
Trapped in Time

What would happen if you got stuck in Time? Zia has completed her Ph.D. in Botany and has applied for the post of lecturer/ Professor. She joins a High school as a temporary teacher and is entrusted with the task of leading a group of ten students on a trekking /camping expedition. On the way they meet a guy who seems to be a trouble maker but later, he proves to be a pillar of strength. Early morning their camp is attacked by Bears and they flee taking a different route. But they are lost. They enter a lost world where people are living, in hiding, for over 250 years. Their technology is much advanced as compared to ours. Their world is called ‘Utopia’ but now it is changing due to an oppressive ruler, meaning the ills of our world have manifested in Utopia too. They are trapped in the time of this hidden world and want to help the people there fight against the oppressive ruler and his cronies. The oppressive ruler wants to make a number of Time Machines by using the brains of the scientists who died in harness at the site of the experiments. They all decide to help the good citizens of ‘Utopia’ the lost world. The huge brains are destroyed and the Orbs of the scientists escape from the huge pulsating Brain to help them in their mission of destroying the Huge brains at other centers. In this process, the crystals that are used in the hypnotizing guns are almost finished and to get more they split up to go to the 'Magical World' through a curtain which is actually a portal. The Magical World is a flat man made Earth-like satellite, which was made as a joke to taunt the scientists 7000 years ago, and which is still operational. Here they meet the inhabitants. They are fascinated with the advancement of science especially the talking chips and the flying cars. They see a completely different world where animals, plants, rocks, water etc. can talk. Before you touch anything you need to seek permission. They also meet the Aliens called the 'Crocodile Race' who have come to the Magical World (the flat satellite) to get supplies. They see a spaceship being guided to land by the scientists of the Magical World. They also see the inside of the mountain where the controls are situated which help in maintaining the environment of the Magical World. They get an invite from the Aliens to visit ‘Titan’ the satellite of Saturn where the Crocodile race has settled. At present they are on the mother Ship going to Titan. **************************** Will try to post a chapter in a week now.

RenuKakkar · Romance
Pas assez d’évaluations
149 Chs

Flashback Utopia ( Part 14)

The Administrator was furious and came here with his cronies. He looked for the scientist in charge of the experiment. The scientists thought that he wanted to discuss something. But the Administrator started to fire him left right and center that too in front of his subordinates. Then in a fit of anger, he caught the scientist in charge by his collar as his cronies held the scientist and pushed him into the energizing booth and pressed the button. The scientist disappeared but did not assemble in the other booth. The rest of the scientists were shocked and refused to work. They felt that if this was the fate of their head what would be their fate? Seeing their attitude, guards were called and the scientists were hauled up and taken to jail and imprisoned.

To avoid the blame, that he was responsible for this he put guards on the experiment cave and destroyed the direct tunnel to Town M.

Later, he sent a wrong report that the scientists had revolted and were refusing to do further research but were taking risks and had killed animals trying to send them into the future. They had also destroyed the direct tunnel to Town M from Town L. He refused the people of Town L to leave and imprisoned anyone who went against his orders. Many people did escape via the above-ground routes and settled in other towns. But he could not leave maybe due to the huge guilt factor. Someone reported to the Chief Administrator at Town M. He was confined to this Town under house arrest. His aides were also confined to their houses and guards were placed in front of all these persons. They were asked never to attempt to leave as the consequences would be severe. Their food and needs were met via special dispatches from Town M. To the rest of the Town, Town L was abandoned but there were some people living there.

The question now arose about the scientist who had been traumatized by being thrown in the Time Machine. What happened to him? The Orbs who were his colleagues could perhaps trace him. Mono asked the Orbs of his father and grandfather to ask the 25 Orbs released here, whether they knew about the whereabouts of his Orb.

The Orbs did not know about his whereabouts. However, just when the matter was being discussed, there was a flash of light and tiny light particles came together to form an Orb which was not white in color but seemed to be dirty white in color. Then the Orb spoke. Everyone was surprised as all the Orbs had been communicating telepathically, but how come this Orb was not white but off-white in colour and could speak?

The Orb was heard sobbing. When the sobbing subsided, the Orb started to speak and told them that he was Neil the Scientist was in charge of the Time Machine Experiment at Town L.

He also explained that the experiment had taken the lives of all of his colleagues due to the pushing attitude of the Administrator of Town L, who wanted the experiment to be successful without bothering about the welfare of the scientists concerned. The local Administrator did not want this experiment repeated in any other town.

He had created so much pressure that many of the scientists died of heart attack and other stress-related issues. After the death of each and every colleague, the brain was extracted and added to the huge brain. Th same fate awaited him if he had not been pushed into the energizing booth and the Administrator had not pressed the energizing button. The machine was faulty as the atoms could not reassemble properly and his body had disappeared into Neil atoms.

He further added that his daughter had been nearby when the administrator had stormed in with his helpers. He had asked her to hide in the tunnel on the opposite side of the tunnel that led to the town. The administrator did not like family members to ever come to the workplace of the scientists as he felt it was a waste of time and caused a distraction to the scientists who were supposed to work on the project.

She had been hiding in the tunnel and had heard and to some extent seen what happened to her father. Luckily, she did not scream otherwise she would have been caught and placed in prison.

He wife had died long back and she was an only child. Who would have looked after her? This made Neil come back as an Orb so that he would be there and his daughter who would not feel alone.

After his disappearance, the rest of the scientists refused to work. The administrator fabricated evidence and sent a communication to the Chief Administrator at Town M that the scientists had revolted and were not interested in doing any work that related to the experiment anymore. He even asked his men to blow up the tunnel connected to Town M. The tunnel collapsed. He put the entire blame on the scientists saying they were involved and arrested them.

However, many political persons and some people of the town escaped and complained to the Chief Administrator, that the local administrator was not good. They related how they were being harassed as well as the fact that he was the cause of the death of the scientist in charge of the experiment. He had also ensured that the tunnel connecting Town L to Town M was made to cave in. He blamed this as sabotage by the Scientists. Thus getting them arrested along with the people in the town who were sympathizing with them and imprisoned anyone who complained.

She sent a complaint to the Chief Administrator at Town M against this local Administrator. She described in detail all that had taken place. As a result of this complaint, the entire local Administrator team at Town L was placed under house arrest by the Chief Administrator and the experiment was stopped.

He told them that the name of his daughter was Lilly and that she had been waiting for Mono and the trekkers. He then called his daughter to come out and not be afraid. Surprisingly, she had not become a statue. How was this possible?

Out of the tunnel opposite to the tunnel which led to the Town, walked out a very tall pretty girl who was almost as tall as Mono. Lilly seemed to be about 7' in height whereas Mono was 7'7" in height.