
Chapter 6: Obligatory bandit raid

As the two were talking on the cart,

A clock ticks down until a bandit raid starts..

"Come out lets make this quick and clear,"

"We're bandits and we know you're gonna kill us right here!"

The bandits yell as the main character freezes up.

"Oh no some lamination and weak stuff!"

"Oh how weak am I!"

"Are we going to die?"

"Lets get this over with we know its a lie..."

The bandits pull out their blades to the sky,

Full of openings they fail to disguise...

"Oh no this is bad!"

"Time to unlock the newest powers I never knew i had!"

The main character makes a primordial roar,

The earth rumbles and waves crash at the shore.

"Something edgy,"

"Something mad!"

"Act like i'm in pain real bad!"

The main character stands up with a look on his face,

Scrunched up with indeed a lot of hate.

"You are all dead!"

"i'll have your heads!"

"Let your families starve and repent in your stead!"

Author: So the main character has powers now and isn't weak anymore... did i perhaps make it too quick?

Also author: No I think it was fine, I mean most main characters have a Power at the start anyways...

Author: That's true...

Philosopher: Sometimes I wonder though if it's moral to kill bandits like this indiscriminately, I mean most are just trying to feed their families in a corrupt world.

Authors (Singular): Nah our main character is cool and that's all we care about...

Everyone: ...

cloaked_poetcreators' thoughts