Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p
An: Sudden hiatus, I know. But dialysis, sickness, work and baby nephew. I ain't sure how soon I can update but I'll try. Thank you good day. 😊
The group of Ethan Glover, Jeffory Mallister, Kyle Royce and Ser Elbert Arryn led by both Brandon and Lyanna Stark has reached Harrenhal.
Their journey was ruled by silence. Lyanna had told Brandon of the Crown Prince's attempt to woo her through his letters. She had always replied with commitment towards her betothed and constantly reminded him of it including the prince's own. But still the prince persisted. Brandon was initially livid at not being told of any of it but was quickly silenced by Lyanna's reasoning.
There was indeed nothing to be done. He is the Crown Prince after all. They are children of a great house. One of the Great Houses yes, but children still. And the crown prince's popularity is not known to them mainly due to their isolation from Southern politics.
Brandon reasoned that they have letters to prove of the prince infidelity. But again was shutdown by Lyanna. They were letters stamped with a royal seal but denying it wouldn't be difficult. The House Targaryen could simply claim it was stolen and the letters a means to further destroy their family name. That and they do not know how many would buy into it. But what would Alan them is if the masses do. The nobility though would believe the crown. Not out of loyalty, but of greed. The royal family's favor is not so easily discarded. Even with the whispers of the mad king, there still those who look to the future with their Prince. It would be their words against theirs which will bring nothing good. And as far as the Seven Kingdoms are concerned, no law has been violated.
Brandon's mind was being flooded. Too many things to consider but mainly it was filled with concern. He never liked House Targaryen. For through out their reign they had done everything in their power to weaken the North. House Stark, though livid at their actions against the North, hidden under a thin veil of the greater good, had kept true to their oaths. But if there is one thing their house would not tolerate, it is any action comitted against their family. After all, 'The Pack Survives'.
And so he had decided to join Lyanna in this meeting. He didn't like it one bit but he could not allow this act that could possibly dishonor their name to continue any further.
Reaching the gates of Harrenhal, the group soon dismounted. Their faces cloaked under their hoods, as they were met by Ser Arthur Dayne at the gates. Seeing the Stark heir was a surprise to him. He had been ordered to meet with Lyanna Stark after all.
Lyanna simply nodded at the knight and moved on. Arthur of course tried to stop Brandon and his retinue.
As soon as Lyanna Stark passed by him he stood in Brandon's path and spoke. "My apologies my lords but the prince expressed his wish to meet with the Lady alone."
"You will stand aside Dayne or I will make you." Brandone growled out.
Unfased by the threat Arthur placed his hand on the hilt of his sword and said strongly. "I insist my lords."
His words had the desired effect. The others showed hesitation, his name and word of his prowess, falling weightily upon them. But the young wolves are not so easily intimidated. Brandon's face showed a near feral sneer. And his hand soon gripped the handle of his sword strongly. But before he could pull it out Lyanna spoke.
"You shall stand aside and allow my escorts with me Ser Dayne."
"my lady I-"
"I don't have to be here. And yet I am. I can easily turn about and leave and not even you can get in my way."
"And disobey a royal summon?" asked baffled.
"Because a white cloak threatened the heir of a great house... yes... yes I can. Now while you're at it. Why don't you think about the kind of problem that would bring upon your Prince, Ser."
Brandon smiled smugly as Arthur simply gritted his teeth. Reluctantly he stepped aside as he led Lyanna to where the prince has been waiting for him.
Brandon walked through the still populated Harrenhall and decided to remove his hood. He didn't know why but he wanted people to see his face and know he was here. He looked to his freinds and nodded to them and they all followed. Lyanna ofcourse decided to do the same.
Reaching a small garden surrounded by knights of the crownlands, here they were met by Rhaegar.
Rhagar smiled or tried to atleast. But they never reached his eyes, not after seeing Lyanna's companions. He extended his hand in welcome and said. "Welcome Lady Stark."
Lyanna held his hand on his as Rhaegar brushed his lips on her hand. After his greeting she simply asked straight forward. "What can I do for you my prince?"
Rhaegar of course expected such bluntness. And so he decided to simply get straight to the point.
After ushering them to a small table, Lyanna, Brandon and Rhaegar took their seats. As the three took their seats, the white cloaks scattered around them to provide them with some privacy. Brandon's eyes never leaving the prince.
It was here that Prince Rhaegar made his offer. "To be blunt my lady, I am offering you the chance to be queen of the Seven Kingdoms."
Brandon was shocked at the offer but Lyanna... was scared. "You already have a queen your grace. A strong, kind, loving and beautiful queen." said plainly.
"That I do but House Targaryen is known for kings to have taken more than one queen." he said with his smile still on his face.
"Yes, and history has told you of what happens then, I believe you called it The Dance."
She saw Rhaegar's finger twitched at that as the smile in his face took a dark look. So she tried to appeasse him. "Besides, my prince certain promisses were made by Jahaerys The Wise to appease The Faith. I do not believe they would be pleased."
She then turned to look at the far end of the garden from which a red hooded person stood. And judging by the curves showing on the red cloak, this person was a woman. The flaming heart necklace and a red jewel on the choker. A Red Priestess.
With sharp eyes and a cold voice, Lyanna said. "Unless of course, the crown plans on changing their very religion."
Rhaegar took note of her action but he cannot step back on this. "The Faith of the Seven has proven itself a good friend to the populace but behind all their sermon, for all the words of their god or gods, they have fallen short in displaying friendship to the crown."
"And so you have decided to align yourself with a more 'meleable' religion is it?"
Though Rhaegar didn't like how his allience was worded, he answered still. "I see no reson why not. The gods of old Valyria are lost to us. Even the recent expedition in ruined lands has given us no insight about our past. It is about time House Targaryen find a new god."
"And what of our gods?"
"You misunderstand my lady. The Lord of Light is to be House Targaryen's faith, not the Seven Kingdoms."
Lyanna scoffed at his foolish reasoning and retorted. "And if the Faith of the Royal House demands the burning of Weirwood trees and statues of The Seven Who Are One? What then?"
Rhaegar paused, this caused the Starks to scowl at his action. Clearly the Prince has not thought things through. Rhaegar not really having any clear answer simply waved away their concerns. "Ragardless, my offer stands. What say you my lady?"
Lyanna looked at her brother. He was pensive, a good offer, after all to have a Stark as Queen would give a strong voice for the North. But...
"I would like to know why? Why do this my prince, knowing full well the negative impact such an action may bring?" Lyanna asked.
Rhaegar answered with truth. " *sigh*... The crown needs an Heir."
It baffled the Starks. "My prince, news had traveled far and wide regarding the birth of your s-"
"That is not my son." The Prince interrupted. "Elia was weak. She will die on her next childbirth. This were the words of the Grand Maester himself. Fearing my father's madness should it ever reached his ears that my queen could not produce an heir, we came up with a ruse."
He then looked to Lyanna. "That child is of Valyrian descent, yes. But it is not Targaryen."
" . . . ARE YOU MAD?!?" shouted Brandon as he stood. The knights then tensed at his actions. But none made a move. "You have created your own undoing! This could potentially become another Blackfyre Rebellion! Was the Hundreds of thousands of DEATH for the crown not enough for you to learn from This Mistake!!! How many blood must be spilled for your own foo-"
Lyanna then held her brothers arm and urged him to sit. "My sincerest apologies my prince. But as uncouth as my brothers words may have been, he isn't wrong your grace. This is just a war waiting to happen."
"What am I to do then? Let her die?"
"No, but you can keep her safe. Send her home, send her to Dorne."
Rhather than agree, Rhaegar simply shook his head. "I can't do that."
"Why not your grace?" she asked coldly having an idea.
Rhaegar refused to answer. How is he going to tell someone, anyone really that the Queen is a hostage. Minutes passed and still silence was all he could give. This did not bode well for the Starks. To Brandon most of all. Not liking how things are going, he decided to act on his impatience.
"I believe we are done here. Come Lyanna."
Again the prince didn't react. His head was still bowed. A solemn look about him. And it frightened her. 'What could possibly bring about such an emotion in between our conversation.'
Lyanna and Brandon walked through the same beaten walls of Harrenhal on their way out. Just as Brandon passed through the main doors of the worn castle. He was suddenly face to face with a red hodded woman.
Confused Brandon was just about to speak when he grunted in pain. Looking down he saw a dagger buried deep into his gut with the red hooded woman's fingers wrapped around it's handle.
He barely processed Lyanna's cry of panic when from behind the woman several armed men attacked his companions. Acting in pain, he grabbed his sword but was knocked then pinned down by three men before he could unsheath it.
His sister was being held by two others and his friends were held in sword point. Amidst his trashing he saw the prince walking on a brisk pace towards them. He called out for their aid but what occured next surprised him.
"What is the meaning of this!?" Rhaegar asked the woman.
"I did what I believed needed to be done."
"We have spoken of this. You and I pursue the same goal. But that doesn't mean you get to undermine my authority!"
"You speak as if I fall under your command, your grace. I do not. I serve the lord of light, no one else. Besides it was too late to begin with."
"No it wasn't! We still could have negotiated. They could have been convinced. If not them then their father. They could have been held as hostages! There was no need to resort to this!"
"Yes there is. I have seen it."
"Do enlighten me. Because as far as I could tell, you have simply ensured the destruction of my kingdom!"
"The Prince that was Promised, would have been lost to the void and this world along with it had they been given the chance to return under the safety of the two 'Anomalies'."
This gave Rhaegar pause. He stood there with a contemplative look on his face. While Brandon and the other's along with the Kingsguard around them to looked at the two with uncertainty. Soon Brandon's face twisted in rage but again ge was denied action as he was knocked out before he could. As his conciousness faded he could barely make up the last words that were spoken.
"The war begins. You must now secure your victory."
"By obtaining what you didn't have before. You start with the Lion."
Brandon then fell unconscious with the nothing but the muffled screams of his sister.
~~~ Line Break ~~~
The trip to the Riverlands is lively. Elesis has done her best to lift the mood around them. And with the gurgling, laughter and over all nearly limitless energy of her baby, everyone around was soon drawn in on the happy families atmosphere.
Ronan had tried to hide his worries but failed ultimately. He was too tense, always watching, his demeanor rediated distrust. It was intense enough that everyone felt it.
The men simply tried to understand his situation. They had known of the attempt towards his wife and child during their stay in the Eyrie and so they had associated his actions as a by-product of that certain event.
Elesis had drawn as much of his attention as she could towards both her and their child. Which had worked to ease the tension, albeit a little bit. Their journey was disturbed by a few set backs mainly due to bandits.
Elesis felt conflicted about the bandit's fate. She doesn't know whether she should be glad that there are those who could be used to take the full blunt of her husband's rage, to give him respite through their deaths. Or be angry at them for disturbing what peace she had tried to build around her.
In the end she settled for the former. It was cruel yes. But she couldn't say it wasn't justified, not since she had seen for herself their victims. And she could say for certain, this was indeed a cruel world. And so the poor bandit's were dealt with easily but painfully.
Even Eddard and Robert could only send each other both strained and understanding smiles as Ronan decimated one bandit after another.
Their retinue then arrived at the gates of Riverrun where they were welcomed by Brynden 'Black Fish' Tully. Here they were greeted with bread and salt. Once the ceremonies were done they were escorted by Brynden inside.
"Is my father yet to arrive Ser Tully?"
"Not yet Lord Stark. But our scouts had seen his party and ravens had also been received. He should be arriving in the morrow."
"Thank you Ser."
Blackfish nodded in acceptance. "If I may be so bold to ask. Where is Lord Brandon?"
"He unfortunately had other matters to attend to." Eddard replied defensively. It was a Royal summon. He is not exactly sure how much of it is he allowed to speak of.
They had then greeted Hoster Tully in his chambers. The bed ridden lord simply made the welcoming a simple affair. And after what they had gone through, it was a welcome to respite.
The night passed in silence. While many thought of peace and quiet. There are those who simply could not rest. Feeling dread upon them. No good man allowed themselves be parted from their swords that night.