
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantaisie
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33 Chs

Altair is looking for a way out of the Dimensional Rift...?

Altair who had begun to get used to his new routine began to make plans to find a way out of this Dimensional Rift, the new thing that Altair found was that in this Dimensional Rift there was an area for each monster. Altair, who had travelled a long distance, was now in the domain of Cyclops and Orcs, after observing them when they were active, although they occupied the same area, it seemed that they were not in a harmonious condition.

"Cyclops and Orcs, huh?..."

"This time the territory of the two monsters turned out to be "

"No wonder there were only Goblins before, it turns out that each of them has its own territory"

"I wonder what kind of crystal they dropped"

"Fortunately their resting pattern remains the same as the Goblins"


Now Altair could not only see the class of the monsters but also the skills they had after his Appraisal skill levelled up, with that Altair's hunting success rate increased greatly.

"Blacksmith class for the Cyclops while the Orcs nearby don't have any class?

"Regarding skills, the Cyclops has a high resistance to the fire element, while the Orc has the cannibalism skill"

"Hoo... so Orcs can heal their wounds faster if they eat each other"

Knowing the status of his enemy, Altair had thought of the most effective attack against the Cyclops and the Orc.

"Alright, let me get started"

"Fire Blast"


The Cyclops' scream as it was affected by the Fire Blast that Altair aimed at the fallen Orc without making the slightest sound.

"Hooo, it turns out that having a high resistance to Fire doesn't mean being completely immune."

"But I admit, their resistance to fire is not a figment of my imagination, usually every time I use Fire Blast, four or five Goblins can die at once."

"Well then, how about this..."

"Stone Bullet, Wind Blast"


The sound of the Cyclops when his body hits the ground.

"The crystal dropped by the Cyclops is black, while the Orc dropped a colourless crystal"

"I'll eat the crystal later, it's still too early, I still want to hunt the Cyclops and Orcs that I can find"


Seven days passed since Altair hunted the Cyclops and Orcs, Altair counted the days using the gap between the monsters' activities, Altair usually used magic to defeat the two monsters at the same time, but sometimes Altair also fought using the Skill Boost he had. After having a class as a Warrior, Altair's movements became better when he fought using weapons, not to mention the new Rogue class obtained by Altair after getting a lot kills without the enemy realizing it made him very comfortable and suitable when using the Dagger.

Spear that Altair had always used from the beginning could no longer be used because the durability of those weapon was not too strong, the spear had also begun to blunt making it difficult to use for fight.

Altair had also eaten all the crystals dropped by the Cyclops and Orcs, so far he had gained no new classes or skills, although Altair was aware that eating black crystals sometimes gave him new classes and skills but also sometimes gave him nothing at all, not to mention crystals that had no colour it certainly did not give him anything.

After passing through the territory of the Cyclops and Orcs, Altair now in the territory of the Dullahan and Goblins, as usual Altair who was always alert when meeting new enemies decided to learn the characteristics, skills and classes of his enemies first.

"It turns out that this time it's a combination of Dullahan and Goblin"

"Hmmm, Dullahan has a class as a Death Knight and has the skills Rise From The Dead and curse, while Goblins are just like the Goblins I have faced before, some without having classes and skills, but some have both."

"But this time the relationship between them is better than Cyclops and the Orcs, here it is clearer who commands and receives direction"

"Yep, it's time to start hunting"

"Fire Blast"

The reason why Altair often used the fire element as the opening attack was because the attack power generated from the fire element more deadly than the other elements he was currently mastering, as evidenced by the spell he had just used causing the five Goblins to explode and burn, even three of them no longer had complete limbs.

"With this, the five Goblins who were near Dullahan are eliminated"

"Ku ku ku ku"

The sound of Dullahan's laughter echoed when he saw Altair in the distance.

"Damn that laughing sound from Dullahan gives me goosebumps, the appearance alone scares me."

"Ku ku ku ku"

"Come on, stop scaring me, what's so funny about-"


Suddenly Altair was even more shocked by the situation he was facing, at this time the Goblin's body that should no longer be able to move, rose once again.

"The skill to rise from the dead was for your friend!"

"That Dullahan should have been my first target"

"Since it's not according to plan, I'd better run away."

As Altair was about to leave that place, his body suddenly felt heavy and difficult to move.

"Huh!?, what the hell is this, not letting me run?"

"Did I get Dullahan's Skill Curse?"

"It's a good thing I've mastered the advanced level of Heal, having repeatedly used it when fighting monsters at close range"


"With this, the curse given by Dullahan can be removed."

"Khiiikk,.. kiiik.., kiiik"

"Huh, they are scared? does the weakness of the skill to rise from the dead come from the light element?"

"Then change of plan, I'll fight those dead Goblins up close so I can enter the minimum range to cast Healing Spell on them"


With the addition of Skill Boost, Altair's body can move faster and stronger in terms of attack and defense, using the Dagger on his right hand and casting Spell Healing on his left hand.

"Stab", "Slash"

The sound of the Dagger that Altair used when cutting or piercing the body parts of the Goblins.









Altair continued to use Healing Spells on the Goblins until they could no longer rise, but the Dullahan did not just let the Goblin die, and he kept casting Curses from a distance on Altair but all of them Altair could overcome using Spell Clear.

"Next is your turn, headless!"

Hearing Altair's provocation, the Dullahan began to take Altair seriously."

"Hooo, it's like you're getting serious when I mock you, although I don't know if you understand what I'm saying or not."


The battle between Altair and Dullahan began with Altair approaching his enemy, there was an exchange of attacks between the Dagger used by Altair and the black Knight Sword used by Dullahan, but beyond Altair's expectations, it turned out that the enemy he was currently facing was much stronger than him, his wrists and other limbs had been slashed many times by the sword used by Dullahan in front of him.

"Ughhh, I guess I'm still not strong enough to deal with this Dullahan at close range, not to mention that every time there's a chance he gives me a Curse effect."

"If I don't have the Healing skill, and the effects of this Dimensional Rift might have me dead from the start. I might as well end it"

"Thank you for staying with me to practice :)"

After saying that sentence, Altair kept his distance so that he could cast an attack spell on the Dullahan in front of him.

"Fireball, Wind Blast, Stone Bullet"

As soon as Dullahan received all those attacks, he tried to get closer to Altair so that he could continue the fight at close range, but Altair did not let him, every time Altair finished launching an attack he would immediately use Boost to get away from the Dullahan.


"Fire Blast, Wind Cutter"


"Fir- Ah! Has it stopped moving yet?"

"Fireball, Wind Blast"

"There's nothing wrong to making sure he's dead, right?."
