
Traveling in the anime multiverse with a system

The Main Character Soren was *Cough Cough* in a car when an accident happened, he was then killed and brought in front of God. God gave him 3 wishes, his wishes had some restrictions but he wished for a System that in connected to every Anime in the Multiverse and now he travels getting stronger to become a God himself, This is my first one of these type of Novels and I do not own any of the Anime or materials used except my Character, I only made this to improve writing skills. Thank You First world: Hunter x Hunter """""""""""""""" You can also get early access to 30 chapters ahead of webnovel on patreon Pat reon.com/Godlynovels (remove the space)

Gear5writer · Anime et bandes dessinées
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140 Chs

Chapter 118 - Back Home

As Soren was traveling through the almost never ending space he could see some spheres that he remembered seeing on the way to One Piece, Soren then knew he was moving backwards in this space. Soren then realized that it was going to take a long time before he reached his destination so he decided to ask Sakura about who or what that Goddess was.


[Well what are their jobs that the God's need people like us to do them?]: soren


[So that's why God brings mortals to other worlds to fight Demon Lord's]: soren


[I think I understand most of it… But for now, I would like to open some of the Random Bloodlines]: soren


Soren looked at the bloodline in confusion as he has never seen or read an Anime that has the Sage Bloodline. There were similar Bloodlines like Sage of Six Paths but, just Sage? Soren then decided to integrate the bloodline anyway as he couldn't check the property and traits of a Bloodline until it was integrated.

[Yes… Please integrate the bloodline]: soren

The process took only a couple hours and Soren had woken up from being unconscious during the entire thing. The only time Soren gad to be unconscious during a Bloodline integration was when it caused major changes to the body, and as Soren woke up he noticed that his arms were covered in a Brown fur. Soren immediately knew what form he had taken and quickly brought up a mirror, he had Brown fur that covered his entire body only leaving his chest and stomach bare with no fur, his hair became long and Black in color while his eyes had a Black ring around them with his pupil's staying Black in color, while looking at his new form he noticed that he looked like a SSj4, but his fur wasn't Red in color, and he couldn't feel that overwhelming strength. Soren then asked Sakura what his new form was as he has never seen a form like this, but one that was way stronger.


[Holy shit!... This is almost as strong as Super Saiyan and I don't feel my stamina draining in this form like I do in Super Saiyan… Wait! If I try to go Super Saiyan in this form will I become an SSj4?]: soren


Soren was a little scared when he heard that he would explode if he tried to transform while in this form. Soren then focused on releasing his power, and as he did that, Soren started to revert back into his previous form of a 18-19 year old looking man with Blue hair. Soren then decided to hope for luck on drawing a Random Relic, as he had never seen this drop before, Soren then had Sakura roll the Random Relic and what he got was unbelievable.

{HOST HAS RECEIVED (Unsealing Stone)}

Soren looked at the properties and noticed he could even unseal his Skills that have been sealed. Soren then quickly used the stone to unseal his Hakai skill, Soren knew that it would be important later on as he found out that there are other Reincarnators along with some crazy Dark Goddess who wants his life for no reason. Soren had also found out that God's and Goddess' can't interfere with Mortals themselves but can send emissaries to do what they want. Jack was an emissary that was meant to kill Soren when he entered the world but failed, Soren knew that there would be more to come in future time, be it sent by a God to kill him or, just a plain asshole who is jealous of him. Soren then decided to look at his stats once more before he enters the world of Hunter x Hunter again.


Name: Soren Zoldyck

Age: 30

Race: Saiyan

Bloodlines: Uchiha, Dragon-Saiyan, Soma Yukihira, Erina Nakiri, Sage, Hollow

Titles: Dragon, 5+ more

Power Level: 1,230,000 ---> 13,456,000

Luck: Lucky

Body Type: Destruction

-Bloodline Skills-

-Mangekyo Sharingan-: Level 50

Exp to Next Level: 198,000/250,000

Blindness: 12% Permanent

-Level 51: Unlocks 51% reduction of Eye deterioration speed-

-Saiyan-: Zenkai Boost Level: EX

Exp to Next Level: --/--

S-Cells: 20,000,000

Transformation: Super Saiyan stage 1

Chosen Path: Destruction God

Path Skill: Hakai- Can destroy anything with the raise of a hand.

-Skills-: 30 -List?-

-Passive-: 14 -List?-

System Points: 6.175 Million


Dragon Ball x7, Nimbus, Senzu Beans x6,000+, Random Bloodline x5, Random Skill x10, Zanpakuto, Kitetsu III, Girl's Clothing, Guy's Clothing, Food, Haki Manuals, 20+ misc.}(A/N I tried to remember the most important stuff, if I'm missing anything blame me having to write on the phone)

Soren was content with his status and realized he was coming up to his destination. A bright light was shining through a tear made in space as Soren was launched out of the portal, he quickly caught himself and started to levitate in the air. Looking down, Soren could see the distance from where he was shot out at, and the ground, and seeing that Soren could tell that the fall would kill a normal person, hell, it could kill even someone like Zoro or Sanji. Soren then took out Nimbus from his storage and sat on top of it, he then started to reminisce on old times in the Hunter x Hunter world, but realized that he should head to the Hunters Association to see what's new, he also needed to renew his Hunter's license. Soren then spread his Ki all over the city he was in and found out he was 3 cities over from the Hunter's Association, Soren then opened a portal and had Nimbus fly into it, after exiting the portal Soren looked around and found a place to land while being out of sight from the rest of the world. Soren landed and stored Nimbus in his storage again while pulling Misha, Hancock and Haku out from the frozen space, Soren had remembered what happened when he brought Misha out of the frozen place and quickly used Hakai focusing on the Bounding threads that Bind both Hancock and Haku to the One Piece world, after destroying their chains, they were no longer bound by the world and could travel with Soren and Misha to any world. Soren, Misha, Hancock and Haku walked out of the dark alley and saw the city, Misha was not affected as she had seen the cities before inside of Bleach and from Soren's memories, Hancock and Haku on the other hand lived their whole lives in an Age where technology wasn't advancing as fast as it could have, but remembering how Soren told them where he came from before they left, they calmed down and followed how Soren acted instead.

[Okay, So we are in my home world where I was born and raised in a family of assassins. Both Misha and Hancock will be registered as Hunters when I go renew my Hunter License, with a few words from me, you guy's won't need to do the test… Haku on the other hand will no speak in the human language as Dog's here don't usually speak human]: soren

[So I won't be able to talk ever again?!]: haku

[No… Just in public. I don't care if you talk in private or with us when nobody is around]: soren

Haku then felt relieved as he loved to talk, his main this was talking as he was the only beast on his island that could speak to humans, and it was an honor to be able to speak in the human language. Soren then walked with Misha, Hancock and Haku in toe, while entering the building there were some Hunter's who couldn't help but look at both Misha and Hancock as they walked in with some brat who reminded them of someone in particular. Soren ignored the men as they didn't dare make a move on the two women with Soren until they remembered who Soren reminded them of. At the counter a young woman looked at Soren and felt deeply attracted towards him as he looked to be around her age, but looking at both women behind him giving her death glares made her back off, Soren then spoke of why he came here.

[Yes, I would like to reissue my Hunter's License please]: soren

The women was surprised that someone who looks like they just finished the exams had already lost his License, she then asked for his name so she could look him up.

[3-Star Hunter, Soren Zoldyck]: soren

When the receptionist heard Soren say 3-Star Hunters she felt he was fucking with her she she was a little pissed and didn't want to look him up as he might not even be in the system, but her focuses was brought back when she heard the name Zoldyck. She didn't believe the "teenager" before her because she has seen a Zoldyck before, and they all have either White hair or Black hair, she then decided to scold the man who said he was a Zoldyck.

[You may be young, and the Zoldyck's may not be in the business of Assassinations anymore since Chairman Killua Zoldyck took over as family head… But you still shouldn't claim that you are apart of the Zoldyck family]: receptionist

Soren's mouth almost hit the floor, not because the Receptionist didn't believe him nor from the scolding she gave him, but from what he heard about Killua not only being the new Head of the family, but being the Chairman of the Hunter's Association. And right as Soren was going to have the receptionist look him up under that name anyway, a White bolt of lightning shot past the receptionist tackling Soren to the ground, and once everyone noticed who it was their mouths almost dropped. As for Misha, Hancock and Haku, they got into fighting position only to hear the one they thought to be attacking Soren shout.

[Soren is that you!... Where have you been brother! I have been all over the Dark continent looking for you with Gon but we never found you]: ???

[Kill~… It's been like 23 years, why are you still acting like a child tackling me like that?]: soren

[That's the reason… It's been like 23 years since you went training. You never called, sent a letter, or anything. Gon even thought you died, but I assured him that nobody could kill you]: killua

While Killa was complaining about the time Soren left and never kept in touch, Soren took a quick peek at the Apex List as it displayed as such.

-Apex Listing-

1: Soren

2: Killua

3: Gon

4: Kurapika

5: Leorio

(Note: 2nd & 3rd tie, as well as 4th & 5th tie in Strength)

Soren was happy to see that the whole crew was reigning in at the top of the world, Soren then made Killua get off of him as they both stood up and Soren started a conversation.

[So… You became the Chairman, that's cool… I guess Gon is second in command?]: soren

[ Yeah, Gon and I run the Association together, but I still have the final say as I am the Elected Chairman… As for your Hunter's License, I will reissue it for the small cost of a spar]: killua

Soren gave Killua a good look and could see how well Killua had grown, he was around 183cm tall with his White hair slicked back, his eyes were an Electric Blue color and he had a scar that went down the left side of his cheek, and wore a White as snow Business suite that showed his professionalism, even though the suite covered Killua's body and you couldn't make out his figure, Soren could sense that the power his brother held was immense. Soren himself was wearing his Blue Reaper outfit without his Hollow mask, so the same can be said about him with Killua trying to gauge Soren's power.

[Fine, lets spar like old times]: soren

Killua gave a huge smile as he started leading Soren and his group to the Battle Arena that was built for sparing inside the Hunter's Association. Everyone else who heard the conversation between the Chairman and the one who he said was his brother, started to follow after them to watch a show, Killua then turned around and spoke.

[Also Soren… Who are the two women and dog that follow you?]: soren

[Oh! I forgot to introduce you guys… Killua, these two are my wives Misha and Hancock, the dog is a special beast from the Dark Continent]: soren (He lied about Haku)

When Killua heard Soren he quickly bowed and introduced himself to his sister in law's.

[Greetings… My name is Killua Zoldyck, Soren's twin brother, even though we are twins Soren is older than me by an hour so he is the older brother… It's also very nice to meet you]: killua

Misha and Hancock gave Killua a slight bow and each gave their introduction. Soren and Killua then reached the arena and entered while leaving the spectators to watch on the outside of the open area arena that had a similar appearance to an arena of the Heaven's Arena. Both Killua and Soren took off their heavy coats and rolling up their sleeves showing off their forearms, Soren had some really refined forearms while Killua had more compact forearms, Killua then gave a smile as he noticed from the crowd a man with Black hair and Green highlights, he wore a Black tank top and a pair of Black sweatpants. He was well built with a body type of a bodybuilder, his muscles bulging, while you could see his whole chest through the tight tank top, he was ripped.

[Soren, looks like Gon came to see us spar, let's show him a good show]: killua

Soren gave Killua a nod and disappeared leaving a fading image of himself, Killua was surprised but was able to keep up as he blocked the punch Soren sent to his right side. The punch sent Killua sliding back as he released his Nen to cover his body and reduce the damage, Killua then disappeared from his spot and attacked Soren with a fist full of lightning. Soren was this and replied with his own Armament Haki that blocked the lightning attack while Soren sent a fist that he covered in Armament Haki, Soren put a bit of Ki in it as well making it glow in a bright brilliance, the attack landed on Killua as he brought his arms up to block but was still sent flying into the wall.

[Come on Kill~...You gotta try harder than that, I'll tell you where I've been if you can move me from this spot]: soren

Soren was taunting Killua with the knowledge of where he has been the whole time, though he was going to lie. Killua then shot out of the wall with determination to find out where his brother had gone, he had looked everywhere, even the most dangerous places were turned upside down looking for Soren yet nothing. He even asked his little sister Alluka wishing for the location, but Alluka had passed out with no memory of the question Kilkua asked nor an answer. Killua then used his max output put against Soren and lighting filled the entire room, Soren only had a smile on his face as he used his own lightning from the Rumble-Rumble Fruit.

[You like lightning, have some of mine little brother]: soren

Soren and Killua had clashed lightning which created an explosion that caused the spectators to run and hide, Gon just stood in front of Misha, Hancock and Haku as he saw they were not going to leave. As the smoke cleared Soren had his feet deeply implanted into the ground while Killua was out of breath and bent over trying to gather more strength, Soren then knew that the Battle was over and got out of the hole's his feet were in, Gon then came down next to Killua and spoke.

[You alright Killua? Soren did a number on you there buddy… You got really strong Soren, how have you been?]: gon

Soren saw the once childish Gon turn into a man with a deeper voice than when he was just a 13 year old.

[I'm great! I came back to introduce my wives to Mom and Dad before we leave again]: soren

When Killua heard Soren he quickly spoke up.

[No stay!... I have a nice place that I use as a vacation home that you guys can have]: killua

Killua really didn't want Soren to leave again so he offered anything that could make Soren be somewhere that he knew of. Soren had thought about if for a bit before he sighed and accepted Killua's offer of a free house, Soren didn't have money nor a place to stay, he could use System Points to get a bunch of money but decided against it.

[Okay, I will only stay here for 4 years, then I will leave and continue my journey]: soren

[What journey?... Me and Gon have explored the whole world and found nothing more than what we have… Is there anything more?]: killua

Soren just smiled before he spoke.

[You hadn't found me, I will tell you more but later… For now I would like to see this house you spoke of]: soren

Soren had planned to take Killua and Gon with him to his next world so they could experience the joys of adventure, that was the whole reason they all became Hunter's. Arriving at the vacation home Soren opened the door and got a tour of the house, and after that was over Killua, Gon, Soren, Misha, Hancock and Haku all took a trip to the Zoldyck estate. When they got to the base of the mountain, Soren looked over at the gate keepers office only to see a new guy who looked relatively young, Soren guessed that Zebro had died some time ago, it made him sad, but he knew that 20 something years away from home will change a lot. Killua saw Soren looking over at the gatekeepers office and saw Soren's face of disappointment, he knew that it was about Zebro not being there, it was true that Zebro had died one day from a heart attack only to be found during shift change, as Killua was about to open the doors Siren stopped him as he wanted to do it, but before he did Soren heard a bus coming from behind, it was the tour bus.

[As you can see over here this is the Zoldyck estate… The Zoldyck's were once the most feared Assassins of the world, but after Chairman Killua took the seat as Head, there were no more assassination contracts being taken by them. Now they are Realtors, they buy broken down homes and use their connections to buy material at a low cost, they then repair the homes and sell them at a much higher price. Some say they threaten their "Connections" to sell them materials at low cost, but that's all just rumors and here-say… Look! It's Chairman Killua right now!]: tour guide

Everyone looked over to see Soren easily push open all 7 gates almost breaking the doors off their hinges.

[Oops… Too much strength… This is a good place to control how much strength I use on someone or something without breaking or killing them]: soren

Then Soren's party entered the estate and went off towards the mansion to meet with the family, when they reached the doors of the mansion Soren warned Misha and Hancock about his family to which Killua gave a small chuckle before they entered the mansion.


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