
Trapped in the Dimensional Rift, I gained an abnormal skill

The plane Altair was riding in went into a free fall while he was on a holiday trip abroad, in that precarious situation he was faced with a choice that determined whether he could survive or not. Once Altair chooses one of the available options, now he must face a nightmare that he never imagined before, Altair must be able to survive in the Dimensional Rift where monsters roam and he must become stronger to get out of that cursed place and be able to start a new life in another world with all his heart. ..... Huh? It's not Earth...??? It's.....

LoveApple · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Altair exploring the Dimensional Rift...? (2)

Among the seven crystals Altair secured, there were two crystals that were different from the colour of the crystals Altair had found before, five of them were black while the rest were light green, because of this Altair also considered not consuming the crystals when the monsters were active.

The place where Altair hid did not guarantee his safety one hundred percent, Altair only relied on the gaps between large rocks as his emergency resting place, not forgetting that Altair would activate the Stealth skill every time he heard the sound of monsters in the area.

After spending a long time waiting in the rocky gaps and constantly utilizing Stealth, Altair finally no longer heard the sounds of monsters or the activities of monsters.

"I think it's a good time to start the day"

"Although the time period is not specified, there is a gap between the monsters being active and not"

"Before starting the hunt, I better consume this crystal chrysalis first, although the size is small if piled up a lot will certainly be enough to treat my hunger"




Altair consumed all seven crystals at once, still hoping that the effects of eating the crystals could be received all at once.

"The effect is starting to be felt--"



"This time even the burning in my body is not too severe"

"Is it all over?", I'd better check my current status right away."


Altair (17)

Race: Human?

Class: Mage, Thief, Priest


Appraisal [Basic]

Fire element [Basic]

Stealth [Basic]

Light element [Basic]


Wind element [Basic] (New)

"This time I only gained skills, without getting any classes, with the increase in elements that I can use, it means that my attack patterns will be more varied."

Not wanting to waste any more time, Altair continued his journey to find monsters that he could hunt, the way Altair hunted the monsters he encountered off guard could be fairly simple but very efficient, Altair approached the monsters using the Stealth skill then he would finish them off with the ultimate attack either using the spear which was his main weapon at this time or using the fire element (fireball), or the wind element (wind cutter).

However, sometimes Altair faces difficult situations where he has to fight more than two monsters at once. Just like Altair situation right now.

"Fire ball..."

"Agh damn it, one of those Goblins can use earth elemental spells, it just kept blocking the ranged attack I launched, while the other two Goblins are trying to get closer to me for battle."

"The Goblins using small knives are more agile but not a big problem, but those using axes are very efficient in movement and more difficult to avoid"

"At this rate, I'll have to try that method"

"The Goblins at the rear were only concerned with defending the Goblins fighting in front from the start, without casting any attack spells on me"

"I need to get to the root of this problem first, so I'll show you the results of my training along the way..."

"Fireball, wind cutter-"

Along the way and every time he faced the monsters that Altair encountered, he did not forget to continue practicing the skills he had so that they could be used for the battle that awaited him, Altair who continued to get new skills from the crystals he consumed would not waste that potential. The first time Altair tried to activate two different skills the results were always zero, as soon as Altair activated the second skill, all the skills he released immediately disappeared.

Even though Altair used the magic wand dropped by the Goblin Warlock before, the result was the same, even the magic wand had no effect at all, Altair gave up using the magic wand and returned to focusing on training using his own method, slowly but surely Altair managed to maintain the form of the two skills he released and could use it as a variation of his attack.


The fire ball released by Altair was just a distraction while the wind cutter was the main attack that Altair launched at the Goblin Mage behind.



The Goblin Mage screamed when the wind cutter hit his neck.

"Yey success!!!"

"My training is paying off"

"Oops, I almost forgot about the other Goblins, but what can they do now fighting without the protection of the earth spell from the previous Goblin?"

"Will they accept every spell I cast, we'll see..."


"Wind cutter-


"Fire- -

"Fire- -

Altair continued to cast his spells while keeping his distance from the two Goblins he was fighting, the two Goblins gradually slumped to the ground without the protection of the earth spell.

"Huftt, it's finally over"

"Time to wait for the item drop from these Goblins, oh yeah I have to secure the crystal from the Goblin that fell first..."

"Oh, are you still alive?, then bye bye"

"Wind cuter"

After Altair secured the three crystals, he now had a total of ten crystals, only one crystal that Altair had encountered had a new colour, seven had a black colour, two were red while the rest and the newest one were brown.

"I think this is enough for me to consume, bringing more would be troublesome"

Without further ado, Altair ate them all at once.




This time, although Altair began to feel the effects of eating the crystal, Altair did not panic like before, he just waited patiently until the effects began to fade.


"Once again, I didn't experience the worst effects of eating the crystal"

"Ah, let me check my status, I hope I get new skill or classes..."


Altair (17)

Race: Human?

Class: Mage, Thief, Priest, Warrior (New)


Appraisal [Basic]

Fire element [Basic]

Stealth [Basic]

Light element [Basic]


Wind element [Basic]

Multicasting (New)

Earth element [Basic] (New)

Boost (New)

"Uwaah!!! I got a new class and three skills at once?"

"Once again, I am amazed and surprised at how the crystal works, although I don't really care, as long as it makes me grow stronger, I will continue to eat the crystal crystals dropped by the monsters."

"Oh yeah, if I stack up a lot of crystals at once it can fill my empty stomach, hunting monsters in addition to becoming stronger is also at the same time looking for food."

"Hmmm, maybe it's time for me to find a safe place to hide before the monsters begin their activity

Altair sought refuge in a rock crack that may serve as his temporary resting place, when Altair arrived at a rock crack that he believed was safe, he had an idea that he had never thought of before..

"Earth Wall"


"Hohoho, with the wall blocking the entrance to this rock crack and the stealth skill, then I don't have to worry too much if I want to sleep."

"Good job Earth element ♡"
