
Trapped in a world of superheroes? (Ghost Rider X Avengers)

Portal. The bane of his existence. Now trapped in a world that is supposed to be a fiction for the rest of his life with a power that is out of this world, what shall Wilhelm do? One thing for sure, being a hero certainly did not cross his mind. It is a childish dream which is long gone. But being a teacher for future hero(es) does sound quite nice, if he is to admit. (FEM!Peter)

JustS_RandomWriter · Films
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12 Chs

Lovely Ms. Marvel

"So, you didn't either invent the A.I and the suit?"

"Nope." Wilhelm takes a sip from his cup of cold tea, lightly stirring his left arm, which has ice packs placed all over it. "Adam must have overexaggerated in order to reach you. I know my way around the tech and how to fix it... but that is just it. If anything, the credits belong to my friend instead. She was the one who created Adam and gifted him to me, and that suit as well."

Reed holds his chin and looks down, looking thoughtfully as Susan places a tray of cold cups of tea on the coffee table and sits next to him. At the bar counter nearby, Johnny is making drinks for both Ben and Ms. Marvel; all of whom are pleasantly conversing, catching up to the things that she misses during her short time outside of Earth.

"That sounds a bit disappointing. But I can understand where you come from. Sue here has to deal with spams everyday," Reed assures with a chuckle and wraps his arm around her shoulder, bringing the blonde-haired beauty closer to him. "It was not until Adam showed us his proofs and the things he could do, that we all agreed to meet you. Still, I was hoping we could ask you for some pointers in creating an advanced A.I like him, in exchange for a generous discount of the materials, or giving them away for free if needed."

"If it helps, I can let Adam assist you," Wilhelm offers, placing the cup down. "He knows a lot about making A.I. Just do promise me you are going to put a leash on your A.I. Rouge A.Is are not pleasant to deal with, I assure you."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thank you for the offer." Reed puts his arm down and leans forward, reaches out an arm to Wilhelm, as the latter returns the gesture and handshakes him. "That was very generous of you, Will. I'll make sure to compensate you for your and Adam's trouble. A shame, though. I was really looking forward to meeting the mind behind Adam and your suit."

"I do not think that is no longer... possible," Wilhelm says, as he leans into his sofa. "She is already, well, dead for years now."

"Oh, is that so? My condolences. I didn't know."

"It is fine. By the by—" Wilhelm glances at a certain heavily-secured room "—what is going to happen to that guy now? They are not going to let him go that easily, are they?"

"Victor? Sadly, it's out of our hands. Can't do anything about it." At the same time, Reed glances to the said room, frowning. "Still, when Ms. Marvel and you arrived, he started acting... strange. 'Doom is not stupid' was really out of his character, to be honest."

Or maybe the author did a terrible job representing this supposedly-menacing supervillain, and had a misunderstanding about his 3rd P.O.V uses? Either way, we do not talk about it.

"I have this certain feeling he was holding back...?" Wilhelm speculates, rubbing his chin.

"He was," Susan adds, confirming the suspicion.

"He was?"

"Victor was, without a doubt, toying with us, asserting his supremacy over the Fantastic Four. Typical of him," Reed says with a grin. "We got lucky. He didn't expect Ms. Marvel would be back so soon from her trip; and you. His ego mightn't take it well when his 'performance' got interrupted. It might explain the unusually uncharacteristic self."

"To be fair, I'd be pissed off if I saw a building heading my way," Ben chimes in, chuckling before he grumbles; his four big, rough fingers cannot appear to grab his cup of drink. Ms. Marvel, noticing the big man's struggle, helps him and places the cup on his palm, grinning. The man grins back and clinks his glass to hers appreciatively.

"You think he will be back?" Wilhelm asks, although he might already know the answer.

"For sure. If I were you, I would prepare and arm myself accordingly," Reed forewarns gravely, with his gaze slightly narrowing at Wilhelm. "I know you're strong, Will. You proved yourself out there... But I know Victor; and I know he can hold a grudge. Next time you and him meet, he won't make the same mistake underestimating you, or holding back."

"I understand." Wilhelm nods. "Unlike us, he can go all out all he wants. Should something happen, though, the Fantastic Four got my back, yes?"

Which Johnny immediately wraps his arm around Wilhelm's shoulder, carefully not touching his left shoulder, and grins ear to ear. "Of course we do. You helped us, now we help you back."

The smiles on the Fantastic Four's faces are more than enough for an answer.

"As long as you don't do anything questionable, we'll help," Reed affirms.

Questionable, huh? Oh, Reed does not know the plans Wilhelm has for those child kidnappers.

"That being said," Ben adds, slightly nudging Ms. Marvel, who raises a brow, "you're awfully quiet, you know?"

"Don't mind me." Ms. Marvel grins, waving her hand. "I'm only tagging along with you guys. Pretend I'm not here. Besides, it's not like I'll make any meaningful contribution to your meeting."

"Speaking of meeting," Wilhelm continues, "let us talk about the materials for Adam's core and my suit. From what Adam informed me, you have everything we need here."

"That we do," Susan confirms as she grabs the tablet on the coffee table. "If it's urgent, we can have somebody delivery them to your address right away. For the price, since you helped us, Reed and I agree you don't have to pay anything, even the shipping. Compensation for your troubles."

"How about me?" Ms. Marvel pouts. "Didn't I also help?"

"We're having pizza tonight. You can join us if you want."

"In that case, don't mind if I do~."

"Nah, nah, nah." Wilhelm cuts Susan off, smirking. "It is one thing I decided to help you. However, buying YOUR stuffs is a completely different matter. I will pay everything in their original prices."

"And we insist you receive them as our gift, our goodwill," Reed retorts, smiling.

Soon, the two men engage in a staring contest. Susan rolls her eyes, muttering something about men, while Johnny, looking at his new friend and Reed, back and forth, before he shrugs and flops down on the sofa next to Wilhelm and turns on the TV. Ben simply chuckles light-heartedly, as Ms. Marvel looks to the two in amusement.

Before long, Reed sighs and puts both his hands up in surrender. "All right, all right. You made your point. Although, we're still going to give you a discount, if that's okay with you."

"I never say no to a discount." A list comes up to Wilhelm's H.U.D, displaying the materials and the discounted prices. For a brief moment, his irises glow, catching Reed's and Susan's attention. "Right. That is everything we need. Give me a moment and your payment should be transferred... now."

A ding emits from Susan's tablet. "And the payment is received... Thank you for your business, Mr. Herrmann. Your order will be delivered shortly."

"My thanks. I will come to you again if we ever need anything else."

"I'm curious," Johnny suddenly says, tilting his head to Wilhelm. "I know what the A.I does. But the suit, what do you intend to do with it? It looks combat ready."

"Well, I simply want to fix the suit and reinforce Adam's core at first," Wilhelm replies nonchalantly. "But now that I painted myself a target on my back, I might as well heed Reed's advice and start to arm myself with proper means to fight the bastard."

"You didn't tell me what that was, by the way," Ben interjects, looking at Wilhelm.

"What're you talking about, Ben?" Reed wonders, grabbing the rest's attention.

"He was talking about this." Wilhelm raises his right arm, moving his fingers, as a dark layer of alloy starts covering the arm. "Nanomachines, my friends. They harden against physical trauma and give their user an edge in strength, speed, reflex, durability, so on."

At the sight, everybody around him cannot help but stare; even Ben, despite him already saw them in action earlier. Reed slightly leans forward, gaping at the nanites. Wilhelm dematerializes them and rests his arm on the sofa arm, and takes the ice packs off his left arm.

"Fascinating," Reed mutters in amazement. "Truly fascinating. Are they also...?"

"The same bright woman who made Adam and the suit? Yes." Wilhelm stands up from the sofa and puts his jacket back on. "A pleasure to meet all of you. I should be heading home. I will bring Adam over next time, when his core is ready."

Reed follows suit, rising to his feet and offering one more handshake, which Wilhelm accepts. "Thank you for helping us out there. Give us a call if you need any help in the future."

"I will. See you all later." Wilhelm looks to Ms. Marvel. "Beautiful."

The blonde-haired superheroine, in return, simply raises a brow and sips her drink nonchalantly. A nod to Susan and Ben, and a fist bump to Johnny—who gladly takes it with a grin—Wilhelm says his goodbye to everybody and politely declines Reed's offer to see him off. However, he suddenly halts in his track, surprising the Fantastic Four and Ms. Marvel.

From their point of views, Wilhelm just stares at the window for a moment, prompting them to look to where he is looking; Ms. Marvel has a hidden smirk on her face, knowing what is happening. The man looks back, his gaze lands on the TV and a certain movie with one certain red-and-blue themed alien robot taking on his enemies, to which he smiles before heading to the elevator.

"Well, that was odd," Johnny comments and looks to Ben, who shrugs. "I wonder what got into him? But he is a cool guy. I like him. And his suit looks sick, though."

"Nanomachines. That explains the strength," Ben muses.

"Will does remind me of someone," Ms. Marvel notes thoughtfully. "Especially his... eyes."

"Who?" Ben cannot help but wonder.

She simply smiles knowingly. "Nick Fury."

The elevator dings. Wilhelm steps out and heads to the building's front door, occasionally receiving stares from other tenants living in the lower levels. Which he greets all back with a nod and a casual smile. Although, he stops himself and turns to the back door; the reporters are still there.

"S.H.I.E.L.D do not give up, do they?" Wilhelm remarks to himself while making his way through the back garden and approaching the back parking lot. His VMAX rumbles, announces its presence and rides itself to him. He makes a call to Adam. "Adam, you there?"

"I'm here, sir," Adam answers. "I just confirmed our order is on its way."

"It should be there the moment I am home." Wilhelm gets on the bike and starts riding off. "By the by, we are going to give you an upgrade once we fix the suit, old friend."

"An upgrade? What's in your mind?"

"Ever heard of a franchise called 'Transformers'?"

"...Sir, they're going to sue us to the ground."

Wilhelm smirks; his inner 8-year-old is giggling. "They will not. We will design in our own way."

There is a sigh on the other side. "Why do I have such a bad feeling about this...?"


Agent Romanoff puts on a deadpanned face. She is compromised, again. Why does this feel so deja-vu all of a sudden? Oh, right. Last night, the Ghost, and aphrodisiac.

Wait, how come she is here to track this newly-emerged 'hero' instead of her initial target, the Ghost, again? S.H.I.E.L.D's order, of course. Another person to be kept tabs on. Sure, he might make one hell of an introduction to himself with the Fantastic Four, but a person's agendas change all the time. Today he is a hero, but tomorrow he might want to destroy the world.

Her boss does not like variables and unpredictability, not at all in this line of work.

Though, to be fair, she, and her boss, knows this man right there is none other than the Ghost. Other than the bike's model is suspiciously akin to the demon speed she saw last night. An emergence out of the blue of a being who took down Abomination with his stare solely and a creature of Hell which could have destroyed Lower Manhattan with its flames alone. Now the appearance of someone who threw a building—she remembers dropping her jaw at the sight—at Dr. Doom and helped the brilliant Fantastic Four defeating him.

And the blur thing, which is similar to the man who was supposedly killed by the Abomination?

Coincidence? Unlikely. Then again, this man she is trying to track being the Ghost is an assumption, and it will remain so until there is any concrete evidence.

Although, that evidence might take a while, because she can hear Nick Fury cursing about not being able to track him. CCTV, phone signal, satellites, nothing works on him. Hell, she even tried to snap a photo, the camera is not connected to anything, and it still came out blurred.

Maybe calling him The Ghost is fitting after all. God, she really hates her job sometimes.


"Welcome home, Will."

Seeing Calida wait at the front door and greet him upon his return comes to Wilhelm as a surprise, but it is a pleasant one. The girl, who has now reverted her hair back to its fiery red and her alluring eyes to their amethyst-purple, wags her scaled tail upon receiving a headpat from Wilhelm whilst he closes the door. The tufts of her coming from the side of her head, which are shaped like dog's ears—are those new?—flaps up and down delightedly. Her face expression can use more work, though.

Now that he starts to notice, Calida does appear similar to a... puppy, in several ways.

Which is fine by him. Still, cuteness is a dangerous weapon in the wrong hands.

"Well, are you not an adorable one?" Wilhelm smiles fondly. "Oh, what is this?"

Calida raises both arms up, looking at Wilhelm expectedly. He promptly chuckles lightly, and picks her up by her armpits. This time, instead of a shoulder ride, he carries the girl on his left arm whilst she leans and rests her head on his chest, wagging her tail; a small smile on her face.

That old Calida soul within her must be craving for affection, which he gladly gives it to the girl.

Passing the racks of antique weapons, the duo ascends the stairs and reaches the first floor, where he and Calida spots plenty of dishes on the dining table, ready to be dined at any moment. At the same time, Adam is in the living room, checking the contents of several opened boxes. The order arrived here sooner than he expected.

Hearing familiar footsteps, Adam turns his attention to the two, smiles. "Welcome home, sir. And I see you and Ms. Calida have grown closer in quite a short time."

"What can I say?" Wilhelm grins. "I always have a soft spot for children, except little annoying shits whose parents do not care how they act. Besides, who could say no to this kind of face? Anyhow, is that everything we need?"

"We can get started this evening, sir. After dinner, of course."

"Can I watch you?" Calida inquires, tilting her head cutely and curiously.

"Sure. Why not?"

The dinner is finished soon after, with both him and Calida enjoying their meal whilst watching the news from Adam's laptop. Someone videoed him and sent it to the news station, along several more photos; although his face in all of them is blurred mercilessly. Adam, meanwhile, takes the liberty to reinforce his core at the table first, which is quick work thanks to the quality of the materials.

The hard part is the armored suit. It is a miracle it is still operating, despite everything. Thus, Adam and Wilhelm get to work after taking care of the plates, stripping down the armored plates before all remains is the frame, the life of the suit. As Adam and Will work on the suit, Calida sits nearby and watches the entire process intently, occasionally handing Wilhelm the needed tools for certain parts and receiving headpats as a result; he can never get enough of the tail wagging. The damage is more than what Wilhelm anticipated; the good news is it will take them only two days to fix everything.

Wilhelm grunts as he stands up and stretches his back, sighing contentedly.

"I am going to need some air," he informs, eliciting a nod from Adam and Calida.

Wilhelm heads downstairs and enters the backyard, where he takes in his breath deeply. The moon is already up, illuminating in the dim and cloudy sky. Taking a seat on the bench, he glances at the grave, closing his eyes while resting his elbows on his thighs, slightly leaning forward.

"Never knew Ms. Marvel would go and stalk this little old me."

The said superheroine floats into his view and plops down on the bench, sitting next to him. "How... did you know it was me?" Wilhelm points to his nose. "...Oh. Nanomachines?"

"Nanomachines." Wilhelm confirms, grinning. "So, how can I help you?"

"What? I can't visit my friend?" Ms. Marvel asks with a sly smile, crossing her legs and slightly leaning towards Wilhelm. He raises a brow, prompting her to roll her eyes. "Ben told me about your, ahem, condition. Said you were drugged with aphrodisiac, and you need to get laid."

"That is true—"

"Then... you gotta take responsibility~." Ms. Marvel slowly moves her fingers across Wilhelm's chest while she straddles on his lap. Her breaths grow heavier. She wets her lips as she stares at him straight in his eyes. "I started feeling hot down there when I was on you, so do something about it..."


"S-Slow down~! Too rough... rough—Ah~! Y-You're stretching me~!"

Ms. Marvel holds back a gasp, as she climaxes for the third time. Wilhelm grabs her hips and thrusts his manhood deeper inside her from behind, the tip of his cock pressing against the entrance of her womb. Her knees slightly give in, trembling in delight, with her hands on the bench. Wilhelm snakes his hand across her toned belly, moving up to her huge, shapely breasts and kneading them, rolling the rock-hard nipples between fingers. He leans forward, pressing his lips against hers; their tongues start wrestling, exchanging the lewd tastes of their saliva.

"You are so t-tight." Wilhelm grunts, breathing as he moves his lips back, before he reignites the kiss deeply, moving his tongue into her mouth; pleasure slowly building up. Seeing the perfectly-shaped large ass bounces with each thrust, he spanks her, making her tighten her wet walls further.

Before long, he slams deeply into her, her cunt eats up the entire length of his cock, as he releases a thick load of hot semen into her womb. Ms. Marvel trembles, moaning as his warmth envelopes her, his cock gradually filling her up inside. Pleasure travelling down her spines.

Yet, instead of going soft, Wilhelm gets harder, even bigger, eliciting a startled gasp from Ms. Marvel. He grabs her, turning and laying the superheroine's back on the bench, her legs folding back to her shoulders. Positioning himself, with his cock is still inside her vaginal, he slowly pulls it out. Her walls grip the length of the shaft. But before he pulls his cock completely out, he slams it back inside all of a sudden, mercilessly pounding her like a horn-dog.

Wilhelm and Ms. Marvel wrestle their tongues once more. He lovingly bites her lips, tasting a small hint of strawberry. She breaths into his skin, as he kisses her neck, tasting her sweet sweats, enjoying the way her arms holding him and her legs locking him, as though never wanting to let him go.

Her fingernails dig into his back, as she starts biting his shoulder, groaning, feeling Wilhelm's cock, gripping him tighter and tighter whilst he speeds up.

Ms. Marvel arches her head backward, failing to hold her cry as Wilhelm bites her big nipples, and starts sucking her. She unleashes her love nectar, providing more lubes to her tight wall. The thrusting and wet sound becomes more evident, as flesh repeatedly slapping against flesh.

"I-I want it!" Ms. Marvel cries. "I don't care if I get p-pregnant with your kid! Give me your seed! I-I am cumming again, Will!"

As though some sort of electricity goes through him, Wilhelm grunts and slams into her in one loud smack, the base of his cock touching the entrance of her vaginal. The thrusts slow down, yet each of them gets more forceful, sending waves of blissful pleasure to Ms. Marvel.

"Then get impregnated! Carry my children!"

With the entire weight of his body, Wilhelm pins Ms. Marvel down, paints her womb with his seeds, all the while giving her the deepest kiss to muffle her cry of pure joy. Semen begins to envelop both her womb and his cock, overflowing and dripping off her vaginal.

For a moment, the two stay in their positions, catching their breaths. Soon, Ms. Marvel smiles, letting Wilhelm kisses her on her lips again.

"We're going to do it on your bed next time, big guy..." she coos, beaming seductively.

"Yeah." He breathes out, chuckling. "The bench is going to break if we keep going."

Sharing each other a smile, Wilhelm and Ms. Marvel lay down next to each other on the bench. As he holds her, she rests her head on his arm. For a moment, however, she only stares at him intently, then pokes at his cheek, getting his attention.


"You look distracted." She pouts lightly. "Was having sex with me that unfulfilling?"

"No. I enjoyed it." Wilhelm kisses her forehead. "It is just... there is something else on my mind. But I think everything is going to be all right now."

"...Is it related to those cute crosses on the garden? You've been looking at them for a while now."

"Yes. You can say that."

"What are they?"

"A... grave, of sort."

Ms. Marvel raises a brow slyly. "I didn't know you're into that, Will. What a bad boy~."

"Nah. I cannot think of any place we can make love without going inside the house, but still nearby it. The backyard is the first that came to my mind. And they will not mind it... much, I hope?"

"Yep. We're fucking our brains out in a proper bedroom next time."

"We are."

Shortly, Ms. Marvel hops to her feet, fixing her leotard and wiping away some semen. With her big ass in front of his face, Wilhelm follows suit and gropes the juicy and round flesh, causing her to let out a low moan, whilst glaring softly at him. Though, she soon melts into the kiss, holding his hand; both her still rock-hard nipples visibly protruding through the fabric.

"You are going so soon?" he wonders.

"I have to get home too, big guy." Ms. Marvel giggles. "It's been a few weeks since I was away. It is going to gather more dusts if I'm not gonna clean it soon."

"I see." Wilhelm nods. "Before you go, may I know the woman whom I made love to?"

"You already know me. I'm Ms. Marvel—"

"Not the superheroine who saves the day. The woman behind the mask."

Ms. Marvel looks at Wilhelm for a moment, although pondering her options. Soon, she takes off her domino mask, revealing a pair of captivating blue eyes. She smiles fondly.

"Hi, Will. When I'm not Ms. Marvel, I'm known as Carol Danvers. Nice to meet you."

In response, Wilhelm places a hand on Carol's cheek, caresses her, as she presses her cheek into his warm palm, melting in his touch. "You are a beautiful woman, Carol."

"H-Hey, Will," Carol says, seemingly uncertain. "I-If I happen to get knocked up, will you..."

"I hope she is going to be a beautiful daughter like her mother."

Carol blushes as she sees his soft smile, prompting her to give him a quick peck on his lips. "J-Just... don't forget me when you knock up other girls, all right? And if you ever need me, just ask for Susan for my number. See you, big guy. And good night~."


Two days later, Bronx in the night is quiet. But its residents are another story. With the recent cases of child kidnapping, people start growing weary, fearing their children might become the next target while restlessly sleeping through the night, hoping for the best to come. The police, as much as they want to help and catch the culprits, are chasing a ghost.

Wilhelm, cladding in his now-fixed armored suit, cracks his neck and begins going over the system, and its features once more. His Beretta holstered on the outside the waistband holster that is attached to the back of the belt. His combat knife strapped to the front. Standing on the roof, he quickly scans the streets, before armored plates emerge from the nape of the neck of the armor and start enveloping his head seamlessly, securing in their places.

A pair of blue eyes glow softly in the dark, and the entire armor blends into the background.

Tonight, the hunt for sinners is on.


Chapter 7 done!

See you in chapter 8 soon :D

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