
Traveling Across Realities

Not expecting a tragedy, Alex's happy life comes crashing down. Offered a new chance at life, he takes it with one goal in mind. To live the life that was taken too soon. His wish granted, under the promisse of his service to the gods. First world: GAME OF THRONES Second world: ****** *** **** ********* disclaimer: I own nothing :p

Exelia · Book&Literature
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38 Chs

Chapter 29: Death in the Crownlands - 1

Rickard gazed upon the wide and split river and the castle that sat upon it's divide with relief. His journey to the Riverlands had been delayed. He knew that it could cause some unsavory comments from Hoster Tully but he simply did not care. He was in a great mood and he would not allow anyone to ruin it.

The North is growing in a visible pace. It had only been months but the transformation of Winter Town. He could honestly say that the growth of the North, while alarming to many, was a nothing more than heart warming for him.

He had seen so many houses now built with both warmth and pride rather than simple rocks and wood put together. Houses have now gone through remodeling. Less of a sanctuary from the cold but more of a home. A place many northman could honestly say as their own.

It had started when they questioned the foreigners about their ridiculous spending habits. While coin is not the main concern of many men and women of the North, they would not deny that it certainly helped. And so many were surprised by the amount of coin put into something simply to make something more beautiful. Case in point, is the Glass Garden, Lord Sieghart had built for his wife.

At first the foreign worker himself was also surprised but that soon turned to a questioning look. He turns out to have been a former slave. One whos freedom had been recently earned.

Hearing about the deeds that Sieghart had done for their families and fellow slaves had spread through out the town in but mere moments.

During his time with House Sieghart, he himself had been flabbergasted as to why things are valued as they are. Even hearing the answer didn't really aliviate the growing question within him, but over time, it did.

"People didn't Want to survive, people wanted to Live."

Everyone was stumped. The answer was confusing for them. But the man was right. Over time, they had realized why.

The months passed in relative peace. There were a few 'bandits' that had tried to sneak in along with several saboteurs but they were easily captured, interrogated and then killed. But as their lives got better the people soon began to change.

A father who intially simply wanted to be able to feed them for the day and work for tomorrow had soon been able to save food for the weeks to come. Over time he decided to strive for more. He soon wanted to be able to provide for months, then years, from his children to his grand children. And so he worked harder than he initially did.

A mother who wanted nothing more than to make sure her children are cared for when they were home. Had been provided with the means to feed them for up to three times a day. Soon she wanted them to be fed with better food. To make them strong and healthy.

The parents who had wanted to make sure their children were safe and warm. Now with four solid walls and a roof along with warm waters and an abundance of food. Now wanted to make their lives comfortable. To have a home they would want to come home to.

They rebuilt their homes from wooden planks, stones and beams to solid walls that would not yield to the sharp winter winds. A larger fireplace for the family and even sweaters, jackets and winter coats and gloves for warmth were now sold to them at affordable prices.

Their stagnant lives that had been centered around survival is improving. And he couldn't be happier seeing it with his own eyes.

Now he is about to take the next step. He is no fool. The North is half the seven Kingdoms itself. By land or water. His House had been left to manage it with little interference due to the living situations of the lands of winter. But if that could be fixed, if people would stay in a kingdom filled with untapped resources. Land and water in abundance. And beliefs that stood against the near tyrannical beliefs of the Seven who are One. Then people would flock to the North and that rise in population must come from somewhere.

And so as the North gets stronger, the South grows weaker. And the Southern Lords would never let that happen. Simple minded, yes. But that's how most people are.

He needed allies and his sons and daughter are about to secure that for him. With the connections they were about to make with three great houses, he would have been able to secure the North from hostile interference. And even if they were more forceful, he would have had the means to defend his home.

Though saddened he was that his children's freedom were the cost. He was able to console himself that with this sacrifice, he ensures that his grandchildren will not have to go through the same thing.

Another thing that gave him comfort as of recently is Lyanna's acceptance of her betrothed. It eased his heart, knowing that she no longer hated him as she initially had.

The two had found common ground. And surprisingly their likes and dislikes mostly alligned. There were a things that the two had to address, mainly Robert's drinking habits but he isn't worried. He himself had the same drinking habits, one that can be addressed by either time or a strong woman. And his daughter, is indeed strong. He had received nothing but praise from Lord Arryn regarding his daughter's remarkable progress in her studies. Specially her prowess with the sword.

A woman besting knights in single combat. Done in official challenge to boot. He couldn't help but be proud of her.

Now it is his eldest's turn to step forward. And through him, House Stark may finally have what it has always craved. A prosperous North. As for Ned and Benjen, he just might be able to give them the chance to choose.

His thoughts were cut off as he reached the gates where he was greeted by Blackfish and at the doors of the keep is where he was greeted by his son Eddard, Robert and Ronan himself. He frowned not seeing his son and daughter.

"Greetings father. And welcome to Riverrun."

Rickard smiled and then tightly hugged his son. Surprising not only Eddard of his action but also the people present.

"It is good to see you as well son." The pride in his voice was evident for everyone to hear. Making Eddard smile genuinely.

After the pleasantries in between those present and his greetings with Hoster Tully in his bed chambers, Rickard decided to speak with his son regarding his most latest escapade.

"So tell me, how was your first taste of war?"

Eddard frowned at the question. "It was ...surprising."

"How so?"

"Well... the smell was surprising."

"Ah yes. Men tend to shit themselves when they die."

"I take it that is normal."

"Yes it is. What have you learned from it?"

"From the shit or from the war?"

"Hahahaha! Let's go with both if that is what you want."

Eddard smiled at their small banter.

"I learned a lot from that war father."

Eddard had then gone to elaborate at everything he had been through during their campaign against the Mountain Savages. He told him of the horrors they had seen. The bonds he had made. Their reasons, from both sides. From the most honorable to the depraved, from warriors to the savages, the desperate and those forced into their lot in life.

Rickard listened to his son and was glad at what he had heared. He had always hoped to give Eddard his own plot of land. Moat Caillin and Sea Dragon Point was his most preferable choices. But he had never voiced this to him. His son had shown the propensity to be a knight more so than a lord. He had been stoic and headstrong. Less of strong leader but more of a immovable pilar for his brother. It had always made him feel uncertain. Should he be proud or saddened that his son has chosen to be lesser for his brother.

But now speaking to him again after a bloody affair. He had grown greatly. From the boy who wanted to be able to serve, to a man who wanted to be able to lead. A maturity he didn't have before.

'My woes it seems, had passed. But if this is the man he had become after everything he had gone through then. It would all be worth it.'

"Though you bought about fear within me. A stunt I only thought possible because of your brother's recklessness. I am glad of the man you are becoming."

"War is a terrible thing my son. And now that you know it, you will finally understand why we hated those that bought it upon our doorstep."

"You're wrong father." Eddard said. His words simply made the Lord Paramount look questioning at him.

"War is neither terrible nor is it good. War is War. It is the people that defines it whether or not is it good or evil. We didn't fight to wipe out several clans of first men blood. We fought against their savage nature. Their immoral and inhuman actions against others simply because they believed it to be so. As they warred against us simply because they should."

The meaning is lost to Rickard. But he knew then and there that the words his son spoke were trying to reach him. But what it was, he just doesn't know yet. But he knew he will. The maturity in his son's words is something he liked to hear.

Rickard smiled and nodded not offering any response to Eddard but the young wolf didn't push. He knew it would have gone over his father's head but he also knew he would understand one day. 'WAR' will come, so long as men want it to. They should not fear war but the reason as why there is the first place. Ronan's voice echoed to his ears during the first days of the conflict.

'Peace had always been in our hands young wolf. And so it is up to us how or whether we should hold on to it or not.'

Eddard looked to the morning sky. Those words he still couldn't wrap himself around it. Ronan doesn't fear war. But how could a man hold peace if he doesn't avoid war. 'What are you trying to tell me.'

~~~ BREAK ~~~

Days passed in Riverrun and the atmosphere had changed drastically. Brandon and Lyanna had yet to join them. After the seventh day a raven had been sent to Harrenhal upon dawn and riders were sent out look for them if they were no longer there. But later that evening, they would receive news that would bring an end to the peace in their lives.

~~~ Break ~~~

Dorne, a kingdom that predates the Seven Kingdoms. Rich in history and steeped in culture. A desert kingdom. But despite the harshness of the landscape and the over all environment, the Dornish still found a way to prosper.

They had been the last of the kingdoms to fall under the authority of the Iron Throne. And also the most hated. For despite resisting the Dragons for so long, how they have achieved it had been one of great stain upon their honor.

To kill a King under the banner of peace.

The practice of 'Guest rights' is shared by countless kingdoms in both Westeros and Essos. For it to be openly violated is not just an insult to the violated party but to everyone that practice it. And to do that to a King no less insured that their honor is forever stained.

This led to Dorne being isolated by the rest of the Seven Kingdoms despite being a part of it. Add to that the fact that despite having a Martell Queen, have landed them no foothold in the political circles of the Crownlands. Whether it be the spite of the Lords or the lack of support from the crown prince himself, in the end it does not matter.

Doran could do nothing but seeth and glare at the letter upon his desk. In his solar the sounds of trashing, things breaking and angry shouts could be heared from his brother.

Oberyn had not taken the news they have just received lightly. And Doran has no intention of stopping him from feeling in such a way, when he himself is as enraged as his brother is.

Ellia and Rhaenys are now hostages. Cercei Lannister will be queen. Raise your banners for the crown prince commands it. Simple.

An insult. One of a scale he had not seen before nor heard before. He would have believed the letter a hoax had he not recognized the Crown Prince's own personal hand writing. But it is here, and it is real.

Doran couldn't help but think of several questions swimming through his mind. But it all boiled down to one simple phrase.

'What the fuck!?'

Oberyn himself is flabbergasted. The announcement came out of nowhere. And now they are at war. Oh he wanted to drive his spear in the Targaryen's gut, probably up his ass too but he couldn't. His sister and her sweet daughter are now held captive by two mad men. He simply doesn't know where to start.

Doran spoke as soon as he saw his brother stopped trashing the place. "You need to prepare Oberyn. I will send word to get her the men. You will bring them to uncle, who in turn will lead them to battle."

Oberyn in his enraged state was about to retort harshly but Doran elaborated further. "Uncle will be on the field. You... You will look for any opportunity to rescue our sister from the Red Keep."

Oberyn's expression showed determination. They both understood the risk but it was a necessary one. Oberyn nodded and then left off.


"My prince."

"You will escort my brother to the crown lands. Bring all of them home."

Hotah smashed his fist unto his chest and left.

Doran was making a gamble. Giving the Targaryen's another Martell prince and his most trusted guard. But he believe it necessary. There are no one else more trusted and as capable as the two of them. If anyone could save his sister and his niece. Then it would be them.

'Curse you Targaryen! Curse you and your name!'