They were so surprised they didn't even yell out. Their jaws just dropped, oh and so did Little Blair's she didn't know of this either. 'Obviously.'

They all showed absolute shock to be in a place that isn't their planet but rather a whole new realm. But the shock might be a bit much and they nearly fell over.

They gazed upon the space they were in, they knew it was somewhere that was not of there own world; like what the actual fuck is going on? They could easily tell this by the fact that there was neither a sun nor a moon above them, intact this place lacked a sky itself. It was as if they were kept in a box.

They looked my way as off looking for answers and wanted to know what the hell was happening but I merely zoomed over to the Arena on my Air Gear and stood mightily on top of the raised stone platform.

"Defeat me, if you do then I will allow you to speak of this place freely… But lose and speak a word of this place and I will end your life. But, come and work under me and I shall let you enter and exit as you damn well please."

I was very straightforward with them as I saw that there was no need to answer the questions of weaklings and only the strong deserved answers. As for joining me, I will have Darcy add on a Guild function later on. I'll need it in the future for when I make a company of soldiers.

I gave them a winning smile that said 'I'll kill you all' sending a great shiver down their spines, telling them to fucking run while they still can… But where can they run? Nowhere.

None at the time decided to come and work for me 'YES', and so I fought them off none the less. They weren't much anyway.

Only Little Blair and her magic gave me a bit of trouble but after dodging it and getting in range I managed to subdue her. With Geppou I made her flouting pumpkin useless and her speed was far less than you can expect from her. Besides it seems her skills in battle are almost nonexistent as she was all over the place, mainly relying upon her pumpkin magic and lacking greatly in the physical stat category.

Long after I had defeated all three of them, I felt strange inside me. It was a feeling of great restriction, like chains latched onto ever part of my being and weighed me down to a lesser mortal level than I should have been. I was strangely weak.

I knew this since long ago, since I fought with Jack the Ripper. I was stronger but I cannot use all the strength I was promised. I feel so weak and wish I could break off these chains, but even after fighting in hellish conditions inside the dungeon I cannot break the shackles. It seems they won't disappear just because I fought in near death conditions where a single slip up will kill me.

So what is the trigger?

I take a look at my status for what seems to be the first time in forever. That's because I didn't do it in the past week.


Name: Daban

Sex: Male

Race: Immortal Human

Class': Dimensional Traveler, Strategist

Titles: Insane, Master-Mind, M/S Trainer, Kishin Slayer

Level: 15 XP: 53,420/65,630

HP: 31,150/31,150 MP: 44,700/44,700

Str: 51.1 End: 62.3 Agi: 52.7

Per: 67.4 Int: 38.6 Wis: 44.7

Stat Points: (150) Skill Points: (75)

Blessing: <???> <???>

Spare Classes: Berzerker, Swordsman, Blacksmith, Gunner, Martial Artist, Assassin, Ninja, Actor, Singer, Spearman,

Skills: <Martial Arts 8> <Sword Arts 9> <Gun Arts 5> <Lying 6> <Acting 6> <Mental Resistance 5> <Soul Resistance 1> <Driving 2> <Sneaking 4> <Cooking 3> <Pain Resistance 6> <Speech 2> <Swimming 3> <Blacksmithing 4> <Hidden Weapons 4> <Throwing 4> <Spear Arts 3> <Computer Knowledge 3> <Sex Arts 4> <Singing 5> <Sprint 3> <Berserk 2> <Hypnotism 2> <Create Undead 1> <Genjutsu 1> <Quick Thinking 3> <Shadow Steps> <Schemer 2> <Tribulation resistance 1> <Torture 3> <Free-running 3> <Appraisal 5> <Leader 2> <Set: Six Powers(Small)> <After Burner>

Equipment: <Demonic Blood Clothe(Akatsuki Robe)> <Sandai Keitsu Wazamono> <Clothes> <Sabre Turret> <Air Gear>

Bloodlines: <Vampire> <Doppelgänger>

Summons: <Kirito> <Yoshino> <SWAT (6)> <Wendy(n/s)> <Kanna(n/s)> <Seako(n/s)>

Special: <Sharingan (One Tomoe)> <Regeneration (Low)> <Bloody Aura(Low)> <Eidetic Memory> <Echolocation> <Disease Immunity> <Gluttony> <Animal Instinct> <Bullshit Detector> <Multiple Clone> <Instant Transmission> <Dragon Slayer Magic (Shadow)> <Kings Aura(Low)>

Vehicles: <Harley Davidson>

Buildings: <Training Grounds> <Mediation Pavilion> <Safe House (Small)>

Worlds: <HotD> <Earth> <Fallout> <Pocket Dimension(D)> <Soul Eater>

Danger Rating: C+


Damn, I leveled up quite a bit. But even so, my stats remain almost stagnant. Except for perception of course. Every level equals one extra point there. 'Itachi probably had an insanely powerful eyesight.' Even if he did fight off Sasuke while almost blind.

Oh right, did I forget to mention I took all the corpses from my second entrance into the dungeon from then on? No? Well I did.

'What are you gonna use them for?' For creating undead. (Duh)

So after I laid down those two valiant warriors and my Little Blair into the Mediation Building as they were all knocked out after their fights. I went back to the Arena and emptied out the ring.

Before me was a pile of 1,470 Regular Jacks and 30 Boss Jacks.

I already know what I wanna do and that is very simple… Use all the regular corpses as the cannon fodder as I won't be able to create them at full strength and then all the Boss' after while doing my best to preserve their strength. (Better Corpses = Better Undead) Or at least that was my thought as I hadn't checked the skill description before.

I place a single corpse before me.

And I say out loud, "Create Lower Undead: Squire Zombie" as this and a few other Undeads are all I can create from at the moment. You know the skill is level one, right?

After the calling out the skill, my MP leaves my body and becomes a black mist entering the corpse and then dispersing as if it was never there. I checked my MP bar and saw that only 100MP was gone.

I waited…

A black liquid soon covered the and body absorbed the black liquid and twitched several times until the hand grabbed the ground below and crushed it, sinking the blades attached into the ground. The corpse… Or rather the zombie began to get to it's feet and stand up before me.

It had the same lifeless eyeholes, except now inside laid bare to the world a weak flame. Almost completely unnoticeable as if I hadn't had a high enough Perception even I would have missed it.

After it made some moans and grunting noises I made the zombie stand off stage. And then turned to the hill of corpses and laughed.

My students and Little Blair had a shiver run up their spine, as if they were having a nightmare.

But even so for some strange reason an undead creation ability came to mind and reminded me of what I'm looking at… It seemed familiar. Too familiar, it was almost as if it… Oh, it did. This skill is from Overlord… Isn't it?

I knew I remembered the Squire Zombie from somewhere. It is a low-tier undead that will come from being created by a Necromancer/Elder Lich or from the corpse of a being that was killed by a Death Knight.

I then tried my best to remember the Undead types I can use, but I checked the description of the skill and saw the list of what I can make.

I gave another smile and pulled a hundred corpses to the center of the arena.

I used <Create Lower Undead: Skeleton Mage>, just like before a Black Liquid or ooze covered all hundred of the corpses. I lost 10,000MP and grew a bit weak, almost woozy.

As the corpses absorbed the liquid, the bodies began to transform and reconfigure themselves. They had lowered themselves in height, created a cloth outfit, the blades on the hands also shortened themselves into finger blades 'This is unique, I don't think the original Skeletal Mage had these.' that is what I though as I looked at them.

It seems that every Undead, unlike the anime, may be different depending on the corpse used to create the Undead. This can be an amazingly useful function, but it'll be much more useful with a better corpse and higher Undead Creation skill level for a better type of Undead.

As the transformation completed the Skeleton of the used to be Jack the Ripper, had a shorter frame and bones that were denser than before the skull remained in a similar shape. Only now it had a pair of horns and the legs became hooves similar to that of a goats.

The Skeleton Mage now carried a bone staff had a red mantle or robe like wear on them, the finger blades seemed to have integrated themselves with the finger bones. He seemed soulless and lifeless but the blue flames in the eyes seem to tell otherwise.

They were also intelligent and knew what they were and who I was… Their Creator, Master, Lord. These are what they called me.

I simply told them to call me Lord. And they accepted with almost a gleeful like manner but I knew they couldn't feel emotion so I brushed it off.

I then dragged another ninety-nine corpses and create another batch of Squire Zombies to act as guards for the Mages.

The same thing happened and like before, the Skeleton Squire had remained the same in size and shape, the only difference was the red flame in the eyes and the muscles seemed to have compacted a bit before growing and this greatly increased the strength/speed of the zombie. But unlike the Mage they were lacking in the brain department. This left them as mere puppets.

My Mp is at almost 50% so I have enough to create enough for two more batches of Undead before I need to recover.

I decided to create a hundred Skeleton Riders, this actually took 150MP per creation as I had to create a Skeleton Horse and a Skeleton Rider. The Rider wore light Leather Armor but the Mount had nothing for protection, Rider held a lance in one hand and a round shield in the other while the horse had rather sharp teeth and claws that gave extra traction that were probably created through using the finger blades. They also had Red flames in the eyes.

I had a remaining 9,700MP remaining to create Undead… I also feel that I will pass the fuck out when I do use the last bit. So thats great.

I decided to create a hundred Ghouls for 50MP each and create… But before I could create my second batch I managed to trip off the arena and land on my head sending me to dream land.

"… p. Wa.. … Up!… WAKE UP YOU GEEZER!!!" I heard a person shout into my ear as fist landed on my head and caused cracks on the ground below from the power behind it.

"Gah!" I yell out as I rub my head due to the sudden pain. As I prepare to give Soul a good ass whooping' I hear "KYAAAH!!" come from behind me as I get to my knees and almost get to my feet.

I quickly whip around and look at where the scream came from and it seems that one of the Undead Riders charged at her, Soul and even Little Blair.

I instantly grew furious as I also saw the Skeleton Mages prepare magic spells to cast. And my blood lust exuded greatly from my body, the Undead could easily feel it and came to an abrupt stop.

Seems they knew it was directed at them.

I walked up to the Undead as Little Blair had the blood drain from her face and Maka/Soul prepared for a fight. They looked at me weirdly as I calmly walked toward the Undead creatures.

I immediately stored all the Undead away in my storage ring, leaving not one behind.

I looked back at the group and could only sigh at what they witnessed. So I explained…

"I'm a Necromancer. I can use the corpses of those I defeat to create undead minions. That is also a secret. Understood?"

They numbly nodded their heads at the shock that I created these creatures. And realized they were just protecting me their creator.

I sent them off to the Training field to attack the dummies I set up as punishment for punching my head and angering my Undead.

I then pull out another two hundred corpses and prepare to make more Undead. But before I do that I decided to look at Ghouls, they had the same body as before but looked slightly more ragged and seemed to have more wrinkled skin with both the teeth and claws the same as before but having a yellowish tinge that seemed to be a poison.

The remaining MP I was working with after my rest was 37,415MP enough for three batches if I wanted. So I take a look at the two separate groups of a hundred corpses each and I decided to make a batch of Skeleton Archers Bone Vultures. The first race cost me 100MP an Undead and the second 50MP each, this cost me a total of 15,000MP and I got me an unexpected surprise…

[Create Undead Leveled Up from 1 to 2/5]

Seems I only have a max of 5 Levels for this skill, I think the order went Low, Medium, High, Super, World. I also think that it works on how much MP I use rather than how many Undead i create, this was because when I used 50,000MP I caused the Skill to Level Up. It seems I need to use 750,000 then 5,000,000 then 500,000,000 and finally I'll be at the max level. So I have to make roughly 500 Undead of the current level I'am at.

After taking a long look at the Undead I created which were the archers and vultures.

The Skeleton Archers had hard leather armor that seemed to be dyed a dark green color the skeleton seemed to be slightly stockier in the limbs than the core body, the Bow they held had also a Dark Green color as did the Quiver on their backs. The arrows had a green shaft but the blades on tip were jagged and made of a rusted iron, the boots also had a rusted iron covering on top the leather seemed slightly rotted and not flesh were on the bones the fingers also had similar blades in them like the mages.

The Bone Vultures were about a meter and a half for the wing span and a meter from head to tail feather, the things looked like roadkill basically the flesh hung from the bones and the wings were strung together with ligaments and other stretchy muscles that really helped Jack in his jumping/pouncing, the feathers also seem to be sharper do to the metal on Jack's back and the claws and beak became sharper from the blades and teeth of Jack.

All the undead I created can cause mass trouble in any world, especially with this number of them just randomly appearing. They can still multiply plenty if the Ghouls and Zombie Squires kill enough the number of Undead can definitely skyrocket.

I look at the cost of MP for Medium-Teir Undead and it was fifteen times the Low-Teir meaning 1,500MP per Undead.

So I took out a Boss-Teir Jack the Ripper and do what was expected of me… I created a Jack the Ripper using the skill. I then felt quite a bit of MP leave my body. The black ooze as always appeared and was absorbed into the much stronger corpse… The process took just as long but strangely I could see not just the flesh disappear but also completely reform like I did with all the others but it just felt… More alive and many times more dangerous.

The body after absorbing the ooze quickly rose to its feet, it did so in a backflip and then lowered itself into a bow with it hand over its chest as if happy to serve me. His hair was a Dark Green that matched a Skeleton Archer's Quiver in color it also had the style of a fire rising into the air, the clothes it wore were red and purple rather than just two shades of purple.

The blades on the tips of its fingers were now similar to spikes that seemed as if daily capable to pierce steel much less a human skull, the ears were pointed like an elves and the mask it wore the eyes actually had two star patterns per eye rather than one but the smile seemed messy and almost dripped blood. He looked like a very alive being. But the mutations must also be from the very compatible and higher their corpse used.

I make another nine of him to act as my slaughtering unit, using ten Boss-Teir corpses in total of the thirty. Leaving me with 7,415MP but I'm sure I can take creating a few more Undead.

I use five corpses of Jack and 2,000MP to create a single Skeleton Dragon a top of the line Medium-Teir Undead, another corpse and 2,000MP for a Death Knight, another corpse with 1,500MP to create a Corpse Collector I only barely managed this due to my MP regenerating at an insane rate while being in my Pocket Dimension.

But I promptly passed out once more. Haha ha hah~.

Hey guys, what's up? I'm in a bit of a slump but you guys and your support are really helpin' me out.

So thanks guys.

Also, the Undead Creation System was tough to work on. Had to do a lot of studying of the Overlord Undead creation for it.

Also I had no ideas on what to do so your input on later chapters would help a bit.

Thanks for reading.

DabanCrowcreators' thoughts