
Trapped in Time

What would happen if you got stuck in Time? Zia has completed her Ph.D. in Botany and has applied for the post of lecturer/ Professor. She joins a High school as a temporary teacher and is entrusted with the task of leading a group of ten students on a trekking /camping expedition. On the way they meet a guy who seems to be a trouble maker but later, he proves to be a pillar of strength. Early morning their camp is attacked by Bears and they flee taking a different route. But they are lost. They enter a lost world where people are living, in hiding, for over 250 years. Their technology is much advanced as compared to ours. Their world is called ‘Utopia’ but now it is changing due to an oppressive ruler, meaning the ills of our world have manifested in Utopia too. They are trapped in the time of this hidden world and want to help the people there fight against the oppressive ruler and his cronies. The oppressive ruler wants to make a number of Time Machines by using the brains of the scientists who died in harness at the site of the experiments. They all decide to help the good citizens of ‘Utopia’ the lost world. The huge brains are destroyed and the Orbs of the scientists escape from the huge pulsating Brain to help them in their mission of destroying the Huge brains at other centers. In this process, the crystals that are used in the hypnotizing guns are almost finished and to get more they split up to go to the 'Magical World' through a curtain which is actually a portal. The Magical World is a flat man made Earth-like satellite, which was made as a joke to taunt the scientists 7000 years ago, and which is still operational. Here they meet the inhabitants. They are fascinated with the advancement of science especially the talking chips and the flying cars. They see a completely different world where animals, plants, rocks, water etc. can talk. Before you touch anything you need to seek permission. They also meet the Aliens called the 'Crocodile Race' who have come to the Magical World (the flat satellite) to get supplies. They see a spaceship being guided to land by the scientists of the Magical World. They also see the inside of the mountain where the controls are situated which help in maintaining the environment of the Magical World. They get an invite from the Aliens to visit ‘Titan’ the satellite of Saturn where the Crocodile race has settled. At present they are on the mother Ship going to Titan. **************************** Will try to post a chapter in a week now.

RenuKakkar · Romance
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149 Chs

The Magical World

A voice booming from the sky welcomed them calling them Earthlings. The place was called the 'Magical World' and he hoped they all would enjoy their visit there.

"Mind it, this world is a peaceful world built by your ancestors a long time ago, say about 6000 -7000 years ago. The civilization, as you know it today, was a recent development. Since this world was built, two civilizations in your world were destroyed in two great nuclear battles."

"So, this world is not to be messed around with. Enjoy your stay here."

"If you need to ask questions then you may ask an elderly person you will meet in a little hut that is about 1 km away."

"I would suggest you ask him first before you touch or break anything." Saying this the voice ceased speaking.

"Wow, who was that?" Zoya thought out allowed. "The voice came from the sky, how can a voice come from the sky?"

"He is definitely not God," pondered Zen.

"He spoke from somewhere, maybe there is some sort of trick," Tina added.

"Yes, that could be the explanation," Nanu put in her thoughts.

"Guys, whatever or whosoever he is, we need to be careful," Danny said.

"He said this magical place was created by our ancestors hence it is definitely manmade. The voice is not Godlike. Maybe it will be of the Old man we need to talk to." That was the saner voice of Sherpa.

Cathy and Chris agreed with the words spoken by Sherpa.

"Sunny!, do you have something to say?" asked Shana.

"I find this entire world strange and I tell you there is something fishy."

I agree with you Sunny. Just see the sky?" said Ben.

It shows that there is something very fishy about this world. I mean, look at the gap in the sky, why is it there?"

"Is it to let in someone or something?"

"Then why is the sky in a dome shape like a flat plate having a curved lid like a top hat."

"Even I have had the same apprehensions," replied Zoya.

"We need to talk to that old man and also ask him about this place." Said Zen.

Zoya then got up addressed everyone and told them to be careful. Not to touch anything without permission.

"All those who want to talk to the old man, please come with me. The rest of you all can stay behind here on the grass."

No one wanted to stay there on the grass, so they all opted to go with the flow of meeting with the old man.

They all got up and thanked the grass for letting them rest. They started to walk towards the direction that had been indicated by that voice.

Soon they reached a small hut. In front of the hut sat an old man who was cleaning vegetables to be cut later for lunch.

They all went near him and greeted him. They wanted to talk to him to know more about this world.

The Old man was happy to see them. He had not seen any human being for a long time. He did not even remember when it was the last time he had met an Earthling. He had met all sorts of other people. Of Course, he had met the Orbs, they had come for the crystals to add to their machines. But he had mostly met lots of Aliens who came in their spaceships through the gap in the sky.

The Old man was really Old. He was wearing a white gown and had long curly hair as well as a long curly white beard. He seemed to have very kind eyes.

"Good morning Earthlings, I see this time children have come to meet me," he said with a smile.

"What makes you come here?"

"We have come for crystals to add in the hypnotizing machines. We do not require many crystals, only a few," replied Sherpa.

Ahh yes, a few months ago the Orbs, that are floating in the air behind you, had come for a few crystals. They used their minds to process them."

"No Earthlings have, however, come here. The last Earthlings to come here were way back about 4000 years ago. That time your 2nd civilization was undergoing a war."

"Now you have come. What year is it in your world?"

Zen replied, "Sir it is 2019."

"OK, so earthlings are visiting the planet they created after 4000 years," he added while touching his long white beard. "I suppose none of you or your parents or even grandparents have any idea about this Magical World that your ancestors had created?"

"No Sir, We are hearing this important news from you only," Ben replied. We did not know our great ancestors possessed such great knowledge to build a new world.

"Are you the only person here or are there many people here?" asked Danny. Then who was the person whose voice we heard booming from the sky?"

"There were many of us. We were also Earthlings but got amalgamated into this world and now half of those who came, their generations are here."

"We were the early settlers here to look after this Magical World. My great grand ancestors had come. We all sat here to advise visitors "

" Now, many Aliens visit this world of ours. We do not have weapons to ward off the evil Aliens."

" Since there is nothing on this world to hold their attention, the Aliens just visit, enjoy themselves and leave."

"The rock curtain that you came through is a 'portal' that is no longer in use by Earthlings as Earthlings have lost all memory of our existence."

"So, our generations are living here practically on our own, guarding this world to the best of our abilities."

"Sir, you have given us a lot of information about this place but what was that voice that boomed us welcome and told us to talk to you?" asked Nanu.

"That was a computer-generated voice. It used to come with an image, but there is a defect with the connections. We have not got down to fixing it." replied the old man.

"The main machinery is in that mountain you see behind me. This world looks big but it actually is not big."

Sorry for the late posting of this chapter. I am not keeping well these days and had visited the hospital and was advised tests. The tests are conducted at different places and I have been running around. A few more tests I need to get done before I see the doctors again to diagnose my problem and tell me what to do. Medicines, lifestyle changes etc.

I will try to be regular in posting chapters.

RenuKakkarcreators' thoughts