
Traveling through horror cinema, start with Supernatural.

What would you do if you could travel after horror films? This option would be easily rejected by others, but what if it were your only option? Follow Henry who woke up in his favorite series but with a special golden finger. . - (This novel won't have an MC who comes to power out of nowhere just because he gains power, it will be more realistic and full of tragedy and plot, and things won't go as the MC plans. This novel won't have an MC who knows everything, can do everything and thinks of everything. If you're looking for a novel with a gradual evolution, where you can see the MC's personal improvement, this novel is for you. No harem, by the way. The MC will have friends and companions, this romance won't have a super-powerful and lonely domineering MC who only has slaves!]

MRCAT66 · Films
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65 Chs

Alastair Cap 28

Pov Winchester~

"Dean, it's been over an hour since Henry left, he's not answering his calls."

"Calm down Samy, maybe he went to a party with that car of his, you know how rich people are."

Dean replied, sipping a cold beer and watching baseball. He was less worried than his brother, since he himself used to disappear to go to certain places...

"Dean, he's gone a whole hour without moving, I think something bad's happened..."

Sam had a serious expression on his face, from the moment he started having premonitions, he felt a confidence in his sixth sense, along with when he noticed that Henry's GPS signal hadn't moved for an hour.

At that moment he felt that something bad was going to happen to Henrique, only the fact that it took him an hour to move from one location increased his conviction.

"Did you have a vision of him?"

"I haven't had any premonitions, but these days my senses for predicting that something bad is going to happen are heightening, Dean."

Noticing Sam's serious expression, remembering his old premonitions, he decided to trust his younger brother's intuitions more.

Grabbing the key to the Impala, he hit the accelerator hard, heading in the direction of the Market.

End of pov ~~

"Great Alastair, to what honor do I owe your presence?"

[ New missions detected ]

[ ( 1) Escape from Alastair XP + 30% + 5,000 soul coins ]

[ (2) Kill Alastair XP + 300% + 25,000 soul coins ]

"Killing Alastair? Looking at the red color with a few dark spots, I can already see that this is impossible..."

I thought, using my observation, my skill showed me a red color, a little dark, which made me understand the danger I was in.

Giving up on opening the door, Henry chose option number one, since it would be almost impossible to kill Alastair at this point.

Turning around slowly, he looked at Alastair, who was wearing the first shell the brothers had faced while displaying a confident face.

Forcing a big smile, he looked up with a flattered face, buying time to find an escape was his only thought at the moment.

"There's no point in trying to buy time young man, even your attempt to escape is futile."

Alastair said, looking with a mocking expression at the human who was trying to buy time in front of him.

Henry knew he had to think of something fast, but as one of the only white-eyed demons in front of him, it wouldn't be easy to escape his pursuit.

Even if he detonated dozens of grenades, that would at most kill him while Alastair would be able to rebound the grenades with telekinesis.

Molotov was out of the question, in a tight space the only serious thing was suicide, even his sacred Taurus Gx4 would only tickle Alaster.

"By the way, I've never met a specimen as rare as you, no other wizard or magician can do what you do, Henry..."

"One more thing, your little illusion won't work on me, I already have a lot of experience with it thanks to a certain person."

Alastair, who remained motionless, slowly raised his hand, launching a telekinetic tide towards the back door.

The enormous power threw the shelves in different directions, blocking the emergency door.

"Shit! I knew it wouldn't work..."

The Henry that stood in front of the store door slowly began to dissipate, leaving Alastair with an expression of contempt.

The illusion was cast in the middle of their conversation, in the hope of escaping, but it seemed pointless, as Alastair was able to sense the lack of soul in the duplicate easily.

The demon soon found the real Henry, who was trying to get out of the back door.

"Alastair, you forced me into this, I didn't want to fight you now, but since it's come to this, it's pointless talking any more..."

"Lay it all on me, my beautiful specimen, the more you show, the more interested I'll be in you."

Knowing that duplicate illusions were useless against Alastair, Henry summoned a large bow and arrow of blue energy that formed in his hands.

"Very interesting, I didn't know you could manipulate energy in such a way that even I can't do... now I'm getting excited just thinking about desiccating you."

His words were cut off by a rapid arrow that shot out at bullet-like speed, easily piercing his heart.

"What an impatient young man, you've just killed my newly conquered shell."

Alastair spoke without a change of expression, the arrow that pierced his heart seemed like dust in the wind compared to his immortality, raising his hand he easily launched a flying rack.

The bow in his hand elongated into an enormous full-body shield, defending the shelf which shattered, throwing Henrique back a few steps.

Without losing momentum, Henrique pulled his sacred Taurus from his inventory while his other hand manifested a blue energy weapon, shooting Alaster with a burst of infinite bullets.

Bang bang bang bang

Bang bang bang bang


The endless barrage of bullets seemed to have an effect, as Alastair took a few steps back, his voice emitting a few words of discomfort.

Henry began to gain a little confidence, without pausing his fingers he continued firing, but after firing for a full minute he felt that something was strange.

He took a closer look, noticing that the bullets only seemed to bounce off Alaster, without causing any damage, so he stopped firing.

"You can stop playing Alaster, you're not taking any damage, right?"

Hearing the words, Alastair ceased his pretense, fixing his suit while straightening his posture.

"Did you really notice? But you're wrong, I did feel something with your guns, like little raindrops hahaha!"

"Now that you've seen that you can't hurt me, will you come with me?"

Henry, listening to Alastair's lecture was not surprised, he knew that his current weapons were ineffective against Alaster, but he would not give up without first using everything at his disposal


Storing the weapons in his inventory, he materialized two daggers of deep blue energy, spending three hundred mana to make them powerful.

With an attack stance, he activated his charge, launching a powerful double attack on Alastair.

The blow was aimed at both sides of his head, trying to eliminate his escape route, but Alaster showed superhuman flexibility when he managed to dodge it by tilting his head back with a whistle.

He took the opportunity to throw a punch at Henry, who managed to crouch down, narrowly missing the blow.

A series of stabs followed towards the demon, the daggers appearing invisible as his speed increased.

The two moved quickly through the store, knocking over and cutting through shelves and objects that stood in their way. The fight went on with Henrique dominating the pace while Alaster just dodged the blows, counter-attacking between dodges.

Pulling back momentarily, Henrique took a deep breath to catch his breath, his mouth dripping with blood, his ribs sore from Alastair's single blow.

He felt that Alaster was toying with him, just trying to find out his limits, but even a non-serious blow caused Henrique injury.

"I have zero speed advantage, even if I did, it would be useless since I can land an effective blow, soon my stamina will run out and that will be the end of me."

Henrique thought, he had a slight advantage in melee skills, perhaps thanks to the mirage mutant, but he was destroyed in physical attributes, unable to land a blow.

Henry began to feel a little desperate, he couldn't see any way of escaping, a fear began to well up inside him when he thought of the torture Alastair had mastered.

"Shit! I don't want to be tortured like a pig at the slaughterhouse, I have to do something fast."

"Think Henrique...you have to find a way, how are you going to relive your parents like this?"

Hundreds of thoughts raced through his mind, Henrique began to lose confidence in the face of an overwhelming enemy.

But he knew there was no point in giving up, if he did, what awaited him would be worse than death.

"Alastair, if you resist my next blow, I will go with you and follow your orders!"

"Deal done my little wizard, you can send your best blow."

Realizing that Alastair wasn't going to dodge, Henry transformed his daggers into a huge warhammer of blue energy, firing with his onslaught.


The blue energy hammer was now glowing with a red coating, all its resistance having been changed to reinforce his hammer.

The weapon glowed brightly in blood, he knew it would be his last blow, if it didn't work, he would be unable to fight.


Jumping high, he accumulated potential in his hands, coming down with a huge blow that contained all his strength.

A serene expression was displayed on the great torturer's face as he raised his two hands towards the attack, a tangible circular shield emerging around him.


A huge explosion erupted from the center of the market,the glass walls and windows began to explode simultaneously,the result of the force throwing the roof of the store away.

All the objects were thrown away, a huge crater ten meters wide was displayed, it looked as if a missile had exploded on the spot, leaving the old store unrecognizable.


"I think I've got him..."

Henry thought, kneeling on one knee, at the moment of the previous blow, the collision of his and Alastair's energy caused an explosion that threw them both a huge distance.